Taxon details
Mecopisthes silus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873)
- Rank: Species (Genus type)
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2020-04-19
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Europe, Turkey
- External Resources *:
- Holotype: Oxford University Museum of Natural History (OUMNH) = Hope Entomological Collections Oxford (HECO), Oxford, UK; m (4160 (iv)) (Locket, 1964)
Cnephalocotes pusillus Simon, 1884a: 706, f. 567-570 (mf, misidentified).
Cnephalocotes silus Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1894: 119, pl. 4, f. 41 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Simon, 1926: 351, 486, f. 612-614 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Denis, 1950a: 255, f. 6 (f).
Mecopisthes silus Wiehle, 1960a: 87, f. 141-149 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Miller, 1966: 152, pl. II, f. 1-7 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Tystshenko, 1971: 256, f. 791 (f).
Mecopisthes silus Miller, 1971: 270, pl. LVII, f. 23-25 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Wunderlich, 1972b: 302, f. 24-28 (removed mf from S).
Mecopisthes silus Millidge, 1978a: 113, f. 1-2, 8-10, 18-19 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 208, f. 560 (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Wunderlich, 2008e: 688, f. 16 (m).
Mecopisthes silus Barrientos, Uribarri & García-Sarrión, 2015: 62, f. 3a-e (mf).
Mecopisthes silus Lecigne, 2016d: 19, f. 9A (f).
Mecopisthes silus Danışman, Coşar & Kunt, 2020: 16, 4A-C (m).
Barrientos, J. A., Uribarri, I. & García-Sarrión, R. (2015). Arañas (Arachnida, Araneae) del Turó de l'Home (Parc Natural del Montseny, Cataluña, España). Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 27: 61-74. -- Show included taxa
Chyzer, C. & Kulczyński, W. (1894). Araneae Hungariae. Tomus II. Academia Scientarum Hungaricae, Budapest, pp. 1-151, Pl. I-V. -- Show included taxa
Danışman, T., Coşar, İ. & Kunt, K. B. (2020). Taxonomic notes on some linyphiid spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae) from Turkey. Eskişehir Technical University Journal of Science and Technology C - Life Sciences and Biotechnology 19(1): 13-25. doi:10.18036/estubtdc.526538 -- Show included taxa
Denis, J. (1950a). Notes sur les érigonides. XVII. Additions et rectifications au tableau de détermination des femelles. Descriptions d'espèces nouvelles. Bulletin de la Société d'Histoire Naturelle de Toulouse 84(3/4, 1949): 245-257. -- Show included taxa
Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. -- Show included taxa
Lecigne, S. (2016d). Atlas préliminaire des araignées Araneae du Nord et du Pas-de-Calais. Le Héron 48(2015): 1-236. -- Show included taxa
Miller, F. (1966). Einige neue oder unvollkommen bekannte Zwergspinnen (Micryphantidae) aus der Tschechoslowakei (Araneidea). Acta Entomologica Bohemoslovaca 63: 149-164. -- Show included taxa
Miller, F. (1971). Pavouci-Araneida. Klíč zvířeny ČSSR 4: 51-306. -- Show included taxa
Millidge, A. F. (1978a). The genera Mecopisthes Simon and Hypsocephalus n.gen. and their phylogenetic relationships (Araneae: Linyphiidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 4(3, 1977): 113-123. -- Show included taxa
Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1873a). Descriptions of twenty-four new species of Erigone. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 40(3, 1872): 747-769, pl. 65-66. [published in April 1873, after Duncan, 1937] doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1872.tb00496.x -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1884a). Les arachnides de France. Tome cinquième, deuxième et troisième partie. Roret, Paris, pp. 180-885, pl. 26-27. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1926). Les arachnides de France. Synopsis générale et catalogue des espèces françaises de l'ordre des Araneae. Tome VI. 2e partie. Roret, Paris, pp. 309-532. -- Show included taxa
Tystshenko, V. P. (1971). Opredelitel' paukov evropejskoj chasti SSSR. Leningrad, 281 pp. -- Show included taxa
Wiehle, H. (1960a). Spinnentiere oder Arachnoidea (Araneae). XI. Micryphantidae – Zwergspinnen. Die Tierwelt Deutschlands 47: 1-620. -- Show included taxa
Wunderlich, J. (1972b). Zur Spinnenfauna Deutschlands, XII. Neue und seltene Arten der Linyphiidae und einige Bemerkungen zur Synonymie (Arachnida: Araneae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 53: 291-306. -- Show included taxa
Wunderlich, J. (2008e). Descriptions of new taxa of European dwarf spiders (Araneae: Linyphiidae: Erigonidae). Beiträge zur Araneologie 5: 685-697. -- Show included taxa
* Disclaimer
As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases.
They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources,
are not managed by World Spider Catalog and the information given there is not necessarily in agreement
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World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]
Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2020-04-19 | New taxonomic reference entry | Danışman, Coşar & Kunt, 2020 | n/a |
2020-04-19 | Species distribution update | Danışman, Coşar & Kunt, 2020 | n/a (Old value) |
2017-01-26 | Taxonomic reference assigned to new taxon | Taxonomic reference entry assigned to Mecopisthes pumilio Wunderlich, 2008 | |
2017-01-25 | New taxonomic reference entry | Lecigne, 2016d | n/a |
2016-11-03 | Species updated | Error corrected (Old value) | |
2016-02-15 | New taxonomic reference entry | Barrientos, Uribarri & García-Sarrión, 2015 | n/a |