Included taxa
Wunderlich, J. (1972b). Zur Spinnenfauna Deutschlands, XII. Neue und seltene Arten der Linyphiidae und einige Bemerkungen zur Synonymie (Arachnida: Araneae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 53: 291-306.
Species | Family | Page / figures | published as |
Centromerus leruthi | Linyphiidae | 292, f. 1-7 (mf, S of Centromerus sphagnicola) | Centromerus leruthi |
Diplocentria mediocris | Linyphiidae | 304, f. 29-32 (Dmf) [] | Collinsia harmsi |
Incestophantes annulatus | Linyphiidae | 298 (S of Lepthyphantes kotulai, revalidated by Bosmans, in Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 182) | Lepthyphantes annulatus |
Jacksonella falconeri | Linyphiidae | 296, f. 14-17 (mf, S) | Jacksonella falconeri |
Mecopisthes peusi | Linyphiidae | 301, f. 18-23 (Dmf) | Mecopisthes peusi |
Mecopisthes silus | Linyphiidae | 302, f. 24-28 (removed mf from S) | Mecopisthes silus |
Oreonetides quadridentatus | Linyphiidae | 294, f. 8-13 (Dm) | Centromerus quadridentatus |
Palliduphantes antroniensis | Linyphiidae | 298 (S of Lepthyphantes exiguus) | Lepthyphantes antroniensis |
Staveleya pusilla | Linyphiidae | 300 (S of Mecopisthes dahli; rejected by Millidge, 1978a: 119) | Mecopisthes pusillus |
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