Taxon details
Arctosa lutetiana (Simon, 1876)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2019-02-11
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Europe, Russia (Europe to South Siberia)
- External Resources *:
- It is widely assumed that most of the type material from Simon can be found in the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, France
Lycosa lucorum L. Koch, 1877b: 193, f. 21-22 (Dmf) [].
Lycosa lutetiana Becker, 1882b: 116, pl. 9, f. 5a-c (mf).
Tricca lutetiana Simon, 1889d: 250.
Trochosa lucorum Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1897: 298, pl. 10, f. 63 (m).
Lycosa lucorum Bösenberg, 1903: 403, pl. 38, f. 593 (mf).
Tricca lutetiana Dahl, 1908: 325, f. 43 (f).
Tricca lutetiana Dahl & Dahl, 1927: 10, f. 14-17 (mf).
Triccosta lucorum Roewer, 1955c: 298.
Tricca lutetiana Wiebes, 1956: 405, f. 1-2 (mf).
Arctosa lutetiana Wiebes, 1959b: 31, f. 36, 48, 50, 52 (mf).
Tricca lucorum Buchar & Zdárek, 1960: 91, f. 5A-B (mf).
Tricca lutetiana Braun, 1963a: 81 (S of Triccosta lucorum).
Tricca lutetiana Lugetti & Tongiorgi, 1965: 210, f. XV.1-3 (mf).
Tricca lutetiana Lugetti & Tongiorgi, 1966: 141, f. III.1-5 (mf).
Tricca lutetiana Wiehle, 1967a: 11, f. 37-47 (mf).
Tricca lutetiana Fuhn & Niculescu-Burlacu, 1971: 219, f. 108a-f (mf).
Tricca lutetiana Miller, 1971: 154, pl. LXII, f. 15-16 (m).
Tricca lutetiana Loksa, 1972: 6, f. 2B-C, 3, 4A-C (mf).
Tricca lutetiana Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 348, f. 900 (mf).
Arctosa lutetiana Roberts, 1995: 231, f. (mf).
Tricca lutetiana Buchar & Thaler, 1995a: 489, f. 6 (m).
Arctosa lutetiana Roberts, 1998: 248, f. (mf).
Arctosa lutetiana Almquist, 2006: 204, f. 205a-f (mf).
Arctosa lutetiana Uyar & Dolejš, 2017: 55, f. 5 (f).
Almquist, S. (2006). Swedish Araneae, part 1 – families Atypidae to Hahniidae (Linyphiidae excluded). Insect Systematics & Evolution, Supplement 62(2005): 1-284. [publ. in 2006 per Jonsson, in litt.]
-- Show included taxa
Becker, L. (1882b). Les arachnides de Belgique, première partie. Annales du Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique 10: 1-246, pl. 1-27. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.48721 -- Show included taxa
Bösenberg, W. (1903). Die Spinnen Deutschlands. V, VI. Zoologica (Stuttgart) 14(5-6): 385-465, pl. 37-43. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.6508 -- Show included taxa
Braun, R. (1963a). Das Tricca-Problem (Arach., Araneae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 44: 73-82. -- Show included taxa
Buchar, J. & Žďárek, J. (1960). Die Arachnofauna der mittelböhmischen Waldsteppe. Acta Universitatis Carolinae Biologica 1960: 87-102. -- Show included taxa
Buchar, J. & Thaler, K. (1995a). Die Wolfspinnen von Österreich 2: Gattungen Arctosa, Tricca, Trochosa (Arachnida, Araneida: Lycosidae) - Faunistisch-tiergeographische Übersicht. Carinthia II 185/105: 481-498. -- Show included taxa
Chyzer, C. & Kulczyński, W. (1897). Araneae Hungariae. Tomus II. Academia Scientarum Hungaricae, Budapest, pp. 147-366, Pl. VI-X. -- Show included taxa
Dahl, F. (1908). Die Lycosiden oder Wolfspinnen Deutschlands und ihre Stellung im Haushalt der Natur. Nach statistischen Untersuchungen dargestellt. Nova Acta, Abhandlungen der Kaiserlichen Leopoldinisch-Carolinischen Deutschen Akademie der Naturforscher 88(3): 175-678. -- Show included taxa
Dahl, F. & Dahl, M. (1927). Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea. Lycosidae s. lat. (Wolfspinnen im weiteren Sinne). Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 5: 1-80. -- Show included taxa
Fuhn, I. E. & Niculescu-Burlacu, F. (1971). Fam. Lycosidae. Fauna Republicii Socialiste România (Arachnida) 5(3): 1-253. -- Show included taxa
Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. -- Show included taxa
Koch, L. (1877b). Verzeichniss der bei Nürnberg bis jetzt beobachteten Arachniden (mit Ausschluss der Ixodiden und Acariden) und Beschreibungen von neuen, hier vorkommenden Arten. Abhandlungen der Naturhistorischen Gesellschaft zu Nürnberg 6: 113-198. -- Show included taxa
Loksa, I. (1972). Araneae II. Fauna Hungariae 109: 1-112. -- Show included taxa
Lugetti, G. & Tongiorgi, P. (1965). Revisione delle specie italiane dei generi Arctosa C. L. Koch e Tricca Simon con note su una Acantholycosa delle Alpi Giulie (Araneae-Lycosidae). Redia 49: 165-229. -- Show included taxa
Lugetti, G. & Tongiorgi, P. (1966). Su alcune specie dei generi Arctosa C. L. Koch e Tricca Simon (Araneae-Lycosidae). Redia 50: 133-150. -- Show included taxa
Miller, F. (1971). Pavouci-Araneida. Klíč zvířeny ČSSR 4: 51-306. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1995). Collins Field Guide: Spiders of Britain & Northern Europe. HarperCollins, London, 383 pp. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1998). Spinnengids. Tirion, Baarn, Netherlands, 397 pp. -- Show included taxa
Roewer, C. F. (1955c). Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940, bzw. 1954. 2. Band, Abt. a (Lycosaeformia, Dionycha [excl. Salticiformia]). 2. Band, Abt. b (Salticiformia, Cribellata) (Synonyma-Verzeichnis, Gesamtindex). Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, 1751 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1876a). Les arachnides de France. Tome troisième. Roret, Paris, 364 pp., pl. 9-13. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1889d). Etudes arachnologiques. 21e Mémoire. XXXIII. Descriptions de quelques espèces receillies au Japon, par A. Mellotée. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (6) 8: 248-252. -- Show included taxa
Uyar, Z. & Dolejš, P. (2017). New records and notes on some spiders (Araneae: Lycosidae, Salticidae, Theridiidae) from Turkey. Entomological News 127(1): 51-63. doi:10.3157/021.127.0107 -- Show included taxa
Wiebes, J. T. (1956). Tricca lutetiana Simon, a rare spider, new to the Dutch fauna (Araneae, Lycosidae). Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen Amsterdam 59(C): 405-415. -- Show included taxa
Wiebes, J. T. (1959b). The Lycosidae and Pisauridae (Araneae) of the Netherlands. Zoologische Verhandelingen 42: 1-78. -- Show included taxa
Wiehle, H. (1967a). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der deutschen Spinnenfauna, V. (Arach., Araneae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 48: 1-36. -- Show included taxa
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World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]
Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2017-08-05 | Taxonomic reference assigned to new taxon | Taxonomic reference entry assigned to Arctosa tbilisiensis Mcheidze, 1946 | |
2017-08-02 | New taxonomic reference entry | Uyar & Dolejš, 2017 | n/a |