Family: Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859 []
Gen. Diplostyla Emerton, 1882 []
type Linyphia concolor Wider, 1834; gender feminine
N.B.: considered the earliest name available to replace Stylophora Menge, 1866: 128 [] (type Linyphia concolor Wider, 1834; see Merrett, 1963b: 465), preoccupied in Anthozoa by Schweigger, 1819 and in Diptera by Robineau-Desvoidy, 1830; placed as a subgenus of Bathyphantes Menge, 1866 by Ivie, 1969: 60, but regarded as a separate genus by later authors.
Transferred to other genera:
Diplostyla approximata (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) -- see Bathyphantes
Diplostyla blattifera (Urquhart, 1886) -- see Laperousea
Diplostyla colletti (Strand, 1899) -- see Kaestneria
Diplostyla dorsalis (Wider, 1834) -- see Kaestneria
Diplostyla flavipes (Blackwall, 1854) -- see Tenuiphantes
Diplostyla inornata Emerton, 1917 -- see Bathyphantes
Diplostyla nigrina (Westring, 1851) -- see Bathyphantes
Diplostyla pullata (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) -- see Kaestneria
Diplostyla approximata (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) -- see Bathyphantes
Diplostyla blattifera (Urquhart, 1886) -- see Laperousea
Diplostyla colletti (Strand, 1899) -- see Kaestneria
Diplostyla dorsalis (Wider, 1834) -- see Kaestneria
Diplostyla flavipes (Blackwall, 1854) -- see Tenuiphantes
Diplostyla inornata Emerton, 1917 -- see Bathyphantes
Diplostyla nigrina (Westring, 1851) -- see Bathyphantes
Diplostyla pullata (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) -- see Kaestneria
Diplostyla concolor
(Wider, 1834) *
| North America, Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to Far East), Iran, Korea. Introduced to St. Helena

Linyphia concolor Wider, 1834: 261, pl. 18, f. 3 (Dm).
Theridion filipes Blackwall, 1836: 484 (Dmf).
Linyphia concolor Westring, 1861: 134 (Df).
Theridion filipes Blackwall, 1864a: 206, pl. 14, f. 136 (mf).
Stylophora concolor Menge, 1866: 128, pl. 24, f. 51 (mf).
Stylophora albo-maculata Menge, 1866: 130, pl. 24, f. 52 (Dmf).
Micryphantes grandimanus Ohlert, 1867: 77 (Dmf).
Linyphia concolor Thorell, 1870a: 70.
Diplostyla concolor Emerton, 1882: 66, pl. 20, f. 3 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Simon, 1884a: 336, f. 105-106 (mf).
Linyphia concolor Keyserling, 1886b: 81, pl. 13, f. 177 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Simon, 1894a: 688, f. 776 (m).
Bathyphantes concolor Becker, 1896: 52, pl. 7, f. 3 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Bösenberg, 1901: 84, pl. 7, f. 25 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Smith, 1901b: 196, p. 109: f. d-e (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Emerton, 1902: 147, f. 351-353 (mf).
Stylophora concolor Simon, 1929: 640, 746.
Bathyphantes concolor Comstock, 1940: 393, f. 389a-b (f).
Bathyphantes concolor Kaston, 1948: 131, f. 288-291 (mf, T from Stylophora = Diplostyla).
Bathyphantes concolor Locket & Millidge, 1953: 364, f. 218B, 220C-D (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Wiehle, 1956: 263, f. 436-439 (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Merrett, 1963b: 381, f. 37A-C (m).
Bathyphantes (Diplostyla) concolor Ivie, 1969: 61, f. 105-108 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Tystshenko, 1971: 227, f. 724 (f).
Diplostyla concolor Miller, 1971: 216, pl. XLI, f. 25-26 (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Palmgren, 1975: 75, f. 16.5-7 (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Millidge, 1977: 48, f. 182 (m).
Diplostyla concolor Roberts, 1987: 140, f. 71c (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Tanasevitch, 1990: 86, f. 14.15-17 (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 146, f. 404 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 135, f. 1476-1479 (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Danişman & Cosar, 2013: 569, f. 2A-E (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Seo, 2018: 266, f. 5S-T, 12A-E (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Breitling et al., 2020: 42, f. 4 (m).
Theridion filipes Blackwall, 1836: 484 (Dmf).
Linyphia concolor Westring, 1861: 134 (Df).
Theridion filipes Blackwall, 1864a: 206, pl. 14, f. 136 (mf).
Stylophora concolor Menge, 1866: 128, pl. 24, f. 51 (mf).
Stylophora albo-maculata Menge, 1866: 130, pl. 24, f. 52 (Dmf).
Micryphantes grandimanus Ohlert, 1867: 77 (Dmf).
Linyphia concolor Thorell, 1870a: 70.
Diplostyla concolor Emerton, 1882: 66, pl. 20, f. 3 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Simon, 1884a: 336, f. 105-106 (mf).
Linyphia concolor Keyserling, 1886b: 81, pl. 13, f. 177 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Simon, 1894a: 688, f. 776 (m).
Bathyphantes concolor Becker, 1896: 52, pl. 7, f. 3 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Bösenberg, 1901: 84, pl. 7, f. 25 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Smith, 1901b: 196, p. 109: f. d-e (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Emerton, 1902: 147, f. 351-353 (mf).
Stylophora concolor Simon, 1929: 640, 746.
Bathyphantes concolor Comstock, 1940: 393, f. 389a-b (f).
Bathyphantes concolor Kaston, 1948: 131, f. 288-291 (mf, T from Stylophora = Diplostyla).
Bathyphantes concolor Locket & Millidge, 1953: 364, f. 218B, 220C-D (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Wiehle, 1956: 263, f. 436-439 (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Merrett, 1963b: 381, f. 37A-C (m).
Bathyphantes (Diplostyla) concolor Ivie, 1969: 61, f. 105-108 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Tystshenko, 1971: 227, f. 724 (f).
Diplostyla concolor Miller, 1971: 216, pl. XLI, f. 25-26 (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Palmgren, 1975: 75, f. 16.5-7 (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Millidge, 1977: 48, f. 182 (m).
Diplostyla concolor Roberts, 1987: 140, f. 71c (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Tanasevitch, 1990: 86, f. 14.15-17 (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 146, f. 404 (mf).
Bathyphantes concolor Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 135, f. 1476-1479 (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Danişman & Cosar, 2013: 569, f. 2A-E (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Seo, 2018: 266, f. 5S-T, 12A-E (mf).
Diplostyla concolor Breitling et al., 2020: 42, f. 4 (m).