Family: Theraphosidae Thorell, 1869 []
Gen. Chaetopelma Ausserer, 1871 []
type Chaetopelma aegyptiacum Ausserer, 1871; gender neuter; syn. of Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841)
N.B.: considered a senior synonym of Cratorrhagus Simon, 1891f: 330 [] by Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 35; not a senior synonym of Encyocratella Strand, 1907 (Gallon, 2005a: 46, contra Raven, 1985a: 149) or of Avicuscodra Strand, 1908 (Gallon, 2008: 243, contra Raven, 1985a: 149.
Transferred to other genera:
Chaetopelma adenense Simon, 1890 -- see Ischnocolus
Chaetopelma arabicum (Strand, 1908) -- see Avicularia
Chaetopelma gardineri Hirst, 1911 -- see Nesiergus
Chaetopelma longipes L. Koch, 1875 -- see Holothele
Chaetopelma olivaceum (Strand, 1907) -- see Encyocratella
Chaetopelma strandi Schmidt, 1991 -- see Encyocratella
Chaetopelma adenense Simon, 1890 -- see Ischnocolus
Chaetopelma arabicum (Strand, 1908) -- see Avicularia
Chaetopelma gardineri Hirst, 1911 -- see Nesiergus
Chaetopelma longipes L. Koch, 1875 -- see Holothele
Chaetopelma olivaceum (Strand, 1907) -- see Encyocratella
Chaetopelma strandi Schmidt, 1991 -- see Encyocratella
In synonymy:
Chaetopelma aegyptiacum Ausserer, 1871 = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Vollmer, 1997: 5, sub C. gracile).
Chaetopelma anatolicum Schmidt & Smith, 1995 = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Schmidt, 2005b: 13, sub C. gracile).
Chaetopelma gracile (Ausserer, 1871) = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36).
Chaetopelma jerusalemensis (Smith, 1990, T from Ischnocolus) = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36).
Chaetopelma shabati Hassan, 1950 = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36).
Chaetopelma syriacum (Ausserer, 1871, T from Ischnocolus) = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36).
Chaetopelma tetramerum (Simon, 1873) = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36).
Chaetopelma aegyptiacum Ausserer, 1871 = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Vollmer, 1997: 5, sub C. gracile).
Chaetopelma anatolicum Schmidt & Smith, 1995 = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Schmidt, 2005b: 13, sub C. gracile).
Chaetopelma gracile (Ausserer, 1871) = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36).
Chaetopelma jerusalemensis (Smith, 1990, T from Ischnocolus) = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36).
Chaetopelma shabati Hassan, 1950 = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36).
Chaetopelma syriacum (Ausserer, 1871, T from Ischnocolus) = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36).
Chaetopelma tetramerum (Simon, 1873) = Chaetopelma olivaceum (C. L. Koch, 1841) (Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36).
Chaetopelma altugkadirorum
Gallon, Gabriel & Tansley, 2012 |
| Turkey, Syria

Chaetopelma altugkadirorum Gallon, Gabriel & Tansley, 2012: 130, f. 1-5, pl. 1b-9a (Dmf).
Chaetopelma altugkadirorum Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 275, f. 3D-F, 4B (mf).
Chaetopelma altugkadirorum Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 275, f. 3D-F, 4B (mf).
Chaetopelma concolor
(Simon, 1873) |
| Turkey, Syria, Israel, Egypt

Nemesia concolor Simon, 1873a: 31 (Dm; not f, =C. olivaceum).
Cratorrhagus concolor Simon, 1891f: 330.
Cratorrhagus concolor Simon, 1903a: 926, f. 1073-1076 (m).
Cratorrhagus concolor Schmidt, 1986: 40, f. 3-6 (m).
Cratorrhagus concolor Smith, 1990c: 116, f. 702-705 (m).
Cratorrhagus concolor Schmidt, 1993d: 56, f. 20-23 (m).
Cratorrhagus concolor Schmidt, 2003l: 108, f. 34-37 (m).
Chaetopelma concolor Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 41, f. 19-25 (m, Df).
Chaetopelma concolor Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 275, f. 3M–O, 4D-F, 6E (mf).
Cratorrhagus concolor Simon, 1891f: 330.
Cratorrhagus concolor Simon, 1903a: 926, f. 1073-1076 (m).
Cratorrhagus concolor Schmidt, 1986: 40, f. 3-6 (m).
Cratorrhagus concolor Smith, 1990c: 116, f. 702-705 (m).
Cratorrhagus concolor Schmidt, 1993d: 56, f. 20-23 (m).
Cratorrhagus concolor Schmidt, 2003l: 108, f. 34-37 (m).
Chaetopelma concolor Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 41, f. 19-25 (m, Df).
Chaetopelma concolor Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 275, f. 3M–O, 4D-F, 6E (mf).
Chaetopelma karlamani
Vollmer, 1997 |
| Cyprus

Chaetopelma karlamani Vollmer, 1997: 5, f. 3-13 (Dmf).
Chaetopelma karlamani Peters, 1998: 24, f. 3-13 (mf, reprint of above).
Chaetopelma karlamani Peters, 2000a: 87, f. 281-282 (mf).
Chaetopelma karlamani Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 39, f. 11-18 (mf).
Chaetopelma karlamani Le Peru, 2011: 105, f. 99 (mf).
Chaetopelma karlamani Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 275, f. 3A-C, 4C (mf).
Chaetopelma karlamani Peters, 1998: 24, f. 3-13 (mf, reprint of above).
Chaetopelma karlamani Peters, 2000a: 87, f. 281-282 (mf).
Chaetopelma karlamani Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 39, f. 11-18 (mf).
Chaetopelma karlamani Le Peru, 2011: 105, f. 99 (mf).
Chaetopelma karlamani Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 275, f. 3A-C, 4C (mf).
Chaetopelma lymberakisi
Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019 |
| Greece (Crete)

Chaetopelma lymberakisi Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 279, f. 3G-I, 5A-D, 6A,D,G-H, 7A-D (Dmf).
Chaetopelma olivaceum
(C. L. Koch, 1841) *
| Cyprus, Turkey, Sudan, Egypt, Middle East

Mygale olivacea C. L. Koch, 1841a: vol. 9: 34, pl. 298, f. 712 (Df).
Ischnocolus gracilis Ausserer, 1871a: 187 (Dj) [].
Ischnocolus syriacus Ausserer, 1871a: 189 (Df) [].
Chaetopelma aegyptiaca Ausserer, 1871a: 191 (Dmf) [].
Avicularia tetramera Simon, 1873a: 17 (Df) [].
Avicularia striatocauda Simon, 1873a: 19 (Dmf).
Nemesia concolor Simon, 1873a: 31 (f, misidentified).
Ischnocolus striatocauda Ausserer, 1875: 173.
Cratorrhagus tetramera Simon, 1892a: 137.
Chaetopelma olivaceum Simon, 1892a: 140, f. 124.
Chaetopelma olivaceum Strand, 1907l: 21 (Dmf).
Cratorrhagus tetramerus Reimoser, 1919: 8.
Chaetopelma aegyptiaca Gerhardt, 1921: 245, pl. 1, f. 4 (m).
Chaetopelma shabati Hassan, 1950: 163, f. 1-10 (Dmf) [].
Chaetopelma olivaceum Denis, 1955a: 438, f. I.A-C (m).
Cratorrhagus tetrameris Bonnet, 1956: 1247.
Chaetopelma olivaceum Schmidt, 1986: 43, f. 25 (m).
Ischnocolus gracilis Smith, 1986b: 88, f. 58h (m).
Ischnocolus gracilis Smith, 1987d: 88, f. 58h (m).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Smith, 1989a: 13, unnumbered f. (f).
Chaetopelma adenense Smith, 1990c: 109, f. 601-616 (m, misidentified).
Chaetopelma aegyptiacum Smith, 1990c: 110, f. 617-631 (m).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Smith, 1990c: 113, f. 652-668 (mf).
Chaetopelma shabati Smith, 1990c: 114, f. 669-685 (mf).
Ischnocolus gracilis Smith, 1990c: 127, f. 787-802 (Df).
Ischnocolus jerusalemensis Smith, 1990c: 130, f. 830-846 (Df) [].
Chaetopelma aegyptiacum Smith, 1991c: 74, f. 2-16 (m).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Smith, 1991c: 75, f. 17-33 (mf).
Chaetopelma shabati Smith, 1991c: 75, f. 34-50 (mf).
Chaetopelma aegyptiacum Schmidt, 1993d: 56, f. 17 (m).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Schmidt, 1993d: 56, f. 18-19 (mf).
Ischnocolus gracilis Schmidt, 1993d: 57, f. 30 (f).
Chaetopelma anatolicum Schmidt & Smith, 1995: 1, f. 1-9 (Dmf) [].
Chaetopelma gracile Vollmer, 1997: 5, f. 1-2 (mf, T from Ischnocolus, S of Chaetopelma aegyptiacum).
Chaetopelma gracile Peters, 1998: 20, f. 48, 50 (mf).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Peters, 1998: 31, f. 62, 64 (mf).
Chaetopelma shabati Peters, 1998: 31, f. 67-68 (mf).
Chaetopelma gracile Peters, 2000a: 86, f. 287 (f).
Chaetopelma gracile Schmidt, 2003l: 107, f. 29-31 (mf).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Schmidt, 2003l: 107, f. 32-33 (mf).
Chaetopelma gracile Schmidt, 2005b: 13, 10 f. (mf, S of Chaetopelma anatolicum).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36, f. 1-10 (mf, S of Chaetopelma gracile, C. shabati, C. tetramerum, Ischnocolus jerusalemensis and I. syriacus).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Le Peru, 2011: 105, f. 100 (mf).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 275, f. 3J-L, 4A, 6B-C (mf).
Ischnocolus gracilis Ausserer, 1871a: 187 (Dj) [].
Ischnocolus syriacus Ausserer, 1871a: 189 (Df) [].
Chaetopelma aegyptiaca Ausserer, 1871a: 191 (Dmf) [].
Avicularia tetramera Simon, 1873a: 17 (Df) [].
Avicularia striatocauda Simon, 1873a: 19 (Dmf).
Nemesia concolor Simon, 1873a: 31 (f, misidentified).
Ischnocolus striatocauda Ausserer, 1875: 173.
Cratorrhagus tetramera Simon, 1892a: 137.
Chaetopelma olivaceum Simon, 1892a: 140, f. 124.
Chaetopelma olivaceum Strand, 1907l: 21 (Dmf).
Cratorrhagus tetramerus Reimoser, 1919: 8.
Chaetopelma aegyptiaca Gerhardt, 1921: 245, pl. 1, f. 4 (m).
Chaetopelma shabati Hassan, 1950: 163, f. 1-10 (Dmf) [].
Chaetopelma olivaceum Denis, 1955a: 438, f. I.A-C (m).
Cratorrhagus tetrameris Bonnet, 1956: 1247.
Chaetopelma olivaceum Schmidt, 1986: 43, f. 25 (m).
Ischnocolus gracilis Smith, 1986b: 88, f. 58h (m).
Ischnocolus gracilis Smith, 1987d: 88, f. 58h (m).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Smith, 1989a: 13, unnumbered f. (f).
Chaetopelma adenense Smith, 1990c: 109, f. 601-616 (m, misidentified).
Chaetopelma aegyptiacum Smith, 1990c: 110, f. 617-631 (m).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Smith, 1990c: 113, f. 652-668 (mf).
Chaetopelma shabati Smith, 1990c: 114, f. 669-685 (mf).
Ischnocolus gracilis Smith, 1990c: 127, f. 787-802 (Df).
Ischnocolus jerusalemensis Smith, 1990c: 130, f. 830-846 (Df) [].
Chaetopelma aegyptiacum Smith, 1991c: 74, f. 2-16 (m).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Smith, 1991c: 75, f. 17-33 (mf).
Chaetopelma shabati Smith, 1991c: 75, f. 34-50 (mf).
Chaetopelma aegyptiacum Schmidt, 1993d: 56, f. 17 (m).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Schmidt, 1993d: 56, f. 18-19 (mf).
Ischnocolus gracilis Schmidt, 1993d: 57, f. 30 (f).
Chaetopelma anatolicum Schmidt & Smith, 1995: 1, f. 1-9 (Dmf) [].
Chaetopelma gracile Vollmer, 1997: 5, f. 1-2 (mf, T from Ischnocolus, S of Chaetopelma aegyptiacum).
Chaetopelma gracile Peters, 1998: 20, f. 48, 50 (mf).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Peters, 1998: 31, f. 62, 64 (mf).
Chaetopelma shabati Peters, 1998: 31, f. 67-68 (mf).
Chaetopelma gracile Peters, 2000a: 86, f. 287 (f).
Chaetopelma gracile Schmidt, 2003l: 107, f. 29-31 (mf).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Schmidt, 2003l: 107, f. 32-33 (mf).
Chaetopelma gracile Schmidt, 2005b: 13, 10 f. (mf, S of Chaetopelma anatolicum).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Guadanucci & Gallon, 2008: 36, f. 1-10 (mf, S of Chaetopelma gracile, C. shabati, C. tetramerum, Ischnocolus jerusalemensis and I. syriacus).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Le Peru, 2011: 105, f. 100 (mf).
Chaetopelma olivaceum Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 275, f. 3J-L, 4A, 6B-C (mf).
Chaetopelma persianum
Zamani & West, 2023 |
| Iran

Chaetopelma persianum Zamani & West, 2023: 77, f. 1A-E, 2A-B, 3A-C (Df).
Chaetopelma turkesi
Topçu & Demircan, 2014 |
| Turkey

Chaetopelma turkesi Topçu & Demircan, 2014: 267, f. 1A-E, 2F-K (Dmf).
Chaetopelma turkesi Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 275, f. 6F (m).
Chaetopelma turkesi Chatzaki & Komnenov, 2019: 275, f. 6F (m).
Chaetopelma webborum
Smith, 1990 |
| Cameroon

Chaetopelma webbi Smith, 1990c: 115, f. 686-701 (Df; N.B.: patronym for Ann and Frank Webb).
Chaetopelma webborum Peters, 1998: 33, f. 73 (f).
Chaetopelma webborum Peters, 1998: 33, f. 73 (f).