Taxon details
Oxyopes ramosus (Martini & Goeze, 1778)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2018-12-17
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to South Siberia), Kazakhstan, Korea
- External Resources *:
Oxyopes variegatus Hahn, 1834: 36, f. 121 (f. misidentified).
Sphasus variegatus C. L. Koch, 1838: 95, f. 403 (m, misidentified).
Oxyopes candidus L. Koch, 1867c: 866 (Df).
Oxyopes ramosus Simon, 1876a: 219 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Menge, 1879: 504, pl. 82, f. 286 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Hansen, 1882: 76, pl. 5, f. 9 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Becker, 1882b: 151, pl. 12, f. 7 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1891: 48, pl. 2, f. 5 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Bösenberg, 1903: 450, pl. 43, f. 659 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Reimoser, 1930b: 56, f. 12 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Simon, 1937: 1144, f. 1777bis, c-d (mf).
Oxyopes candidus Hadjissarantos, 1940: 43, f. 13 (f, not m, = O. mediterraneus).
Oxyopes ramosus Holm, 1947: 3, f. 1-2, pl. 1, f. 1-2 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Wiehle, 1953: 66, f. 149-154 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Muller, 1955: 167, f. 27 (m).
Oxyopes ramosus Namkung, 1964: 42, f. 36 (f).
Oxyopes ramosus Azheganova, 1968: 42, f. 66-67 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Loksa, 1969: 127, f. 86E-F (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Miller, 1971: 58, pl. II, f. 17-18 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Brændegaard, 1972: 225, f. 140-143 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 352, f. 913 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Roberts, 1995: 208, f. (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Marusik, Hippa & Koponen, 1996: 41, f. 93-95 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Mcheidze, 1997: 200, f. 409-410 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Roberts, 1998: 222, f. (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Almquist, 2006: 261, f. 250a-e (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Topçu et al., 2006b: 118, f. 1a-b (m).
Oxyopes ramosus Marusik & Kovblyuk, 2011: 205, f. 27.1-2, 4, 6 (mf).
Oxyopes ramosus Gaymard & Lecigne, 2018: 37, f. 16L-P (mf).
Almquist, S. (2006). Swedish Araneae, part 1 – families Atypidae to Hahniidae (Linyphiidae excluded). Insect Systematics & Evolution, Supplement 62(2005): 1-284. [publ. in 2006 per Jonsson, in litt.]
-- Show included taxa
Azheganova, N. S. (1968). Kratkii opredelitel' paukov (Aranei) lesnoi i lesostepnoi zony SSSR. Akademia Nauk SSSR, Moscow, 149 pp. -- Show included taxa
Becker, L. (1882b). Les arachnides de Belgique, première partie. Annales du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 10: 1-246, pl. 1-27. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.48721 -- Show included taxa
Bösenberg, W. (1903). Die Spinnen Deutschlands. V, VI. Zoologica (Stuttgart) 14(5-6): 385-465, pl. 37-43. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.6508 -- Show included taxa
Brændegaard, J. (1972). Edderkopper eller spindlere II. Danmarks Fauna 80: 1-231. -- Show included taxa
Chyzer, C. & Kulczyński, W. (1891). Araneae Hungariae. Tomus I. Academia Scientarum Hungaricae, Budapest, 170 pp., 4 Pls. -- Show included taxa
Gaymard, M. & Lecigne, S. (2018). Contribution à la connaissance de l'aranéofaune (Araneae) du Gard et en particulier du massif des Gorges du Gardon (Occitanie, France). Bulletin de l'Association Française d'Arachnologie 1: 1-39. -- Show included taxa
Hadjissarantos, H. (1940). Les araignées de l'Attique. Athens, 132 pp. -- Show included taxa
Hahn, C. W. (1834). Die Arachniden. C. H. Zeh'sche Buchhandlung, Nürnberg, Zweiter Band, pp. 17-56, pl. 48-56 (f. 106-143). [for the correct year of publication see Brignoli, 1985b] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.43744 -- Show included taxa
Hansen, H. J. (1882). Spindeldyr. In: Schiödte, J. C. (ed.) Zoologia Danica. Kjöbenhavn 3, 1-81, I-V. -- Show included taxa
Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. -- Show included taxa
Holm, Å. (1947). Svensk spindelfauna 3. Egentliga spindlar. Araneae. Fam. 8-10 [Oxyopidae, Lycosidae, Pisauridae]. Stockholm, 48 pp., pl. 1-10. -- Show included taxa
Koch, C. L. (1838). Die Arachniden. C. H. Zeh'sche Buchhandlung, Nürnberg, Vierter Band, pp. 109-144, pl. 139-144 (f. 319-339); Fünfter Band, pp. 1-124, pl. 145-174 (f. 340-417). [for the correct year of publication see Brignoli, 1985b] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.43744 -- Show included taxa
Koch, L. (1867c). Zur Arachniden und Myriapoden-Fauna Süd-Europas. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 17: 857-900. -- Show included taxa
Loksa, I. (1969). Araneae I. Fauna Hungariae 97: 1-133. -- Show included taxa
Martini, F. H. W. & Goeze, J. A. E. (1778). (ed.) D. Martin Listers Naturgeschichte der Spinnen überhaupt und der Engelländischen Spinnen insbesonderheit, aus dem Lateinischen übersetzt, und mit Anmerkungen vermehrt. Mit 5. Kupfertafeln. - pp. I-XXVIII [= 1-28], 1-302, [1-13], Tab. I-V [= 1-5]. Christoph August Reußner, Quedlinburg & Blankenburg. -- Show included taxa
Marusik, Y. M., Hippa, H. & Koponen, S. (1996). Spiders (Araneae) from the Altai area, southern Siberia. Acta Zoologica Fennica 201: 11-45. -- Show included taxa
Marusik, Y. M. & Kovblyuk, M. M. (2011). Spiders (Arachnida, Aranei) of Siberia and Russian Far East. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, 344 pp. -- Show included taxa
Mcheidze, T. S. (1997). [Spiders of Georgia: Systematics, Ecology, Zoogeographic Review]. Tbilisi University, 390 pp. (in Georgian). [English version published by Otto (2014) available here] -- Show included taxa
Menge, A. (1879). Preussische Spinnen. X. Fortsetzung; XI. Fortsetzung und Schluss. Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig (N. F.) 4: 495-542; 543-560.
-- Show included taxa
Miller, F. (1971). Pavouci-Araneida. Klíč zvířeny ČSSR 4: 51-306. -- Show included taxa
Muller, L. (1955). Les lycosides et les familles apparentées dans le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Archives de l'Institut Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg 22: 153-173. -- Show included taxa
Namkung, J. (1964). Spiders from Chungjoo, Korea. Atypus 33-34: 31-50. -- Show included taxa
Reimoser, E. (1930b). Einheimische Spinnen 5. Die Natur (Wien) 6: 9-15, 53-58. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1995). Collins Field Guide: Spiders of Britain & Northern Europe. HarperCollins, London, 383 pp. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1998). Spinnengids. Tirion, Baarn, Netherlands, 397 pp. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1876a). Les arachnides de France. Tome troisième. Roret, Paris, 364 pp., pl. 9-13. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1937). Les arachnides de France. Synopsis générale et catalogue des espèces françaises de l'ordre des Araneae. Tome VI. 5e et derniére partie. Roret, Paris, pp. 979-1298. -- Show included taxa
Topçu, A., Türkeş, T., Seyyar, O., Kunt, K. B. & Demir, H. (2006b). A new species for the araneofauna of Turkey, Oxyopes ramosus (Martini & Goeze, 1778), [Araneae, Oxyopidae]. Turkish Journal of Zoology 30: 117-119. -- Show included taxa
Wiehle, H. (1953). Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea (Araneae) IX: Orthognatha-Cribellatae-Haplogynae-Entelegynae (Pholcidae, Zodariidae, Oxyopidae, Mimetidae, Nesticidae). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 42: 1-150. -- Show included taxa
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Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2018-12-17 | New taxonomic reference entry | Gaymard & Lecigne, 2018 | n/a |