Taxon details
Pardosa agrestis (Westring, 1861)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2025-02-11
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Europe, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to Far East), Central Asia, China
- External Resources *:
Lycosa decipiens L. Koch, 1870: 33 (Dmf) [].
Lycosa amnicola L. Koch, 1870: 41 (Dmf) [].
Lycosa agrestis Thorell, 1872a: 278, 282 (m).
Pardosa agrestis Simon, 1876a: 315.
Pardosa amnicola Simon, 1876a: 339.
Lycosa palustris Menge, 1879: 544, pl. 88, f. 309A, C-D (m; misidentified per Dahl, 1908: 437).
Pardosa neglecta L. Koch, 1881b: 65, pl. 2, f. 12 (Df) [].
Pardosa agrestis Becker, 1882b: 126, pl. 10, f. 2 (mf).
Lycosa decipiens O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1904a: 161, pl. A, f. 11-11b (f).
Lycosa agrestis Smith, 1907a: 16, pl. 1, f. 3.
Lycosa agrestis Dahl, 1908: 377, 436, f. 70 (mf, S of Lycosa decipiens and Pardosa neglecta).
Lycosa agrestis pseudagricola Dahl, 1908: 395 (D) [].
Lycosa amnicola Dahl, 1908: 493, 535 (S of Lycosa torrentum; revalidated by Kulczyński, 1909a: 443).
Pardosa agrestis Lessert, 1910b: 509, f. 222-223 (mf).
Pardosa agrestis pseudagricola Lessert, 1910b: 509, f. 224 (f).
Lycosa agrestis pseudagricola Dahl, 1912b: 582 (Dmf).
Lycosa agrestis Spassky, 1925: 47, f. 22, 48 (mf).
Lycosa agrestis Dahl & Dahl, 1927: 49, f. 130-132 (mf).
Lycosa agrestis Reimoser, 1931b: 61, f. 5 (mf).
Lycosa agrestis Kratochvíl, 1935b: 18, f. 12 (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Simon, 1937: 1056, 1071, 1127, f. 1628-1629, 1665 (mf).
Pardosa agrestis pseudomonticola Simon, 1937: 1071, 1127 (Df) [].
Pardosa agrestis Tambs-Lyche, 1940: 35, f. 3a-f (f).
Lycosa agrestis Holm, 1947: 29, f. 13b, pl. 10, f. 30 (mf).
Lycosa agrestis Locket & Millidge, 1951: 255, f. 122I, 123C, 124A-B, 127C (mf).
Lycosa agrestis Knülle, 1954a: 72, f. 4a-c, 6 (m).
Lycosa agrestis Muller, 1955: 163, f. 19 (f).
Pardosa agrestis Wiebes, 1959b: 39, f. 63 (f).
Pardosa agrestis Tongiorgi, 1966a: 285, f. 72-74, 95-97, 100-101 (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Holm, 1968a: 203, f. 31 (m).
Pardosa agrestis Azheganova, 1971: 16, f. 22 (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Fuhn & Niculescu-Burlacu, 1971: 73, f. 27a-e (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Loksa, 1972: 21, f. 15F, 16C, 17B, 18A-B (mf, S of Pardosa amnicola).
Pardosa agrestis Locket, Millidge & Merrett, 1974: 33, f. 18C (f, S of Pardosa purbeckensis, revalidated by Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 324).
Pardosa agrestis Zyuzin, 1979a: 434, f. 5, 37 (mf).
Pardosa ilgunensis Minoranskii, Ponomarev & Gramotenko, 1980: 33 (f; misidentified per Mikhailov, 2013b: 123).
Pardosa agrestis Roberts, 1985: 134, f. 55c, 57a-b (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Zhu & Shi, 1985: 135, f. 119a-e (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Zyuzin, 1985b: 158, f. 5, 7-8 (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Zhang, 1987: 150, f. 125.1-3 (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Izmailova, 1989: 30, f. 14 (f).
Pardosa agrestis Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 326, f. 864 (mf, S of Pardosa agrestis pseudagricola and P. agrestis pseudomonticola).
Pardosa agrestis Roberts, 1995: 214, f. (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Yin et al., 1997c: 222, f. 104a-g (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Roberts, 1998: 228, f. (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Pirchegger & Thaler, 1999: 52, f. 13 (m).
Pardosa agrestis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 329, f. 192J, P (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Zyuzin & Logunov, 2000: 316, f. 43-44 (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Hu, 2001: 179, f. 82.1-4 (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Song, Zhu & Chen, 2001: 244, f. 149A-D (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Almquist, 2006: 220, f. 218a-f (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Zhu & Zhang, 2011: 269, f. 193A-D (mf).
Pardosa agrestis Yuan, Zhao & Zhang, 2019: 23, f. 17A-C (f).
Almquist, S. (2006). Swedish Araneae, part 1 – families Atypidae to Hahniidae (Linyphiidae excluded). Insect Systematics & Evolution, Supplement 62(2005): 1-284. [publ. in 2006 per Jonsson, in litt.]
-- Show included taxa
Azheganova, N. S. (1971). Pauki-volki (Lycosidae): Permskoi oblasti. Ministerstvo prosveshcheniya RSFSR, Perm, pp. 1-21. -- Show included taxa
Becker, L. (1882b). Les arachnides de Belgique, première partie. Annales du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 10: 1-246, pl. 1-27. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.48721 -- Show included taxa
Dahl, F. (1908). Die Lycosiden oder Wolfspinnen Deutschlands und ihre Stellung im Haushalt der Natur. Nach statistischen Untersuchungen dargestellt. Nova Acta, Abhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher 88(3): 175-678. -- Show included taxa
Dahl, F. (1912b). Über die Fauna des Plagefenn-Gebietes. In: Conwentz, H. (ed.) Das Plagefenn bei Chorin. Berlin, pp. 339-638 (Araneae, 575-622). -- Show included taxa
Dahl, F. & Dahl, M. (1927). Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea. Lycosidae s. lat. (Wolfspinnen im weiteren Sinne). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 5: 1-80. -- Show included taxa
Fuhn, I. E. & Niculescu-Burlacu, F. (1971). Fam. Lycosidae. Fauna Republicii Socialiste România (Arachnida) 5(3): 1-253. -- Show included taxa
Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. -- Show included taxa
Holm, Å. (1947). Svensk spindelfauna 3. Egentliga spindlar. Araneae. Fam. 8-10 [Oxyopidae, Lycosidae, Pisauridae]. Stockholm, 48 pp., pl. 1-10. -- Show included taxa
Holm, Å. (1968a). A contribution to the spider fauna of Sweden. Zoologiska Bidrag från Uppsala 37: 183-209. -- Show included taxa
Hu, J. L. (2001). Spiders in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau of China. Henan Science and Technology Publishing House, 658 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Izmailova, M. V. (1989). [Fauna of Spiders of South Part of Eastern Siberia]. Irkutsk State University Publishing, 184 pp. -- Show included taxa
Knülle, W. (1954a). Lycosa purbeckensis F. O. P. Cambridge (Lycosidae: Araneae), eine deutsche Küstenart: Ein Beitrag zur Taxonomie der Lycosa-monticola-Gruppe. Kieler Meeresforschungen 10: 68-76. -- Show included taxa
Koch, L. (1870). Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Arachnidenfauna Galiziens. Jahrbuch der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Gelehrten Gesellschaft in Krakau 41: 1-56. -- Show included taxa
Koch, L. (1881b). Beschreibungen neuer von Herrn Dr Zimmermann bei Niesky in der Oberlausitz endeckter Arachniden. Abhandlungen der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Görlitz 17: 41-71. -- Show included taxa
Kratochvíl, J. (1935b). Araignées nouvelles ou non encore signalées en Yougoslavie. Première partie. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Rigā 8: 10-25. -- Show included taxa
Lessert, R. de (1910b). Catalogue des invertebres de la Suisse. Fasc. 3, Araignées. Musée d'histoire naturelle de Genève, 635 pp. -- Show included taxa
Locket, G. H. & Millidge, A. F. (1951). British spiders. Vol. I. Ray Society, London, 310 pp. -- Show included taxa
Locket, G. H., Millidge, A. F. & Merrett, P. (1974). British Spiders, Volume III. Ray Society, London, 315 pp. -- Show included taxa
Loksa, I. (1972). Araneae II. Fauna Hungariae 109: 1-112. -- Show included taxa
Menge, A. (1879). Preussische Spinnen. X. Fortsetzung; XI. Fortsetzung und Schluss. Schriften der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig (N. F.) 4: 495-542; 543-560.
-- Show included taxa
Minoranskij, V. A., Ponomarev, A. V. & Gramotenko, V. P. (1980). Maloizvestnie i novye dlya yugo-vostoka evropeiskoi chasti usse pauki (Aranei). Vestnik Zoologii 1980(1): 31-37. -- Show included taxa
Muller, L. (1955). Les lycosides et les familles apparentées dans le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg. Archives de l'Institut Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg 22: 153-173. -- Show included taxa
Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1904a). On new and rare British spiders. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 24(1903): 149-171. [published on April 13, 1904, after Sykes, 1941] -- Show included taxa
Pirchegger, H. & Thaler, K. (1999). Zur Unterscheidung der Männchen von Pardosa blanda (C. L. Koch) und P. torrentum Simon (Araneae, Lycosidae). Mitteilungen der Schweizerischen Entomologischen Gesellschaft 72(1-2): 47-53. doi:10.5169/seals-402738 -- Show included taxa
Reimoser, E. (1931b). Einheimische Spinnen 6-9. Die Natur (Wien) 7: 38-41, 57-61, 83-87, 127-130. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1985). The spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 1: Atypidae to Theridiosomatidae. Harley Books, Colchester, England, 229 pp. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1995). Collins Field Guide: Spiders of Britain & Northern Europe. HarperCollins, London, 383 pp. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1998). Spinnengids. Tirion, Baarn, Netherlands, 397 pp. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1876a). Les arachnides de France. Tome troisième. Roret, Paris, 364 pp., pl. 9-13. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1937). Les arachnides de France. Synopsis générale et catalogue des espèces françaises de l'ordre des Araneae. Tome VI. 5e et derniére partie. Roret, Paris, pp. 979-1298. -- Show included taxa
Smith, F. P. (1907a). The British spiders of the genus Lycosa. Journal of the Quekett Microscopical Club (2) 10: 9-30. -- Show included taxa
Song, D. X., Zhu, M. S. & Chen, J. (1999). The spiders of China. Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House, Shijiazhuang, 640 pp. -- Show included taxa
Song, D. X., Zhu, M. S. & Chen, J. (2001). The Fauna of Hebei, China: Araneae. Hebei Science and Technology Publishing House, Shijiazhuang, 510 pp. -- Show included taxa
Spassky, S. A. (1925). [An identification book of spiders of Don area]. Znanie Press, Novocherkassk, 62 pp. -- Show included taxa
Tambs-Lyche, H. (1940). Die Norwegischen Spinnen der Gattung Pardosa Koch. Avhandlinger utgitt av det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi i Oslo 6: 1-59. -- Show included taxa
Thorell, T. (1872a). Remarks on synonyms of European spiders. Part III. C. J. Lundström, Uppsala, pp. 229-374. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.69282 -- Show included taxa
Tongiorgi, P. (1966a). Italian wolf spiders of the genus Pardosa (Araneae: Lycosidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 134(8): 275-334. -- Show included taxa
Westring, N. (1861). Araneae svecicae. Göteborgs Kungliga Vetenskaps och Vitterhets Samhälles Handlingar 7: 1-615. [publ. also as separate in 1862] -- Show included taxa
Wiebes, J. T. (1959b). The Lycosidae and Pisauridae (Araneae) of the Netherlands. Zoologische Verhandelingen 42: 1-78. -- Show included taxa
Yin, C. M., Peng, X. J., Xie, L. P., Bao, Y. H. & Wang, J. F. (1997c). Lycosids in China (Arachnida: Araneae). Hunan Normal University Press, 317 pp. -- Show included taxa
Yuan, L., Zhao, L. J. & Zhang, Z. S. (2019). Preliminary study on the spider diversity of the Wanglang National Nature Reserve. Acta Arachnologica Sinica 28(1): 7-36. doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-9628.2019.01.002 -- Show included taxa
Zhang, W. S. (ed.) (1987). [Farm spiders from Hebei Province]. Hebei University of Science and Technology Press, 299 pp. -- Show included taxa
Zhu, M. S. & Shi, J. G. (1985). [Crop field spiders of Shanxi Province]. Agriculture Planning Committee of Shanxi Province (for 1983), 239 pp. -- Show included taxa
Zhu, M. S. & Zhang, B. S. (2011). Spider Fauna of Henan: Arachnida: Araneae. Science Press, Beijing, 558 pp. -- Show included taxa
Zyuzin, A. A. (1979a). A taxonomic study of Palearctic spiders of the genus Pardosa (Aranei, Lycosidae). Part 1. The taxonomic structure of the genus. Entomologicheskoe Obozrenie 58: 431-447.
-- Show included taxa
Zyuzin, A. A. (1985b). [Stational distribution of wolf-spiders of the genus Pardosa C. L. Koch (Aranei, Lycosidae) in Dnepropetrovsk area. In: Voprosy stepnogo lesovedeniya i nauchnye osnovy lesnoy rekultivatsii zemel. Dnepropetrovsk, pp. 155-161. -- Show included taxa
Zyuzin, A. A. & Logunov, D. V. (2000). New and little-known species of the Lycosidae from Azerbaihan, the Caucasus (Araneae, Lycosidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 11: 305-319. -- Show included taxa
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Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2024-11-17 | Taxonomic reference added from other taxon | n/a (Old value) | |
2022-07-11 | Species distribution update | Zamani, Nadolny & Dolejš, 2022 | n/a (Old value) |
2019-05-10 | New taxonomic reference entry | Yuan, Zhao & Zhang, 2019 | n/a |