Family: Linyphiidae Blackwall, 1859 []
In synonymy:
Bathyphantoides Kaston, 1948 = Bathyphantes Menge, 1866 (Hackman, 1954: 13)
Magniphantes Ivie, 1969 = Bathyphantes Menge, 1866 (Ivie, 1969: 54, described as subgenus)
Oreodia Hull, 1950 = Bathyphantes Menge, 1866 (Millidge & Locket, 1952: 71)
Weyerphantes Ivie, 1969 = Bathyphantes Menge, 1866 (Ivie, 1969: 52, described as subgenus)
Bathyphantoides Kaston, 1948 = Bathyphantes Menge, 1866 (Hackman, 1954: 13)
Magniphantes Ivie, 1969 = Bathyphantes Menge, 1866 (Ivie, 1969: 54, described as subgenus)
Oreodia Hull, 1950 = Bathyphantes Menge, 1866 (Millidge & Locket, 1952: 71)
Weyerphantes Ivie, 1969 = Bathyphantes Menge, 1866 (Ivie, 1969: 52, described as subgenus)
Gen. Bathyphantes Menge, 1866 []
type Bathyphantes longipes Menge, 1866; gender masculine; syn. of Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841)
N.B.: considered a senior synonym of Oreodia Hull, 1950: 420 [] (type O. minutula Hull, 1950 = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841)) by Millidge & Locket, 1952: 71 and of Bathyphantoides Kaston, 1948: 133 [] (type Diplostyla brevis Emerton, 1911) by Hackman, 1954: 13; Ivie (1969) distinguished six subgenera, Bathyphantes, Weyerphantes Ivie, 1969: 52 [] (type Linyphia weyeri Emerton, 1875), Magniphantes Ivie, 1969: 54 [] (type Linyphia approximata O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871), Coniphantes Ivie, 1969: 56 [] (type Linyphia pullata O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863), Diplostyla Emerton, 1882 and Kaestneria Wiehle, 1956, of which Diplostyla and Kaestneria (including the type species of Coniphantes) were accepted as genera by later authors.
Transferred to other genera:
Bathyphantes anceps Kulczyński, 1885 -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes angulatus Emerton, 1882 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes aokii Saito, 1982 -- see Microbathyphantes
Bathyphantes arcticus (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Lepthyphantes
Bathyphantes arcticus Strand, 1901 -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes bermudensis Strand, 1906 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes blattifer (Urquhart, 1886) -- see Laperousea
Bathyphantes charpentieri Lebert, 1877 -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes concolor (Wider, 1834) -- see Diplostyla
Bathyphantes convexus (Westring, 1851) -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes decoratus Banks, 1892 -- see Tenuiphantes
Bathyphantes dentichelis Chamberlin, 1925 -- see Anibontes
Bathyphantes dipetalus Chen & Yin, 2000 -- see Microbathyphantes
Bathyphantes dorsalis (Wider, 1834) -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes erythroides Chamberlin, 1924 -- see Tutaibo
Bathyphantes explicatus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1911 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes extricatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876) -- see Sengletus
Bathyphantes fillmoranus Chamberlin, 1919 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes floridanus Banks, 1896 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes formica Emerton, 1882 -- see Tennesseellum
Bathyphantes fucatus Kulczyński, 1885 -- see Parawubanoides
Bathyphantes gracilis (Westring, 1851) -- see Poeciloneta
Bathyphantes guanshan Irfan, Wang & Zhang, 2022 -- see Wuliphantes
Bathyphantes hebescens (L. Koch, 1879) -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes hermani Tullgren, 1901 -- see Neomaso
Bathyphantes inermis Menge, 1866 -- see Macrargus
Bathyphantes inornatus Banks, 1892 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes intricatus Emerton, 1911 -- see Lepthyphantes
Bathyphantes japonicus Oi, 1979 -- see Bathylinyphia
Bathyphantes kashmiricus Caporiacco, 1935 -- see Neriene
Bathyphantes kisoensis (Oi, 1960) -- see Microbathyphantes
Bathyphantes kraepelini Simon, 1905 -- see Metaleptyphantes
Bathyphantes kuratai Chamberlin & Ivie, 1947 -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes leucophthalmus Fage, 1946 -- see Cresmatoneta
Bathyphantes longissimus Zhu & Wen, 1983 -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes maculatus Banks, 1900 -- see Lepthyphantes
Bathyphantes maderianus Schenkel, 1938 -- see Turinyphia
Bathyphantes magnificus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1943 -- see Pacifiphantes
Bathyphantes major Kulczyński, 1885 -- see Bathylinyphia
Bathyphantes micaria Emerton, 1882 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes oceaniae Berland, 1938 -- see Laetesia
Bathyphantes officiosus Barrows, 1940 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes ohlerti Simon, 1884 -- see Macrargus
Bathyphantes pacificus Banks, 1905 -- see Linyphantes
Bathyphantes pallescens Banks, 1910 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes pallidulus Banks, 1904 -- see Oaphantes
Bathyphantes parvus Banks, 1896 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes patagonicus Tullgren, 1901 -- see Rhabdogyna
Bathyphantes peramoenus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) -- see Laetesia
Bathyphantes phylax Chamberlin, 1920 -- see Helophora
Bathyphantes plagiatus Banks, 1929 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes pullatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes pusiolus (Fickert, 1875) -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes quindecimpunctatus (Urquhart, 1893) -- see Laperousea
Bathyphantes rufulus Hackman, 1954 -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes sanus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898 -- see Sthelota
Bathyphantes schumaginensis (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes semicinctus Banks, 1914 -- see Coleosoma
Bathyphantes setipalpus Menge, 1866 -- see Centromerus
Bathyphantes spatulifer Chamberlin, 1928 -- see Lepthyphantes
Bathyphantes spedani Locket, 1968 -- see Microbathyphantes
Bathyphantes strandi Charitonov, 1928 -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes tateyamaensis (Oi, 1960) -- see Microbathyphantes
Bathyphantes tongluensis Chen & Song, 1988 -- see Wuliphantes
Bathyphantes torrentus (Kulczyński, 1881) -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes tragicus Banks, 1898 -- see Linyphantes
Bathyphantes transversus Banks, 1898 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes tristis Banks, 1892 -- see Mermessus
Bathyphantes umbratilis (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Lepthyphantes
Bathyphantes unimaculatus Banks, 1892 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes wana Chamberlin, 1925 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes weburdi (Urquhart, 1889) -- see Laetesia
Bathyphantes zonarius (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes zygius (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes anceps Kulczyński, 1885 -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes angulatus Emerton, 1882 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes aokii Saito, 1982 -- see Microbathyphantes
Bathyphantes arcticus (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Lepthyphantes
Bathyphantes arcticus Strand, 1901 -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes bermudensis Strand, 1906 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes blattifer (Urquhart, 1886) -- see Laperousea
Bathyphantes charpentieri Lebert, 1877 -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes concolor (Wider, 1834) -- see Diplostyla
Bathyphantes convexus (Westring, 1851) -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes decoratus Banks, 1892 -- see Tenuiphantes
Bathyphantes dentichelis Chamberlin, 1925 -- see Anibontes
Bathyphantes dipetalus Chen & Yin, 2000 -- see Microbathyphantes
Bathyphantes dorsalis (Wider, 1834) -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes erythroides Chamberlin, 1924 -- see Tutaibo
Bathyphantes explicatus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1911 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes extricatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1876) -- see Sengletus
Bathyphantes fillmoranus Chamberlin, 1919 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes floridanus Banks, 1896 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes formica Emerton, 1882 -- see Tennesseellum
Bathyphantes fucatus Kulczyński, 1885 -- see Parawubanoides
Bathyphantes gracilis (Westring, 1851) -- see Poeciloneta
Bathyphantes guanshan Irfan, Wang & Zhang, 2022 -- see Wuliphantes
Bathyphantes hebescens (L. Koch, 1879) -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes hermani Tullgren, 1901 -- see Neomaso
Bathyphantes inermis Menge, 1866 -- see Macrargus
Bathyphantes inornatus Banks, 1892 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes intricatus Emerton, 1911 -- see Lepthyphantes
Bathyphantes japonicus Oi, 1979 -- see Bathylinyphia
Bathyphantes kashmiricus Caporiacco, 1935 -- see Neriene
Bathyphantes kisoensis (Oi, 1960) -- see Microbathyphantes
Bathyphantes kraepelini Simon, 1905 -- see Metaleptyphantes
Bathyphantes kuratai Chamberlin & Ivie, 1947 -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes leucophthalmus Fage, 1946 -- see Cresmatoneta
Bathyphantes longissimus Zhu & Wen, 1983 -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes maculatus Banks, 1900 -- see Lepthyphantes
Bathyphantes maderianus Schenkel, 1938 -- see Turinyphia
Bathyphantes magnificus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1943 -- see Pacifiphantes
Bathyphantes major Kulczyński, 1885 -- see Bathylinyphia
Bathyphantes micaria Emerton, 1882 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes oceaniae Berland, 1938 -- see Laetesia
Bathyphantes officiosus Barrows, 1940 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes ohlerti Simon, 1884 -- see Macrargus
Bathyphantes pacificus Banks, 1905 -- see Linyphantes
Bathyphantes pallescens Banks, 1910 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes pallidulus Banks, 1904 -- see Oaphantes
Bathyphantes parvus Banks, 1896 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes patagonicus Tullgren, 1901 -- see Rhabdogyna
Bathyphantes peramoenus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879) -- see Laetesia
Bathyphantes phylax Chamberlin, 1920 -- see Helophora
Bathyphantes plagiatus Banks, 1929 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes pullatus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1863) -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes pusiolus (Fickert, 1875) -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes quindecimpunctatus (Urquhart, 1893) -- see Laperousea
Bathyphantes rufulus Hackman, 1954 -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes sanus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898 -- see Sthelota
Bathyphantes schumaginensis (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes semicinctus Banks, 1914 -- see Coleosoma
Bathyphantes setipalpus Menge, 1866 -- see Centromerus
Bathyphantes spatulifer Chamberlin, 1928 -- see Lepthyphantes
Bathyphantes spedani Locket, 1968 -- see Microbathyphantes
Bathyphantes strandi Charitonov, 1928 -- see Porrhomma
Bathyphantes tateyamaensis (Oi, 1960) -- see Microbathyphantes
Bathyphantes tongluensis Chen & Song, 1988 -- see Wuliphantes
Bathyphantes torrentus (Kulczyński, 1881) -- see Kaestneria
Bathyphantes tragicus Banks, 1898 -- see Linyphantes
Bathyphantes transversus Banks, 1898 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes tristis Banks, 1892 -- see Mermessus
Bathyphantes umbratilis (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Lepthyphantes
Bathyphantes unimaculatus Banks, 1892 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes wana Chamberlin, 1925 -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes weburdi (Urquhart, 1889) -- see Laetesia
Bathyphantes zonarius (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Agyneta
Bathyphantes zygius (Keyserling, 1886) -- see Agyneta
In synonymy:
Bathyphantes banksi Petrunkevitch, 1911 = Bathyphantes pallidus (Banks, 1892) (Kaston, 1948: 131).
Bathyphantes biscapus Kulczyński, 1926 = Bathyphantes humilis (L. Koch, 1879) (Holm, 1973: 90).
Bathyphantes burgundicus Simon, 1884 = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Bösenberg, 1901: 86).
Bathyphantes circumspectus (Blackwall, 1854, T from Linyphia) = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Simon, 1884a: 345).
Bathyphantes crosbyi (Emerton, 1919) = Bathyphantes reprobus (Kulczyński, 1916) (Marusik et al., 1993a: 68).
Bathyphantes emertoni Roewer, 1942 = Bathyphantes eumenis (L. Koch, 1879) (Ivie, 1969: 26, sub Bathyphantes simillimus).
Bathyphantes eumenoides Holm, 1967 = Bathyphantes eumenis (L. Koch, 1879) (Marusik et al., 1993a: 68, sub Bathyphantes simillimus).
Bathyphantes haniensis Zhu, Wen & Sun, 1986 = Bathyphantes eumenis (L. Koch, 1879) (Eskov, 1992a: 53).
Bathyphantes holnacus Miller, 1937 = Bathyphantes setiger F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 (Miller, 1939: 320).
Bathyphantes hubbsi Chamberlin & Ivie, 1943 = Bathyphantes diasosnemis Fage, 1929 (Ivie, 1969: 47).
Bathyphantes hyperboreus Holm, 1945 = Bathyphantes setiger F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 (Holm, 1950: 135).
Bathyphantes inornatus (Emerton, 1917) = Bathyphantes eumenis (L. Koch, 1879) (Ivie, 1969: 26, sub Bathyphantes simillimus).
Bathyphantes josephus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1947 = Bathyphantes canadensis (Emerton, 1882) (Ivie, 1969: 21).
Bathyphantes longipes Menge, 1866 = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Simon, 1929: 747).
Bathyphantes minutulus (Hull, 1950) = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Millidge & Locket, 1952: 71).
Bathyphantes norvegicus Strand, 1901 = Bathyphantes similis Kulczyński, 1894 (Holm, 1987: 163).
Bathyphantes orientis Oi, 1960 = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Marusik et al., 1993b: 74).
Bathyphantes pullus (Blackwall, 1853) = Bathyphantes nigrinus (Westring, 1851) (Thorell, 1870a: 69, sub Linyphia).
Bathyphantes pusio Kulczyński, 1926 = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Marusik et al., 1993b: 74).
Bathyphantes rupestris Holm, 1948 = Bathyphantes reprobus (Kulczyński, 1916) (Eskov, 1985: 122).
Bathyphantes similior (L. Koch, 1879, T from Linyphia) = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Holm, 1973: 90).
Bathyphantes simillimus (L. Koch, 1879) = Bathyphantes eumenis (L. Koch, 1879) (Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131).
Bathyphantes spretus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1906 = Bathyphantes setiger F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 (Locket & Millidge, 1953: 369).
Bathyphantes terricola (C. L. Koch, 1845, T from Linyphia) = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Simon, 1929: 747).
Bathyphantes valentinae (Charitonov, 1935, T from Lepthyphantes) = Bathyphantes setiger F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 (Tanasevitch & Eskov, 1987: 185).
Bathyphantes vilis (Thorell, 1875, T from Linyphia) = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Simon, 1929: 747).
Bathyphantes banksi Petrunkevitch, 1911 = Bathyphantes pallidus (Banks, 1892) (Kaston, 1948: 131).
Bathyphantes biscapus Kulczyński, 1926 = Bathyphantes humilis (L. Koch, 1879) (Holm, 1973: 90).
Bathyphantes burgundicus Simon, 1884 = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Bösenberg, 1901: 86).
Bathyphantes circumspectus (Blackwall, 1854, T from Linyphia) = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Simon, 1884a: 345).
Bathyphantes crosbyi (Emerton, 1919) = Bathyphantes reprobus (Kulczyński, 1916) (Marusik et al., 1993a: 68).
Bathyphantes emertoni Roewer, 1942 = Bathyphantes eumenis (L. Koch, 1879) (Ivie, 1969: 26, sub Bathyphantes simillimus).
Bathyphantes eumenoides Holm, 1967 = Bathyphantes eumenis (L. Koch, 1879) (Marusik et al., 1993a: 68, sub Bathyphantes simillimus).
Bathyphantes haniensis Zhu, Wen & Sun, 1986 = Bathyphantes eumenis (L. Koch, 1879) (Eskov, 1992a: 53).
Bathyphantes holnacus Miller, 1937 = Bathyphantes setiger F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 (Miller, 1939: 320).
Bathyphantes hubbsi Chamberlin & Ivie, 1943 = Bathyphantes diasosnemis Fage, 1929 (Ivie, 1969: 47).
Bathyphantes hyperboreus Holm, 1945 = Bathyphantes setiger F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 (Holm, 1950: 135).
Bathyphantes inornatus (Emerton, 1917) = Bathyphantes eumenis (L. Koch, 1879) (Ivie, 1969: 26, sub Bathyphantes simillimus).
Bathyphantes josephus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1947 = Bathyphantes canadensis (Emerton, 1882) (Ivie, 1969: 21).
Bathyphantes longipes Menge, 1866 = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Simon, 1929: 747).
Bathyphantes minutulus (Hull, 1950) = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Millidge & Locket, 1952: 71).
Bathyphantes norvegicus Strand, 1901 = Bathyphantes similis Kulczyński, 1894 (Holm, 1987: 163).
Bathyphantes orientis Oi, 1960 = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Marusik et al., 1993b: 74).
Bathyphantes pullus (Blackwall, 1853) = Bathyphantes nigrinus (Westring, 1851) (Thorell, 1870a: 69, sub Linyphia).
Bathyphantes pusio Kulczyński, 1926 = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Marusik et al., 1993b: 74).
Bathyphantes rupestris Holm, 1948 = Bathyphantes reprobus (Kulczyński, 1916) (Eskov, 1985: 122).
Bathyphantes similior (L. Koch, 1879, T from Linyphia) = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Holm, 1973: 90).
Bathyphantes simillimus (L. Koch, 1879) = Bathyphantes eumenis (L. Koch, 1879) (Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131).
Bathyphantes spretus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1906 = Bathyphantes setiger F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 (Locket & Millidge, 1953: 369).
Bathyphantes terricola (C. L. Koch, 1845, T from Linyphia) = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Simon, 1929: 747).
Bathyphantes valentinae (Charitonov, 1935, T from Lepthyphantes) = Bathyphantes setiger F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 (Tanasevitch & Eskov, 1987: 185).
Bathyphantes vilis (Thorell, 1875, T from Linyphia) = Bathyphantes gracilis (Blackwall, 1841) (Simon, 1929: 747).
Nomina dubia:
Bathyphantes enslini Strand, 1910a: 48 (j, Germany) -- Breitling et al., 2015: 69.
Bathyphantes gracilis Lebert, 1877: 161 (m, Switzerland) -- Lessert, 1910b: 597.
Bathyphantes meadei (Blackwall, 1853: 17, mf, Britain, originally in Linyphia) -- Bristowe, 1941: 521.
Bathyphantes enslini Strand, 1910a: 48 (j, Germany) -- Breitling et al., 2015: 69.
Bathyphantes gracilis Lebert, 1877: 161 (m, Switzerland) -- Lessert, 1910b: 597.
Bathyphantes meadei (Blackwall, 1853: 17, mf, Britain, originally in Linyphia) -- Bristowe, 1941: 521.
Bathyphantes alameda
Ivie, 1969 |
| Canada, USA

Bathyphantes alameda Ivie, 1969: 43, f. 72-77 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes alascensis
(Banks, 1900) |
| Canada, USA

Lepthyphantes alascensis Banks, 1900b: 481, pl. 29, f. 6 (Df).
Bathyphantes alascensis Ivie, 1969: 49, f. 82-85 (Dm, f, T from Lepthyphantes).
Bathyphantes alascensis Ivie, 1969: 49, f. 82-85 (Dm, f, T from Lepthyphantes).
Bathyphantes alboventris
(Banks, 1892) |
| Canada, USA

Diplostyla alboventris Banks, 1892a: 43, pl. 5, f. 31 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes alboventris Petrunkevitch, 1911: 216.
Diplostyla alboventris Banks, 1916: 76, pl. 11, f. 21 (m).
Bathyphantes alboventris Levi & Field, 1954: 444, f. 13-14, 19 (mf).
Bathyphantes albiventris Ivie, 1969: 18, f. 11-14 (mf).
Bathyphantes albiventris Kaston, 1977: 21, f. 13-14 (mf).
Bathyphantes alboventris Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 134, f. 1460-1463 (mf).
Bathyphantes alboventris Petrunkevitch, 1911: 216.
Diplostyla alboventris Banks, 1916: 76, pl. 11, f. 21 (m).
Bathyphantes alboventris Levi & Field, 1954: 444, f. 13-14, 19 (mf).
Bathyphantes albiventris Ivie, 1969: 18, f. 11-14 (mf).
Bathyphantes albiventris Kaston, 1977: 21, f. 13-14 (mf).
Bathyphantes alboventris Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 134, f. 1460-1463 (mf).
Bathyphantes ansulis
Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022 |
| China

Bathyphantes ansulis Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022: 27, f. 30A-D, 31A-C, 32A-D (Dmf; refers to the adjective ansula, but this word is a noun).
Bathyphantes approximatus
(O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871) |
| Europe, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to Middle Siberia)

Linyphia approximata O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871a: 424, pl. 55, f. 19 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Simon, 1884a: 338, f. 107-109 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 74, pl. 3, f. 12 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Bösenberg, 1901: 85, pl. 7, f. 97 (mf).
Stylophora approximatus Simon, 1929: 640, 746.
Bathyphantes approximatus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 366, f. 218D, 221A (mf, T from Stylophora = Diplostyla).
Bathyphantes approximatus Wiehle, 1956: 266, f. 440-446 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Merrett, 1963b: 379, f. 35A-C (m).
Bathyphantes (Magniphantes) approximatus Ivie, 1969: 54, f. 102-104 (mf).
Kaestneria approximata Prószyński & Staręga, 1971: 113 (T from Bathyphantes, not accepted by later authors).
Bathyphantes approximatus Tystshenko, 1971: 227, f. 726, 728 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Miller, 1971: 218, pl. XLI, f. 14-15 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Palmgren, 1975: 75, f. 16.15-17 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Roberts, 1987: 138, f. 70a (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 120, f. 340 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Roberts, 1995: 354, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Roberts, 1998: 365, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Simon, 1884a: 338, f. 107-109 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 74, pl. 3, f. 12 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Bösenberg, 1901: 85, pl. 7, f. 97 (mf).
Stylophora approximatus Simon, 1929: 640, 746.
Bathyphantes approximatus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 366, f. 218D, 221A (mf, T from Stylophora = Diplostyla).
Bathyphantes approximatus Wiehle, 1956: 266, f. 440-446 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Merrett, 1963b: 379, f. 35A-C (m).
Bathyphantes (Magniphantes) approximatus Ivie, 1969: 54, f. 102-104 (mf).
Kaestneria approximata Prószyński & Staręga, 1971: 113 (T from Bathyphantes, not accepted by later authors).
Bathyphantes approximatus Tystshenko, 1971: 227, f. 726, 728 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Miller, 1971: 218, pl. XLI, f. 14-15 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Palmgren, 1975: 75, f. 16.15-17 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Roberts, 1987: 138, f. 70a (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 120, f. 340 (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Roberts, 1995: 354, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes approximatus Roberts, 1998: 365, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes bishopi
Ivie, 1969 |

Bathyphantes bishopi Ivie, 1969: 35, f. 50-53 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes bohuensis
Zhu & Zhou, 1983 |
| China

Bathyphantes bohuensis Zhu & Zhou, 1983: 142, f. a-3 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes bohuensis Hu & Wu, 1989: 143, f. 116.1-4 (mf).
Bathyphantes bohuensis Zhao, 1993: 154, f. 74a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes bohuensis Zhao, 1995: 871, f. 410a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes bohuensis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 159, f. 86Q-R, 87F (mf).
Bathyphantes bohuensis Hu & Wu, 1989: 143, f. 116.1-4 (mf).
Bathyphantes bohuensis Zhao, 1993: 154, f. 74a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes bohuensis Zhao, 1995: 871, f. 410a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes bohuensis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 159, f. 86Q-R, 87F (mf).
Bathyphantes brevipes
(Emerton, 1917) |
| Canada, USA

Diplostyla brevipes Emerton, 1917: 267, f. 19(3, 4, 8) (Dmf).
Bathyphantes brevipes Chamberlin, 1921c: 42.
Bathyphantes brevipes Ivie, 1969: 36, f. 61-63 (mf).
Bathyphantes brevipes Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 134, f. 1464-1467 (mf).
Bathyphantes brevipes Chamberlin, 1921c: 42.
Bathyphantes brevipes Ivie, 1969: 36, f. 61-63 (mf).
Bathyphantes brevipes Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 134, f. 1464-1467 (mf).
Bathyphantes brevis
(Emerton, 1911) |
| Canada, USA

Diplostyla brevis Emerton, 1911: 397, pl. 4, f. 1 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes brevis Crosby & Bishop, 1928b: 1043.
Bathyphantoides brevis Kaston, 1948: 132, f. 307-308, 2117 (Tmf from Bathyphantes).
Bathyphantes brevis Hackman, 1954: 13.
Bathyphantes brevis Holm, 1960b: 125, f. 36-38 (mf).
Bathyphantes brevis Ivie, 1969: 16, f. 15-21 (mf).
Bathyphantes brevis Kaston, 1977: 21, f. 12 (m).
Bathyphantes brevis Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 134, f. 1468-1471 (mf).
Bathyphantes brevis Crosby & Bishop, 1928b: 1043.
Bathyphantoides brevis Kaston, 1948: 132, f. 307-308, 2117 (Tmf from Bathyphantes).
Bathyphantes brevis Hackman, 1954: 13.
Bathyphantes brevis Holm, 1960b: 125, f. 36-38 (mf).
Bathyphantes brevis Ivie, 1969: 16, f. 15-21 (mf).
Bathyphantes brevis Kaston, 1977: 21, f. 12 (m).
Bathyphantes brevis Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 134, f. 1468-1471 (mf).
Bathyphantes canadensis
(Emerton, 1882) |
| Russia (Middle Siberia to Far East), Canada, USA

Diplostyla canadensis Emerton, 1882: 66, pl. 21, f. 1 (Dm).
Linyphia canadensis Marx, 1890a: 527.
Bathyphantes canadensis Petrunkevitch, 1911: 217.
Bathyphantes josephus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1947b: 53, f. 72, 83 (Dmf) [].
Bathyphantes josephus Holm, 1950: 135, f. 7g (f).
Bathyphantes canadensis Ivie, 1969: 21, f. 24-28 (mf, S of Bathyphantes josephus, S of B. setiger, rejected by Holm, 1971: 18).
Bathyphantes canadensis Holm, 1971: 18, f. 1-2 (m).
Bathyphantes canadensis Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 135, f. 1472-1475 (mf).
Linyphia canadensis Marx, 1890a: 527.
Bathyphantes canadensis Petrunkevitch, 1911: 217.
Bathyphantes josephus Chamberlin & Ivie, 1947b: 53, f. 72, 83 (Dmf) [].
Bathyphantes josephus Holm, 1950: 135, f. 7g (f).
Bathyphantes canadensis Ivie, 1969: 21, f. 24-28 (mf, S of Bathyphantes josephus, S of B. setiger, rejected by Holm, 1971: 18).
Bathyphantes canadensis Holm, 1971: 18, f. 1-2 (m).
Bathyphantes canadensis Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 135, f. 1472-1475 (mf).
Bathyphantes castor
Chamberlin, 1925 |
| USA (Alaska)

Bathyphantes castor Chamberlin, 1925d: 216 (Dm).
Bathyphantes castor Ivie, 1969: 19, f. 29-31 (m).
Bathyphantes castor Crawford, in Buckle et al., 2001: 103 (removed from S of Bathyphantes pogonias, rejecting Marusik et al., 1993b: 74).
Bathyphantes castor Ivie, 1969: 19, f. 29-31 (m).
Bathyphantes castor Crawford, in Buckle et al., 2001: 103 (removed from S of Bathyphantes pogonias, rejecting Marusik et al., 1993b: 74).
Bathyphantes chico
Ivie, 1969 |

Bathyphantes chico Ivie, 1969: 12, f. 5-9 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes diasosnemis
Fage, 1929 |

Bathyphantes diasosnemis Fage, 1929c: 182 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes hubbsi Chamberlin & Ivie, 1943: 22, f. 43 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes diasosnemus Ivie, 1969: 47, f. 86-90 (mf, S of Bathyphantes hubbsi).
Bathyphantes hubbsi Chamberlin & Ivie, 1943: 22, f. 43 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes diasosnemus Ivie, 1969: 47, f. 86-90 (mf, S of Bathyphantes hubbsi).
Bathyphantes dubius
Locket, 1968 |
| Angola

Bathyphantes (?) dubius Locket, 1968: 123, f. 44A-C (Df).
Bathyphantes eumenis
(L. Koch, 1879) |
| USA (Alaska), Canada, Czechia, Poland, Finland, Russia (Europe to Far East), China

Linyphia eumenis L. Koch, 1879c: 27, pl. 1, f. 15-15a (Df).
Linyphia simillima L. Koch, 1879c: 29, pl. 1, f. 17-17c (Dm) [].
Bathyphantes humilis Kulczyński, 1916: 17, pl. 1, f. 24-25 (f, misidentified per Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131).
Diplostyla inornata Emerton, 1917: 266, f. 19.5-6 (Dm; preoccupied by Banks, 1892, sub Bathyphantes, see Agyneta angulata) [].
Bathyphantes inornata Crosby & Bishop, 1928b: 1043.
Bathyphantes emertoni Roewer, 1942a: 674 (replacement name) [].
Linyphia eumenis Roewer, 1955c: 1543 (nicht zu deuten = nomen dubium).
Bathyphantes eumenoides Holm, 1967: 64, f. 83-85 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes humilis Buchar, 1967b: 83, f. 2B-C (f, misidentified per Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131).
Bathyphantes eumenoides Ivie, 1969: 24, f. 44 (f).
Bathyphantes simillimus Ivie, 1969: 26, f. 40-43 (mf, S of Bathyphantes emertoni and B. inornatus).
Bathyphantes eumenis Holm, 1973: 90, f. 52-53 (f, T from Linyphia, removed from nomen dubium).
Bathyphantes simillimus Holm, 1973: 91, f. 56-58 (m).
Bathyphantes eumenis Palmgren, 1975: 75, f. 16.24-25 (f).
Bathyphantes eumenis Pakhorukov & Utochkin, 1977b: 907, f. 1 (f).
Bathyphantes jeniseicus Eskov, 1979: 65, f. 15-16 (f; misidentified per Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131).
Bathyphantes eumenis Wozny & Czajka, 1985: 575, f. 1-5 (mf, S of Bathyphantes eumenoides and B. simillimus; rejected by Marusik et al., 1993a: 68).
Bathyphantes haniensis Zhu, Wen & Sun, 1986: 206, f. 2a-d (Df) [].
Bathyphantes jeniseicus Růžička, 1988: 152, f. 2B-C (f; misidentified per Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131).
Bathyphantes eumenis Eskov, 1992a: 53 (S).
Bathyphantes simillimus Marusik et al., 1993a: 68 (removed from S of Bathyphantes eumenis, rejecting Wozny & Czajka, 1985: 575, S of B. eumenoides).
Bathyphantes eumenis Li, Song & Zhu, 1994: 79, f. 12-13 (f).
Bathyphantes eumenis Tao, Li & Zhu, 1995: 242, f. 114-116 (f).
Bathyphantes eumenis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 159, f. 86S-T (f).
Bathyphantes simillimus Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 136, f. 1488-1491 (mf).
Bathyphantes eumenis Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131, f. 7-13 (mf, S of Bathyphantes simillimus, confirming Wozny & Czajka, 1985: 575).
Bathyphantes eumenis Marusik, 2015: 676, f. 14F, J (mf).
Bathyphantes eumenis Déjean & Danflous, 2016: 17, f. 2A (f).
Linyphia simillima L. Koch, 1879c: 29, pl. 1, f. 17-17c (Dm) [].
Bathyphantes humilis Kulczyński, 1916: 17, pl. 1, f. 24-25 (f, misidentified per Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131).
Diplostyla inornata Emerton, 1917: 266, f. 19.5-6 (Dm; preoccupied by Banks, 1892, sub Bathyphantes, see Agyneta angulata) [].
Bathyphantes inornata Crosby & Bishop, 1928b: 1043.
Bathyphantes emertoni Roewer, 1942a: 674 (replacement name) [].
Linyphia eumenis Roewer, 1955c: 1543 (nicht zu deuten = nomen dubium).
Bathyphantes eumenoides Holm, 1967: 64, f. 83-85 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes humilis Buchar, 1967b: 83, f. 2B-C (f, misidentified per Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131).
Bathyphantes eumenoides Ivie, 1969: 24, f. 44 (f).
Bathyphantes simillimus Ivie, 1969: 26, f. 40-43 (mf, S of Bathyphantes emertoni and B. inornatus).
Bathyphantes eumenis Holm, 1973: 90, f. 52-53 (f, T from Linyphia, removed from nomen dubium).
Bathyphantes simillimus Holm, 1973: 91, f. 56-58 (m).
Bathyphantes eumenis Palmgren, 1975: 75, f. 16.24-25 (f).
Bathyphantes eumenis Pakhorukov & Utochkin, 1977b: 907, f. 1 (f).
Bathyphantes jeniseicus Eskov, 1979: 65, f. 15-16 (f; misidentified per Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131).
Bathyphantes eumenis Wozny & Czajka, 1985: 575, f. 1-5 (mf, S of Bathyphantes eumenoides and B. simillimus; rejected by Marusik et al., 1993a: 68).
Bathyphantes haniensis Zhu, Wen & Sun, 1986: 206, f. 2a-d (Df) [].
Bathyphantes jeniseicus Růžička, 1988: 152, f. 2B-C (f; misidentified per Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131).
Bathyphantes eumenis Eskov, 1992a: 53 (S).
Bathyphantes simillimus Marusik et al., 1993a: 68 (removed from S of Bathyphantes eumenis, rejecting Wozny & Czajka, 1985: 575, S of B. eumenoides).
Bathyphantes eumenis Li, Song & Zhu, 1994: 79, f. 12-13 (f).
Bathyphantes eumenis Tao, Li & Zhu, 1995: 242, f. 114-116 (f).
Bathyphantes eumenis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 159, f. 86S-T (f).
Bathyphantes simillimus Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 136, f. 1488-1491 (mf).
Bathyphantes eumenis Tanasevitch, 2011c: 131, f. 7-13 (mf, S of Bathyphantes simillimus, confirming Wozny & Czajka, 1985: 575).
Bathyphantes eumenis Marusik, 2015: 676, f. 14F, J (mf).
Bathyphantes eumenis Déjean & Danflous, 2016: 17, f. 2A (f).
Bathyphantes eumenis buchari
Růžička, 1988 |
| Central Europe

Bathyphantes eumenis buchari Růžička, 1988: 150, f. 1A-G (Dmf).
Bathyphantes simillimus buchari Růžička, 1994: 137 (T, after Marusik et al., 1993a: 68).
Bathyphantes eumenis buchari Schikora, 2015: 145, f. 10.153-155 (mf).
Bathyphantes simillimus buchari Růžička, 1994: 137 (T, after Marusik et al., 1993a: 68).
Bathyphantes eumenis buchari Schikora, 2015: 145, f. 10.153-155 (mf).
Bathyphantes fissidens
Simon, 1902 |
| Argentina

Bathyphantes fissidens Simon, 1902h: 23 (Dm).
Bathyphantes floralis
Tu & Li, 2006 |
| Laos, Vietnam

Bathyphantes floralis Tu & Li, 2006a: 104, f. 1A-J (Dmf; probably a junior synonym of B. robustus, per Tanasevitch, 2014b: 73).
Bathyphantes fragmitis
Gnelitsa, 2021 |
| Ukraine (Crimea), Iran, Kazakhstan

Bathyphantes fragmitis Gnelitsa, 2021: 155, f. 1-6 (Dm).
Bathyphantes fragmitis Esyunin & Kabdrakhimov, 2024: 69, f. 2A-D (Df).
Bathyphantes fragmitis Esyunin & Kabdrakhimov, 2024: 69, f. 2A-D (Df).
Bathyphantes glacialis
Caporiacco, 1935 |
| Karakorum

Bathyphantes glacialis Caporiacco, 1935b: 168, pl. 2, f. 10 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes gracilipes
van Helsdingen, 1977 |
| St. Helena

Bathyphantes gracilipes van Helsdingen, 1977: 179, f. 75b-d (Df).
Bathyphantes gracilipes Sherwood et al., 2024e: 1237, f. 19A-C (f).
Bathyphantes gracilipes Sherwood et al., 2024e: 1237, f. 19A-C (f).
Bathyphantes gracilis
(Blackwall, 1841) *
| North America, Europe, Northern Africa, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to Far East), Iran, Kazakhstan, China, Korea, Japan

Linyphia gracilis Blackwall, 1841a: 666 (Dm).
Linyphia terricola C. L. Koch, 1845: 125, f. 1047-1048 (Dmf) [].
Linyphia circumspecta Blackwall, 1854a: 177 (Dm) [].
Linyphia gracilis Blackwall, 1864a: 245, pl. 17, f. 163 (m).
Linyphia circumspecta Blackwall, 1864a: 246, pl. 17, f. 165 (m).
Bathyphantes longipes Menge, 1866: 116, pl. 21, f. 42 (Dmf) [].
Linyphia longipes O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871a: 430, pl. 55, f. 24 (mf).
Linyphia vilis Thorell, 1875a: 87 (Dmf) [].
Linyphia vilis Thorell, 1875c: 30 (mf).
Linyphia similior L. Koch, 1879c: 28, pl. 1, f. 16-16a (Dm) [].
Linyphia circumspecta O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879d: 202 (Df).
Bathyphantes gracilis Simon, 1884a: 345, f. 118-119 (mf, S of Linyphia circumspecta).
Bathyphantes burgundicus Simon, 1884a: 347, f. 120-121 (Dmf) [].
Bathyphantes vilis Simon, 1884a: 341.
Bathyphantes gracilis F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1892: 393, pl. 21, f. 6 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 73, pl. 3, f. 13 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Becker, 1896: (3): 56, pl. 7, f. 6 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Bösenberg, 1901: 86, pl. 7, f. 99 (mf, S of Bathyphantes burgundicus).
Bathyphantes circumspectus Bösenberg, 1901: 89, pl. 7, f. 106 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Smith, 1901b: 196, p. 109: f. c (m).
Bathyphantes pusio Kulczyński, 1926: 55, pl. 2, f. 18 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes gracilis Simon, 1929: 747 (S of Bathyphantes longipes, B. parvulus, Linyphia terricola and L. vilis; B. parvulus revalidated by Miller, 1947: 7).
Bathyphantes gracilis Holm, 1944: 126 (S of Bathyphantes norvegicus; rejected by Holm, 1987: 163, see Bathyphantes similis).
Bathyphantes gracilis Miller, 1947: 78, pl. XII, f. 7, 12-13 (mf).
Oreodia minutula Hull, 1950: 420, f. 3-4 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes gracilis Millidge & Locket, 1952: 71 (S).
Bathyphantes gracilis Locket & Millidge, 1953: 366, f. 219A, 221D (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Hackman, 1954: 13, f. 14-18 (f).
Linyphia similior Roewer, 1955c: 1546 (nicht zu deuten = nomen dubium).
Bathyphantes gracilis Wiehle, 1956: 251, f. 416-422 (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Oi, 1960a: 207, f. 247-251 (Dmf) [].
Bathyphantes gracilis Merrett, 1963b: 380, f. 36A-E (m).
Bathyphantes gracilis Ivie, 1969: 10, f. 1-4 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Tystshenko, 1971: 227, f. 721 (f).
Bathyphantes gracilis Miller, 1971: 218, pl. XLI, f. 21-22 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Holm, 1973: 90 (S of Linyphia similior, removed from nomen dubium).
Bathyphantes gracilis Palmgren, 1975: 74, f. 16.18-20 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Millidge, 1977: 48, f. 189-190 (m).
Bathyphantes orientis Xia & Zhu, 1980: 33, f. 6A-E (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Zhou, Wang & Zhu, 1983: 156, f. 5a-d (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Thaler, 1983a: 137, f. 6-7, 10, 14 (m).
Bathyphantes gracilis Saito, 1983c: 54, f. 13-14 (f).
Bathyphantes orientis Hu, 1984: 177, f. 186.1-5 (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Yaginuma, 1986a: 73, f. 39.1 (f).
Bathyphantes orientis Song, 1987: 1131, f. 92 (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Zhang, 1987: 113, f. 92.1-3 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Roberts, 1987: 138, f. 70b (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Holm, 1987: 163, f. 15-16 (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Chikuni, 1989b: 47, f. 5 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Tanasevitch, 1990: 86, f. 14.28, 27.18-19 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 122, f. 344 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Marusik et al., 1993b: 74 (S of Bathyphantes orientis and B. pusio).
Bathyphantes gracilis Li, Song & Zhu, 1994: 79, f. 10-11 (f).
Bathyphantes gracilis Roberts, 1995: 355, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes prope gracilis Rossi & Arnò, 1995: 52, f. 2a-b (f).
Bathyphantes gracilis Agnarsson, 1996: 142, f. 157A-B (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Roberts, 1998: 366, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 159, f. 87A, G (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 159, f. 87B-C, H (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Marusik & Koponen, 2000: 61 (listed as valid name, but without rejecting the former synonymy).
Bathyphantes orientis Song, Zhu & Chen, 2001: 120, f. 60A-D (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Namkung, 2002: 177, f. 17.30a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 135, f. 1480-1483 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Namkung, 2003: 179, f. 17.30a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Bosmans, 2006a: 126, f. 1-4 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Lee, Kang & Kim, 2009: 120, f. 11a-b (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Ono, Matsuda & Saito, 2009: 332, f. 1119-1125 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Russell-Smith, 2011b: 21, f. 1A, 2A (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022: 40, f. 33A-D (m).
Linyphia terricola C. L. Koch, 1845: 125, f. 1047-1048 (Dmf) [].
Linyphia circumspecta Blackwall, 1854a: 177 (Dm) [].
Linyphia gracilis Blackwall, 1864a: 245, pl. 17, f. 163 (m).
Linyphia circumspecta Blackwall, 1864a: 246, pl. 17, f. 165 (m).
Bathyphantes longipes Menge, 1866: 116, pl. 21, f. 42 (Dmf) [].
Linyphia longipes O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1871a: 430, pl. 55, f. 24 (mf).
Linyphia vilis Thorell, 1875a: 87 (Dmf) [].
Linyphia vilis Thorell, 1875c: 30 (mf).
Linyphia similior L. Koch, 1879c: 28, pl. 1, f. 16-16a (Dm) [].
Linyphia circumspecta O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1879d: 202 (Df).
Bathyphantes gracilis Simon, 1884a: 345, f. 118-119 (mf, S of Linyphia circumspecta).
Bathyphantes burgundicus Simon, 1884a: 347, f. 120-121 (Dmf) [].
Bathyphantes vilis Simon, 1884a: 341.
Bathyphantes gracilis F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1892: 393, pl. 21, f. 6 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 73, pl. 3, f. 13 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Becker, 1896: (3): 56, pl. 7, f. 6 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Bösenberg, 1901: 86, pl. 7, f. 99 (mf, S of Bathyphantes burgundicus).
Bathyphantes circumspectus Bösenberg, 1901: 89, pl. 7, f. 106 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Smith, 1901b: 196, p. 109: f. c (m).
Bathyphantes pusio Kulczyński, 1926: 55, pl. 2, f. 18 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes gracilis Simon, 1929: 747 (S of Bathyphantes longipes, B. parvulus, Linyphia terricola and L. vilis; B. parvulus revalidated by Miller, 1947: 7).
Bathyphantes gracilis Holm, 1944: 126 (S of Bathyphantes norvegicus; rejected by Holm, 1987: 163, see Bathyphantes similis).
Bathyphantes gracilis Miller, 1947: 78, pl. XII, f. 7, 12-13 (mf).
Oreodia minutula Hull, 1950: 420, f. 3-4 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes gracilis Millidge & Locket, 1952: 71 (S).
Bathyphantes gracilis Locket & Millidge, 1953: 366, f. 219A, 221D (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Hackman, 1954: 13, f. 14-18 (f).
Linyphia similior Roewer, 1955c: 1546 (nicht zu deuten = nomen dubium).
Bathyphantes gracilis Wiehle, 1956: 251, f. 416-422 (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Oi, 1960a: 207, f. 247-251 (Dmf) [].
Bathyphantes gracilis Merrett, 1963b: 380, f. 36A-E (m).
Bathyphantes gracilis Ivie, 1969: 10, f. 1-4 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Tystshenko, 1971: 227, f. 721 (f).
Bathyphantes gracilis Miller, 1971: 218, pl. XLI, f. 21-22 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Holm, 1973: 90 (S of Linyphia similior, removed from nomen dubium).
Bathyphantes gracilis Palmgren, 1975: 74, f. 16.18-20 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Millidge, 1977: 48, f. 189-190 (m).
Bathyphantes orientis Xia & Zhu, 1980: 33, f. 6A-E (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Zhou, Wang & Zhu, 1983: 156, f. 5a-d (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Thaler, 1983a: 137, f. 6-7, 10, 14 (m).
Bathyphantes gracilis Saito, 1983c: 54, f. 13-14 (f).
Bathyphantes orientis Hu, 1984: 177, f. 186.1-5 (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Yaginuma, 1986a: 73, f. 39.1 (f).
Bathyphantes orientis Song, 1987: 1131, f. 92 (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Zhang, 1987: 113, f. 92.1-3 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Roberts, 1987: 138, f. 70b (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Holm, 1987: 163, f. 15-16 (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Chikuni, 1989b: 47, f. 5 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Tanasevitch, 1990: 86, f. 14.28, 27.18-19 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 122, f. 344 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Marusik et al., 1993b: 74 (S of Bathyphantes orientis and B. pusio).
Bathyphantes gracilis Li, Song & Zhu, 1994: 79, f. 10-11 (f).
Bathyphantes gracilis Roberts, 1995: 355, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes prope gracilis Rossi & Arnò, 1995: 52, f. 2a-b (f).
Bathyphantes gracilis Agnarsson, 1996: 142, f. 157A-B (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Roberts, 1998: 366, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 159, f. 87A, G (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 159, f. 87B-C, H (mf).
Bathyphantes orientis Marusik & Koponen, 2000: 61 (listed as valid name, but without rejecting the former synonymy).
Bathyphantes orientis Song, Zhu & Chen, 2001: 120, f. 60A-D (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Namkung, 2002: 177, f. 17.30a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 135, f. 1480-1483 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Namkung, 2003: 179, f. 17.30a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Bosmans, 2006a: 126, f. 1-4 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Lee, Kang & Kim, 2009: 120, f. 11a-b (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Ono, Matsuda & Saito, 2009: 332, f. 1119-1125 (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Russell-Smith, 2011b: 21, f. 1A, 2A (mf).
Bathyphantes gracilis Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022: 40, f. 33A-D (m).
Bathyphantes gulkana
Ivie, 1969 |
| Russia (Far East), USA (Alaska), Canada

Bathyphantes gulkana Ivie, 1969: 22, f. 23 (Df).
Bathyphantes helenae
van Helsdingen, 1977 |
| St. Helena

Bathyphantes helenae van Helsdingen, 1977: 176, f. 73g, 74a-g, 75a (Dmf).
Bathyphantes helenae Sherwood et al., 2024e: 1237, f. 20A-F (mf).
Bathyphantes helenae Sherwood et al., 2024e: 1237, f. 20A-F (mf).
Bathyphantes hirsutus
Locket, 1968 |
| Congo

Bathyphantes hirsutus Locket, 1968: 122, f. 43A-B (Df).
Bathyphantes humilis
(L. Koch, 1879) |
| Russia (Europe to Far East)

Linyphia humilis L. Koch, 1879c: 25, pl. 1, f. 12 (Df).
Bathyphantes biscapus Kulczyński, 1926: 53, pl. 2, f. 15-17 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes humilis Holm, 1973: 90, f. 54-55 (f, S of Bathyphantes biscapus).
Bathyphantes humilis Růžička, 1988: 152, f. 2A (f).
Bathyphantes biscapus Marusik et al., 1993a: 68 (removed from S of Bathyphantes reprobus, after Holm, 1973: 91, contra Ivie, 1969: 13).
Bathyphantes humilis Tanasevitch, 2011c: 132, f. 14-34 (Dm, f, S of Bathyphantes biscapus confirmed).
Bathyphantes biscapus Kulczyński, 1926: 53, pl. 2, f. 15-17 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes humilis Holm, 1973: 90, f. 54-55 (f, S of Bathyphantes biscapus).
Bathyphantes humilis Růžička, 1988: 152, f. 2A (f).
Bathyphantes biscapus Marusik et al., 1993a: 68 (removed from S of Bathyphantes reprobus, after Holm, 1973: 91, contra Ivie, 1969: 13).
Bathyphantes humilis Tanasevitch, 2011c: 132, f. 14-34 (Dm, f, S of Bathyphantes biscapus confirmed).
Bathyphantes insulanus
Holm, 1960 |
| USA (Alaska)

Bathyphantes insulanus Holm, 1960b: 126, f. 39-40 (Df).
Bathyphantes insulanus Ivie, 1969: 20, f. 32 (f).
Bathyphantes insulanus Crawford, in Buckle et al., 2001: 103 (removed from S of Bathyphantes pogonias, rejecting Marusik et al., 1993b: 74, probable S of B. castor).
Bathyphantes insulanus Ivie, 1969: 20, f. 32 (f).
Bathyphantes insulanus Crawford, in Buckle et al., 2001: 103 (removed from S of Bathyphantes pogonias, rejecting Marusik et al., 1993b: 74, probable S of B. castor).
Bathyphantes iviei
Holm, 1970 |
| USA (Alaska)

Bathyphantes iviei Holm, 1970: 196, f. 16-19, 21-22 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes iviei Tanasevitch, 2011c: 135, f. 35-40 (mf).
Bathyphantes iviei Tanasevitch, 2011c: 135, f. 35-40 (mf).
Bathyphantes jeniseicus
Eskov, 1979 |
| Finland, Russia (West Siberia to Far East)

Bathyphantes jeniseicus Eskov, 1979: 65, f. 1-2 (Dm, not f, f. 15-16, =B.eumenis).
Bathyphantes jeniseicus Růžička, 1988: 152, f. 2D (m, not f, f. 2B-C, =B.eumenis).
Bathyphantes jeniseicus Esyunin & Laetin, 2009: 90, f. 1, 7 (m).
Bathyphantes jeniseicus Tanasevitch, 2011c: 135, f. 41-44 (Df).
Bathyphantes jeniseicus Růžička, 1988: 152, f. 2D (m, not f, f. 2B-C, =B.eumenis).
Bathyphantes jeniseicus Esyunin & Laetin, 2009: 90, f. 1, 7 (m).
Bathyphantes jeniseicus Tanasevitch, 2011c: 135, f. 41-44 (Df).
Bathyphantes keeni
(Emerton, 1917) |
| Canada, USA

Diplostyla keenii Emerton, 1917: 267, f. 19.1-2, 7 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes keeni Ivie, 1969: 13, f. 33-35 (mf, S of Bathyphantes biscapus, rejected by Marusik et al., 1993a: 68, see Bathyphantes humilis).
Bathyphantes keeni Crawford, 1988: 22 (removed from S of Bathyphantes reprobus Kulczyński, 1916, contra Eskov, 1985: 122).
Bathyphantes keeni Ivie, 1969: 13, f. 33-35 (mf, S of Bathyphantes biscapus, rejected by Marusik et al., 1993a: 68, see Bathyphantes humilis).
Bathyphantes keeni Crawford, 1988: 22 (removed from S of Bathyphantes reprobus Kulczyński, 1916, contra Eskov, 1985: 122).
Bathyphantes larvarum
Caporiacco, 1935 |
| Karakorum

Bathyphantes larvarum Caporiacco, 1935b: 167, pl. 2, f. 11 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes latescens
(Chamberlin, 1919) |

Linyphia latescens Chamberlin, 1919a: 248, pl. 17, f. 3 (Df).
Bathyphantes latescens Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933a: 34, pl. 12, f. 119-120 (f).
Bathyphantes latescens Ivie, 1969: 39, f. 64-66 (mf).
Bathyphantes latescens Chamberlin & Ivie, 1933a: 34, pl. 12, f. 119-120 (f).
Bathyphantes latescens Ivie, 1969: 39, f. 64-66 (mf).
Bathyphantes lennoxensis
Simon, 1902 |
| Argentina

Bathyphantes lennoxensis Simon, 1902h: 23 (Df).
Bathyphantes longiscapus
Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022 |
| China

Bathyphantes longiscapus Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022: 44, f. 34A-D, 35A-E, 36A-C, 37A-B (Dmf).
Bathyphantes magnus
Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022 |
| China

Bathyphantes magnis Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2022: 46, f. 38A-E, 39A-C, 40A-D (Dmf; refers to the adjective magnus).
Bathyphantes magnus Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2023: 18 (correction of ending of specific epithet).
Bathyphantes magnus Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2023: 18 (correction of ending of specific epithet).
Bathyphantes mainlingensis
Hu, 2001 |
| China

Bathyphantes mainlingensis Hu, 2001: 483, f. 320.1-4 (Dm).
Bathyphantes malkini
Ivie, 1969 |
| Canada, USA

Bathyphantes malkini Ivie, 1969: 29, f. 36-39 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes menyuanensis
Hu, 2001 |
| China

Bathyphantes menyuanensis Hu, 2001: 485, f. 321.1-4 (Df).
Bathyphantes minor
Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992 |
| Brunei (Borneo)

Bathyphantes minor Millidge & Russell-Smith, 1992: 1390, f. 63-65 (Dm).
Bathyphantes montanus
Rainbow, 1912 |
j | Australia (Queensland)
Bathyphantes montanus Rainbow, 1912a: 194, f. 5-6 (Df) [is juvenile per Davies & Gallon, 1986: 234 and belongs to the genus Argiope].
Bathyphantes nangqianensis
Hu, 2001 |
| China

Bathyphantes nangqianensis Hu, 2001: 486, f. 322.1-4 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus
(Westring, 1851) |
| Europe, Russia (Europe to South Siberia)

Linyphia nigrina Westring, 1851: 38 (D).
Linyphia pulla Blackwall, 1853: 19 (Dmf) [].
Linyphia nigrina Westring, 1861: 132 (Dmf).
Linyphia pulla Blackwall, 1864a: 234, pl. 16, f. 156 (mf).
Bathyphantes terricola Menge, 1866: 112, pl. 19, f. 38 (mf; misidentified per Thorell, 1870a: 69).
Linyphia nigrina Thorell, 1870a: 69 (S of Linyphia pulla).
Diplostyla nigrina Emerton, 1882: 65, pl. 20, f. 2 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Simon, 1884a: 339, f. 110-112 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 74, pl. 3, f. 11 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Becker, 1896: (3): 53, pl. 7, f, 4 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Bösenberg, 1901: 85, pl. 7, f. 96 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Smith, 1901b: 196, p. 109: f. f (f).
Diplostyla nigrina Emerton, 1902: 147, f. 354-358 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Smith, 1908b: 323, pl. 25, f. 7 (f).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Fedotov, 1912a: 67, f. 8 (m).
Stylophora nigrina Simon, 1929: 640, 746.
Bathyphantes nigrinus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 368, f. 219C, 221B (mf, T from Stylophora = Diplostyla).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Wiehle, 1956: 256, f. 426-431 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Ivie, 1969: 52, f. 99-100 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Tystshenko, 1971: 227, f. 725, 727 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Miller, 1971: 218, pl. XLI, f. 16-17 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Palmgren, 1975: 73, f. 16.11-14 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Roberts, 1987: 138, f. 70d (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 120, f. 343 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Roberts, 1995: 354, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Roberts, 1998: 366, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Lecigne, 2020: 57, pl. 4C-D (mf).
Linyphia pulla Blackwall, 1853: 19 (Dmf) [].
Linyphia nigrina Westring, 1861: 132 (Dmf).
Linyphia pulla Blackwall, 1864a: 234, pl. 16, f. 156 (mf).
Bathyphantes terricola Menge, 1866: 112, pl. 19, f. 38 (mf; misidentified per Thorell, 1870a: 69).
Linyphia nigrina Thorell, 1870a: 69 (S of Linyphia pulla).
Diplostyla nigrina Emerton, 1882: 65, pl. 20, f. 2 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Simon, 1884a: 339, f. 110-112 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 74, pl. 3, f. 11 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Becker, 1896: (3): 53, pl. 7, f, 4 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Bösenberg, 1901: 85, pl. 7, f. 96 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Smith, 1901b: 196, p. 109: f. f (f).
Diplostyla nigrina Emerton, 1902: 147, f. 354-358 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Smith, 1908b: 323, pl. 25, f. 7 (f).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Fedotov, 1912a: 67, f. 8 (m).
Stylophora nigrina Simon, 1929: 640, 746.
Bathyphantes nigrinus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 368, f. 219C, 221B (mf, T from Stylophora = Diplostyla).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Wiehle, 1956: 256, f. 426-431 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Ivie, 1969: 52, f. 99-100 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Tystshenko, 1971: 227, f. 725, 727 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Miller, 1971: 218, pl. XLI, f. 16-17 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Palmgren, 1975: 73, f. 16.11-14 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Roberts, 1987: 138, f. 70d (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 120, f. 343 (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Roberts, 1995: 354, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Roberts, 1998: 366, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Lecigne, 2020: 57, pl. 4C-D (mf).
Bathyphantes orica
Ivie, 1969 |
| Canada, USA

Bathyphantes orica Ivie, 1969: 46, f. 78-81 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes pallidus
(Banks, 1892) |
| Canada, USA

Diplostyla pallida Banks, 1892a: 43, pl. 2, f. 29 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes pallidus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 218.
Bathyphantes banksi Petrunkevitch, 1911: 216 (superfluous replacement name for Diplostyla pallida Banks) [].
Bathyphantes nigrinus Comstock, 1940: 393, f. 135a-b, 387a-b (f; misidentified per Ivie, 1969: 30).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Muma, 1943: 74, pl. 13, f. 7 (f; misidentified per Ivie, 1969: 30).
Bathyphantes pallidus Kaston, 1948: 131, f. 301-306 (mf, S of Bathyphantes banksi).
Bathyphantes pallidus Ivie, 1969: 30, f. 54-60 (mf).
Bathyphantes pallidus Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 135, f. 1484-1487 (mf).
Bathyphantes pallidus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 218.
Bathyphantes banksi Petrunkevitch, 1911: 216 (superfluous replacement name for Diplostyla pallida Banks) [].
Bathyphantes nigrinus Comstock, 1940: 393, f. 135a-b, 387a-b (f; misidentified per Ivie, 1969: 30).
Bathyphantes nigrinus Muma, 1943: 74, pl. 13, f. 7 (f; misidentified per Ivie, 1969: 30).
Bathyphantes pallidus Kaston, 1948: 131, f. 301-306 (mf, S of Bathyphantes banksi).
Bathyphantes pallidus Ivie, 1969: 30, f. 54-60 (mf).
Bathyphantes pallidus Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 135, f. 1484-1487 (mf).
Bathyphantes paracymbialis
Tanasevitch, 2014 |
| Nepal, China, Laos, Myanmar, Thailand, Malaysia (peninsula), Indonesia (Sumatra)

Bathyphantes paracymbialis Tanasevitch, 2014b: 73, f. 15-23 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes paracymbialis Zhao & Li, 2014b: 11, f. 5A-D, 6A-E, 7A-F, 8A-D (mf).
Bathyphantes paracymbialis Irfan et al., 2025: 15, f. 14A-D, 15A-C, 16A-D (mf).
Bathyphantes paracymbialis Zhao & Li, 2014b: 11, f. 5A-D, 6A-E, 7A-F, 8A-D (mf).
Bathyphantes paracymbialis Irfan et al., 2025: 15, f. 14A-D, 15A-C, 16A-D (mf).
Bathyphantes paradoxus
Berland, 1929 |
| Samoa

Bathyphantes paradoxus Berland, 1929b: 55, f. 37-40 (Dm).
Bathyphantes paradoxus Marples, 1955a: 489, pl. 59, f. 18 (Df).
Bathyphantes paradoxus Marples, 1955a: 489, pl. 59, f. 18 (Df).
Bathyphantes parvulus
(Westring, 1851) |
| Europe, Russia (Europe to Far East), China

Linyphia parvula Westring, 1851: 59 (D).
Linyphia parvula Westring, 1861: 135 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Simon, 1884a: 348, f. 122-123 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1892: 392, pl. 21, f. 7 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Miller, 1947: 77, pl. 12, f. 15-17 (mf; removed from S of Bathyphantes gracilis, rejecting Simon, 1929: 747).
Bathyphantes parvulus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 366, f. 219B, 221E (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Wiehle, 1956: 255, f. 423-425 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Miller, 1971: 218, pl. XLI, f. 23-24 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Waaler, 1971b: 98, f. 1 (m).
Bathyphantes parvulus Palmgren, 1975: 74, f. 16.21-23 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Thaler, 1983a: 137, f. 8-9, 11, 15 (m).
Bathyphantes parvulus Roberts, 1987: 138, f. 70c (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 122, f. 344 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Roberts, 1995: 355, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Roberts, 1998: 366, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 159, f. 87I (m).
Bathyphantes parvulus Russell-Smith, 2011b: 21, f. 1B, 2B (mf).
Linyphia parvula Westring, 1861: 135 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Simon, 1884a: 348, f. 122-123 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1892: 392, pl. 21, f. 7 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Miller, 1947: 77, pl. 12, f. 15-17 (mf; removed from S of Bathyphantes gracilis, rejecting Simon, 1929: 747).
Bathyphantes parvulus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 366, f. 219B, 221E (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Wiehle, 1956: 255, f. 423-425 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Miller, 1971: 218, pl. XLI, f. 23-24 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Waaler, 1971b: 98, f. 1 (m).
Bathyphantes parvulus Palmgren, 1975: 74, f. 16.21-23 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Thaler, 1983a: 137, f. 8-9, 11, 15 (m).
Bathyphantes parvulus Roberts, 1987: 138, f. 70c (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 122, f. 344 (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Roberts, 1995: 355, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Roberts, 1998: 366, f. (mf).
Bathyphantes parvulus Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 159, f. 87I (m).
Bathyphantes parvulus Russell-Smith, 2011b: 21, f. 1B, 2B (mf).
Bathyphantes pogonias
Kulczyński, 1885 |
| Russia (Far East)

Bathyphantes pogonias Kulczyński, 1885: 32, pl. 10, f. 12 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes pogonias Holm, 1970: 197, f. 20 (m).
Bathyphantes pogonias Marusik et al., 1993b: 74 (S of Bathyphantes castor and B. insulanus; rejected by Crawford, in Buckle et al., 2001: 103).
Bathyphantes pogonias Tanasevitch, 2011c: 135, f. 45-56 (mf).
Bathyphantes pogonias Holm, 1970: 197, f. 20 (m).
Bathyphantes pogonias Marusik et al., 1993b: 74 (S of Bathyphantes castor and B. insulanus; rejected by Crawford, in Buckle et al., 2001: 103).
Bathyphantes pogonias Tanasevitch, 2011c: 135, f. 45-56 (mf).
Bathyphantes pseudogracilis
Irfan, Zhang & Peng, 2025 |
| China

Bathyphantes pseudogracilis Irfan, Zhang & Peng, in Irfan et al., 2025: 18, f. 17A-D, 18A-C, 19A-D (Dmf).
Bathyphantes rainbowi
Roewer, 1942 |
| Australia (Lord Howe Is.)

Bathyphantes humilis Rainbow, 1920b: 245, pl. 29, f. 46-48 (Dmf; N.B.: preoccupied by L. Koch, 1879, sub Linyphia).
Bathyphantes rainbowi Roewer, 1942a: 672 (replacement name).
Bathyphantes rainbowi Roewer, 1942a: 672 (replacement name).
Bathyphantes reprobus
(Kulczyński, 1916) |
| North America, Northern Europe, Russia (Europe to Far East)

Lepthyphantes reprobus Kulczyński, 1916: 18, pl. 1, f. 30-31 (Df).
Diplostyla crosbyi Emerton, 1919a: 105, pl. 7, f. 4a-c (Dm) [].
Bathyphantes crosbyi Crosby & Bishop, 1928b: 1043.
Bathyphantes rupestris Holm, 1945b: 48, f. 14a-d (Dmf) [].
Bathyphantes reprobus Hackman, 1954: 13, f. 4-5 (f, T from Lepthyphantes).
Bathyphantes crosbyi Holm, 1960b: 125, f. 35 (m, S of Bathyphantes rupestris, rejected by Eskov, 1985: 122).
Bathyphantes crosbyi Ivie, 1969: 42, f. 96-98 (mf).
Bathyphantes rupestris Palmgren, 1975: 75, f. 16.1-4 (mf).
Lepthyphantes reprobus Pakhorukov & Utochkin, 1977b: 909, f. 15-16 (f).
Bathyphantes reprobus Pakhorukov, 1981: 72, f. 2 (m).
Bathyphantes reprobus Eskov, 1985: 122 (S of Bathyphantes rupestris, removed from S of B. crosbyi, rejecting Holm, 1960b: 125).
Bathyphantes reprobus Marusik et al., 1993a: 68 (S of Bathyphantes crosbyi).
Bathyphantes reprobus Paquin & Dupérré, 2006: 32, f. 87-90 (mf).
Diplostyla crosbyi Emerton, 1919a: 105, pl. 7, f. 4a-c (Dm) [].
Bathyphantes crosbyi Crosby & Bishop, 1928b: 1043.
Bathyphantes rupestris Holm, 1945b: 48, f. 14a-d (Dmf) [].
Bathyphantes reprobus Hackman, 1954: 13, f. 4-5 (f, T from Lepthyphantes).
Bathyphantes crosbyi Holm, 1960b: 125, f. 35 (m, S of Bathyphantes rupestris, rejected by Eskov, 1985: 122).
Bathyphantes crosbyi Ivie, 1969: 42, f. 96-98 (mf).
Bathyphantes rupestris Palmgren, 1975: 75, f. 16.1-4 (mf).
Lepthyphantes reprobus Pakhorukov & Utochkin, 1977b: 909, f. 15-16 (f).
Bathyphantes reprobus Pakhorukov, 1981: 72, f. 2 (m).
Bathyphantes reprobus Eskov, 1985: 122 (S of Bathyphantes rupestris, removed from S of B. crosbyi, rejecting Holm, 1960b: 125).
Bathyphantes reprobus Marusik et al., 1993a: 68 (S of Bathyphantes crosbyi).
Bathyphantes reprobus Paquin & Dupérré, 2006: 32, f. 87-90 (mf).
Bathyphantes reticularis
Caporiacco, 1935 |
j | Karakorum
Bathyphantes reticularis Caporiacco, 1935b: 166, pl. 1, f. 24 (Dj).
Bathyphantes robustus
Oi, 1960 |
| Korea, Japan

Bathyphantes robustus Oi, 1960a: 208, f. 252-256 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes robustus Chikuni, 1989b: 47, f. 6 (mf).
Bathyphantes robustus Namkung, 2002: 178, f. 17.31a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes robustus Namkung, 2003: 180, f. 17.31a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes robustus Lee, Kang & Kim, 2009: 121, f. 12a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes robustus Ono, Matsuda & Saito, 2009: 334, f. 1126-1130 (mf).
Bathyphantes robustus Chikuni, 1989b: 47, f. 6 (mf).
Bathyphantes robustus Namkung, 2002: 178, f. 17.31a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes robustus Namkung, 2003: 180, f. 17.31a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes robustus Lee, Kang & Kim, 2009: 121, f. 12a-c (mf).
Bathyphantes robustus Ono, Matsuda & Saito, 2009: 334, f. 1126-1130 (mf).
Bathyphantes sarasini
Berland, 1924 |
| New Caledonia

Bathyphantes sarasini Berland, 1924a: 205, f. 87-90 (Dm).
Bathyphantes setiger
F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894 |
| Europe, Russia (Europe to Far East)

Bathyphantes setiger F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1894b: 91, pl. 1, f. 6 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes spretus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1907: 76, 85, pl. 27, f. 4-7 (Df) [].
Lepthyphantes valentinae Charitonov, 1935: 78, pl. 2, f. 1-2 (Df) [].
Lepthyphantes valentinae Schenkel, 1936a: 325, f. 7 (f).
Bathyphantes (Stylophora) holnacus Miller, 1937: 569, f. 1-3 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes setiger Miller, 1939: 320 (S of Bathyphantes holnacus).
Bathyphantes hyperboreus Holm, 1945b: 46, f. 13a-e (Dmf) [].
Bathyphantes setiger Miller, 1947: 77, pl. XII, f. 4-6 (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger Holm, 1950: 135, f. 7a-f (f, S of Bathyphantes hyperboreus).
Bathyphantes setiger Locket & Millidge, 1953: 369, f. 219D, 221C (mf, S of Bathyphantes spretus).
Bathyphantes setiger Wiehle, 1956: 261, f. 432-435 (mf).
Bathyphantes canadensis Ivie, 1969: 21 (S of Bathyphantes setiger, rejected by Holm, 1971: 18).
Bathyphantes setiger Holm, 1971: 18, f. 3-4 (m, removed from S of Bathyphantes canadensis, rejecting Ivie, 1969: 21).
Bathyphantes setiger Miller, 1971: 217, pl. XLI, f. 18, pl. XLII, f. 1 (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger Palmgren, 1975: 74, f. 16.8-10 (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger van Helsdingen, 1981b: 36, f. 3-4 (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger Roberts, 1987: 138, f. 70e (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger Tanasevitch & Eskov, 1987: 185 (S of Lepthyphantes valentinae).
Bathyphantes setiger Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 120, f. 341 (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger Déjean & Danflous, 2016: 16, f. 1, 2B, 3A-B, 4 (mf).
Bathyphantes spretus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1907: 76, 85, pl. 27, f. 4-7 (Df) [].
Lepthyphantes valentinae Charitonov, 1935: 78, pl. 2, f. 1-2 (Df) [].
Lepthyphantes valentinae Schenkel, 1936a: 325, f. 7 (f).
Bathyphantes (Stylophora) holnacus Miller, 1937: 569, f. 1-3 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes setiger Miller, 1939: 320 (S of Bathyphantes holnacus).
Bathyphantes hyperboreus Holm, 1945b: 46, f. 13a-e (Dmf) [].
Bathyphantes setiger Miller, 1947: 77, pl. XII, f. 4-6 (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger Holm, 1950: 135, f. 7a-f (f, S of Bathyphantes hyperboreus).
Bathyphantes setiger Locket & Millidge, 1953: 369, f. 219D, 221C (mf, S of Bathyphantes spretus).
Bathyphantes setiger Wiehle, 1956: 261, f. 432-435 (mf).
Bathyphantes canadensis Ivie, 1969: 21 (S of Bathyphantes setiger, rejected by Holm, 1971: 18).
Bathyphantes setiger Holm, 1971: 18, f. 3-4 (m, removed from S of Bathyphantes canadensis, rejecting Ivie, 1969: 21).
Bathyphantes setiger Miller, 1971: 217, pl. XLI, f. 18, pl. XLII, f. 1 (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger Palmgren, 1975: 74, f. 16.8-10 (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger van Helsdingen, 1981b: 36, f. 3-4 (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger Roberts, 1987: 138, f. 70e (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger Tanasevitch & Eskov, 1987: 185 (S of Lepthyphantes valentinae).
Bathyphantes setiger Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 120, f. 341 (mf).
Bathyphantes setiger Déjean & Danflous, 2016: 16, f. 1, 2B, 3A-B, 4 (mf).
Bathyphantes similis
Kulczyński, 1894 |
| Europe, Turkey?

Bathyphantes similis Kulczyński, in Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 74, pl. 2, f. 14 (Df).
Bathyphantes norvegicus Strand, 1901b: 18, f. 1 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes similis Miller, 1947: 78, pl. XII, f. 18-20 (mf).
Bathyphantes similis Miller, 1971: 218, pl. XLI, f. 19-20 (mf).
Bathyphantes similis Thaler, 1983a: 137, f. 3-5, 12-13 (m).
Bathyphantes similis Holm, 1987: 163, f. 13-14 (mf, S of Bathyphantes norvegicus, removed from S of B. gracilis, rejecting Holm, 1944: 126).
Bathyphantes similis Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 120, f. 342 (mf).
Bathyphantes similis Karabulut & Türkes, 2011: 118, f. 1 (m; doubtful per Blick, 2024: 122).
Bathyphantes similis Blick, 2024: 122, f. 1a-d (mf).
Bathyphantes norvegicus Strand, 1901b: 18, f. 1 (Df) [].
Bathyphantes similis Miller, 1947: 78, pl. XII, f. 18-20 (mf).
Bathyphantes similis Miller, 1971: 218, pl. XLI, f. 19-20 (mf).
Bathyphantes similis Thaler, 1983a: 137, f. 3-5, 12-13 (m).
Bathyphantes similis Holm, 1987: 163, f. 13-14 (mf, S of Bathyphantes norvegicus, removed from S of B. gracilis, rejecting Holm, 1944: 126).
Bathyphantes similis Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 120, f. 342 (mf).
Bathyphantes similis Karabulut & Türkes, 2011: 118, f. 1 (m; doubtful per Blick, 2024: 122).
Bathyphantes similis Blick, 2024: 122, f. 1a-d (mf).
Bathyphantes tagalogensis
Barrion & Litsinger, 1995 |
| Philippines

Bathyphantes tagalogensis Barrion & Litsinger, 1995: 476, f. 290a-b (Df).
Bathyphantes umiatus
Ivie, 1969 |
| USA (Alaska)

Bathyphantes umiatus Ivie, 1969: 28, f. 47-48 (Df).
Bathyphantes vittiger
Simon, 1884 |
| France

Bathyphantes vittiger Simon, 1884a: 350, f. 124-125 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes waneta
Ivie, 1969 |
| Canada, USA

Bathyphantes waneta Ivie, 1969: 40, f. 66-70 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes weyeri
(Emerton, 1875) |

Linyphia weyeri Emerton, 1875: 279, pl. 1, f. 7-12 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes weyeri Berland, 1931a: 385.
Bathyphantes (Weyerphantes) weyeri Ivie, 1969: 52, f. 91-95 (mf).
Bathyphantes weyeri Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 136, f. 1492-1493 (m; not f f. 1494-1495, belong to an undescribed species per Paquin & Dupérré, 2006: 32).
Bathyphantes weyeri Paquin & Dupérré, 2006: 32, f. 91-92 (f).
Bathyphantes weyeri Berland, 1931a: 385.
Bathyphantes (Weyerphantes) weyeri Ivie, 1969: 52, f. 91-95 (mf).
Bathyphantes weyeri Paquin & Dupérré, 2003: 136, f. 1492-1493 (m; not f f. 1494-1495, belong to an undescribed species per Paquin & Dupérré, 2006: 32).
Bathyphantes weyeri Paquin & Dupérré, 2006: 32, f. 91-92 (f).
Bathyphantes yodoensis
Oi, 1960 |
| Korea, Japan

Bathyphantes yodoensis Oi, 1960a: 207, f. 241-246 (Dmf).
Bathyphantes yodoensis Seo, 1996b: 161, f. 1-4 (f).
Bathyphantes yodoensis Ono, Matsuda & Saito, 2009: 334, f. 1131-1134 (mf).
Bathyphantes yodoensis Ohchi, 2022a: 174, f. 1-2 (m).
Bathyphantes yodoensis Hidaka, 2023a: 127, f. 5E-F (f).
Bathyphantes yodoensis Seo, 1996b: 161, f. 1-4 (f).
Bathyphantes yodoensis Ono, Matsuda & Saito, 2009: 334, f. 1131-1134 (mf).
Bathyphantes yodoensis Ohchi, 2022a: 174, f. 1-2 (m).
Bathyphantes yodoensis Hidaka, 2023a: 127, f. 5E-F (f).
Bathyphantes yukon
Ivie, 1969 |
| USA (Alaska)

Bathyphantes yukon Ivie, 1969: 24, f. 45-46 (Df).