Taxon details
Cyclosa oculata (Walckenaer, 1802)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2025-02-07
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Europe, Russia (Europe to Far East), Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Central Asia, China. Introduced to South Africa, Hawaii
- External Resources *:
Epeira oculata Walckenaer, 1805: 64.
Epeira oculata Walckenaer, 1841: 144 (Dm).
Cyrtophora oculata Simon, 1864: 262.
Singa oculata L. Koch, 1870: 4.
Singa tuberculata Reinhard, 1874: 217 (D) [].
Cyclosa oculata Simon, 1874a: 41.
Cyclosa oculata Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1891: 128, pl. 4, f. 43 (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Becker, 1896: (2): 10, pl. 1, f. 3 (mf).
Cyrtophora oculata Bösenberg, 1901: 41, pl. 3, f. 30 (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Wiehle, 1931: 20, f. 22-25 (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Charitonov, 1932: 119 (S of Singa tuberculata).
Cyclosa oculata Schenkel, 1936b: 123, f. 43 (j).
Cyclosa oculata Drensky, 1943: 224, f. 4 (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Bryant, 1945a: 367 (S of Cyclosa walckenaeri; revalidated by Levi, 1977a: 84).
Araneus tuberculatus Bonnet, 1955: 620.
Cyclosa oculata Zamaraev, 1964: 353, f. 19-20 (f).
Cyclosa oculata Azheganova, 1968: 84, f. 166, 189-190 (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Miller, 1971: 202, pl. XXXVII, f. 19-20 (f).
Cyclosa oculata Loksa, 1972: 109, f. 99C-D (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Bakhvalov, 1974: 109, f. 32-35 (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Levi, 1977a: 64, f. 21-23 (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Hu & Wu, 1989: 100, f. 76.1-3 (f).
Cyclosa oculata Izmailova, 1989: 62, f. 44 (m).
Cyclosa oculata Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 82, f. 183 (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Roberts, 1995: 337, f. (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Mcheidze, 1997: 254, f. 549-551 (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Yin et al., 1997d: 249, f. 160a-e (f).
Cyclosa oculata Roberts, 1998: 349, f. (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Groppali, Guerci & Pesarini, 1998: 73, f. 1, 3, 7 (m).
Cyclosa oculata Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 271, f. 157K-L, 161K (f).
Cyclosa oculata Zschokke & Bolzern, 2007: 11, f. 2-3 (mf).
Cyclosa oculata Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2022d: 61, 5 unnumbered f. (f).
Cyclosa oculata Ibrahimi et al., 2024: 551, f. 4A-D (m).
Cyclosa oculata Tiunov & Ustinova, 2025: 17, f. 4, 6, 12 (m).
Azheganova, N. S. (1968). Kratkii opredelitel' paukov (Aranei) lesnoi i lesostepnoi zony SSSR. Akademia Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 149 pp. -- Show included taxa
Bakhvalov, V. F. (1974). [Identification key of the spider family Araneidae from Kirgizia]. Entomologiceskie issledovanija v Kirgizii 9: 101-112. -- Show included taxa
Becker, L. (1896). Les arachnides de Belgique, deuxième et troisième parties. Annales du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 12(2): 1-127, pl. 1-25 & 12(3): 1-378, pl. 1-18. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.48721
-- Show included taxa
Bonnet, P. (1955). Bibliographia araneorum. Analyse méthodique de toute la littérature aranéologique jusqu'en 1939. Tome II. Systématique des araignées (Étude par ordre alphabétique) [1re partie: A-B]. Douladoure, Toulouse, pp. 1-918. -- Show included taxa
Bösenberg, W. (1901). Die Spinnen Deutschlands. I. Zoologica (Stuttgart) 14(1): 1-96, Pl. 1-8. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.6508 -- Show included taxa
Bryant, E. B. (1945a). The Argiopidae of Hispaniola. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 95: 357-422. -- Show included taxa
Charitonov, D. E. (1932). Katalog der russichen Spinnen. Katalog russkikh paoukow. Yezhegodnik Zoologicheskogo Muzeya Akademii Nauk SSSR Leningrad 32(Supplement): 1-207. -- Show included taxa
Chyzer, C. & Kulczyński, W. (1891). Araneae Hungariae. Tomus I. Academia Scientarum Hungaricae, Budapest, 170 pp., 4 Pls. -- Show included taxa
Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. S., Haddad, C. R., Foord, S. H., Lotz, L. N. & Webb, P. (2022d). The Araneidae of South Africa. Version 2: part 1 (A-C). South African National Survey of Arachnida Photo Identification Guide, Irene, 74 pp. doi:10.5281/zenodo.6326922 -- Show included taxa
Drensky, P. (1943). Die Spinnenfauna Bulgariens. VI. Unterordnung Arachnomorphae, II Gruppe Trionichia, Familie Euetrioidae. Bulletin des Institutions Royales d'Histoire Naturelle à Sophia 16: 219-254. -- Show included taxa
Groppali, R., Guerci, P. & Pesarini, C. (1998). Appunti sui Ragni (Arachnida, Araneae) della costa orientale di Eivissa (Ibiza), con la descrizione di una nuova specie: Cyclosa groppalii Pesarini (Araneidae). Boletín de la Sociedad de Historia Natural de Baleares 41: 65-74. -- Show included taxa
Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. -- Show included taxa
Hu, J. L. & Wu, W. G. (1989). Spiders from agricultural regions of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. Shandong University Publishing House, Jinan, 435 pp. -- Show included taxa
Ibrahimi, K., Islami, B., Kastrati, B., Geci, D., Bilalli, A. & Ibrahimi, H. (2024). New findings and an updated checklist of Araneidae (Arachnida: Araneae) from Kosovo. Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics 10(3): 547-555. doi:10.61186/jibs.10.3.547 -- Show included taxa
Izmailova, M. V. (1989). [Fauna of Spiders of South Part of Eastern Siberia]. Irkutsk State University Publishing, 184 pp. -- Show included taxa
Koch, L. (1870). Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Arachnidenfauna Galiziens. Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Gelehrten Gesellschaft in Krakau 41: 1-56. -- Show included taxa
Levi, H. W. (1977a). The American orb-weaver genera Cyclosa, Metazygia and Eustala north of Mexico (Araneae, Araneidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 148: 61-127. -- Show included taxa
Loksa, I. (1972). Araneae II. Fauna Hungariae 109: 1-112. -- Show included taxa
Mcheidze, T. S. (1997). [Spiders of Georgia: Systematics, Ecology, Zoogeographic Review]. Tbilisi University, 390 pp. (in Georgian). [English version published by Otto (2014) available here] -- Show included taxa
Miller, F. (1971). Pavouci-Araneida. Klíč zvířeny ČSSR 4: 51-306. -- Show included taxa
Reinhard, W. (1874). Materialy dlia faouny paoukoobraznych poriadka Araneae wodiatchichsia w Charkowskoi gouberny i prilejatchich miestach. Troudy Obtchiestwa Ispytatelei Prirody pri Imperatorskom Charkowskom Ouniwersitete 8: 149-254. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1995). Collins Field Guide: Spiders of Britain & Northern Europe. HarperCollins, London, 383 pp. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1998). Spinnengids. Tirion, Baarn, Netherlands, 397 pp. -- Show included taxa
Schenkel, E. (1936b). Schwedisch-chinesische wissenschaftliche Expedition nach den nordwestlichen Provinzen Chinas, unter Leitung von Dr. Sven Hedin und Prof. Sü Ping-chang. Araneae gesammelt vom schwedischen Arzt der Expedition Dr. David Hummel 1927–1930. Arkiv för Zoologi 29(A1): 1-314. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1864). Histoire naturelle des araignées (aranéides). Paris, 540 pp. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.47654 -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1874a). Les arachnides de France. Paris 1, 1-272. -- Show included taxa
Song, D. X., Zhu, M. S. & Chen, J. (1999). The spiders of China. Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House, Shijiazhuang, 640 pp. -- Show included taxa
Tiunov, A. V. & Ustinova, A. L. (2025). New records of orb-weaving spiders of the genus Cyclosa Menge 1866 (Aranei: Araneidae) from the Russian Far East. Far Eastern Entomologist 516: 15-20. doi:10.25221/fee.516.3 -- Show included taxa
Walckenaer, C. A. (1802). Faune parisienne. Insectes. Ou histoire abrégée des insectes de environs de Paris, classés d'après le système de Fabricius. Tome seconde. Dentu, Paris, pp. 187-250, 428-430. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.8151 -- Show included taxa
Walckenaer, C. A. (1805). Tableau des aranéides ou caractères essentiels des tribus, genres, familles et races que renferme le genre Aranea de Linné, avec la désignation des espèces comprises dans chacune de ces divisions. Dentu, Paris, 88 pp. -- Show included taxa
Walckenaer, C. A. (1841). Histoire naturelle des Insects. Aptères. Tome deuxième. Roret, Paris, 549 pp., pl. 16-22. [not published in 1837, see pp. 430, 452, 505; plates in second pdf of Walckenaer, 1837] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.61095 -- Show included taxa
Wiehle, H. (1931). Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea. 27. Familie. Araneidae. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 23: 47-136. -- Show included taxa
Yin, C. M., Wang, J. F., Zhu, M. S., Xie, L. P., Peng, X. J. & Bao, Y. H. (1997d). Fauna Sinica: Arachnida: Araneae: Araneidae. Science Press, Beijing, 460 pp. -- Show included taxa
Zamaraev, V. N. (1964). Opredelitel vidov paukov semeistva Araneidae. Uchenye Zapiski Kalininskogo Gosudarstvennogo Pedagogicheskogo Instituta 31: 350-368. -- Show included taxa
Zschokke, S. & Bolzern, A. (2007). Erste Nachweise sowie Kenntnisse zur Biologie von Cyclosa oculata (Araneae: Araneidae) in der Schweiz. Arachnologische Mitteilungen 33: 11-17. doi:10.5431/aramit3303 -- Show included taxa
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Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2025-02-07 | New taxonomic reference entry | Tiunov & Ustinova, 2025 | n/a |
2024-07-15 | New taxonomic reference entry | Ibrahimi et al., 2024 | n/a |
2022-06-07 | New taxonomic reference entry | Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2022d | n/a |
2022-06-07 | Species distribution update | Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2022d | n/a (Old value) |