Family: Gnaphosidae Banks, 1892 []
Gen. Megamyrmaekion Reuss, 1834 []
type Megamyrmaekion caudatum Reuss, 1834; gender neuter
N.B.: other spellings (such as Megamyrmecion) are unjustified emendations; species from outside the Mediterranean are probably misplaced, per Murphy, 2007: 55.
Transferred to other genera:
Megamyrmaekion asceticum Chamberlin, 1924 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion californicum Simon, 1893 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion cambridgei Gertsch & Davis, 1940 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion echemophthalmum Simon, 1908 -- see Encoptarthria
Megamyrmaekion erebum (L. Koch, 1873) -- see Zelanda
Megamyrmaekion gayi Simon, 1904 -- see Echemoides
Megamyrmaekion jodhpurense Gajbe, 1993 -- see Trichothyse
Megamyrmaekion kajalae Biswas & Biswas, 1992 -- see Drassodes
Megamyrmaekion naturalisticum Chamberlin, 1924 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion nesiotes Chamberlin, 1924 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion penicillatum Simon, 1908 -- see Encoptarthria
Megamyrmaekion perpusillum Simon, 1908 -- see Encoptarthria
Megamyrmaekion pessimisticum Chamberlin, 1924 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion vestigator Simon, 1908 -- see Encoptarthria
Megamyrmaekion asceticum Chamberlin, 1924 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion californicum Simon, 1893 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion cambridgei Gertsch & Davis, 1940 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion echemophthalmum Simon, 1908 -- see Encoptarthria
Megamyrmaekion erebum (L. Koch, 1873) -- see Zelanda
Megamyrmaekion gayi Simon, 1904 -- see Echemoides
Megamyrmaekion jodhpurense Gajbe, 1993 -- see Trichothyse
Megamyrmaekion kajalae Biswas & Biswas, 1992 -- see Drassodes
Megamyrmaekion naturalisticum Chamberlin, 1924 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion nesiotes Chamberlin, 1924 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion penicillatum Simon, 1908 -- see Encoptarthria
Megamyrmaekion perpusillum Simon, 1908 -- see Encoptarthria
Megamyrmaekion pessimisticum Chamberlin, 1924 -- see Scopoides
Megamyrmaekion vestigator Simon, 1908 -- see Encoptarthria
In synonymy:
Megamyrmaekion ashae Tikader & Gajbe, 1977 = Megamyrmaekion caudatum Reuss, 1834 (Sankaran & Caleb, 2021: 545).
Megamyrmaekion holosericeum Simon, 1882 = Megamyrmaekion vulpinum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) (Levy, 1999d: 442).
Megamyrmaekion pallescens Denis, 1955 = Megamyrmaekion vulpinum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) (Levy, 1999d: 442).
Megamyrmaekion pumilum Simon, 1885 = Megamyrmaekion caudatum Reuss, 1834 (Levy, 2009: 14).
Megamyrmaekion tarrhunense (Karsch, 1881, T from Drassodes) = Megamyrmaekion caudatum Reuss, 1834 (Bosmans & Hervé, 2021: 60).
Megamyrmaekion ashae Tikader & Gajbe, 1977 = Megamyrmaekion caudatum Reuss, 1834 (Sankaran & Caleb, 2021: 545).
Megamyrmaekion holosericeum Simon, 1882 = Megamyrmaekion vulpinum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) (Levy, 1999d: 442).
Megamyrmaekion pallescens Denis, 1955 = Megamyrmaekion vulpinum (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) (Levy, 1999d: 442).
Megamyrmaekion pumilum Simon, 1885 = Megamyrmaekion caudatum Reuss, 1834 (Levy, 2009: 14).
Megamyrmaekion tarrhunense (Karsch, 1881, T from Drassodes) = Megamyrmaekion caudatum Reuss, 1834 (Bosmans & Hervé, 2021: 60).
Megamyrmaekion algericum
Simon, 1885 |
| Algeria, Tunisia

Megamyrmecion algericum Simon, 1885i: 37 (Dm).
Megamyrmaekion algericum Murphy, 2007: 50, f. 362-363 (m, f. f).
Megamyrmaekion algericum Murphy, 2007: 50, f. 362-363 (m, f. f).
Megamyrmaekion austrinum
Simon, 1908 |
| Australia (Western Australia)

Megamyrmecion austrinum Simon, 1908d: 396, f. 12 (Df).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum
Reuss, 1834 *
| Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Israel, Iran, India

Megamyrmaekion caudatum Reuss, 1834: 217, pl. 18, f. 12 (Dj).
Dyction reussi Walckenaer, 1837: 380 (Df).
Drassus tarrhunensis Karsch, 1881a: 12, pl. 1, f. 11 (Df) [].
Megamyrmecion pumilum Simon, 1885i: 38 (Dm) [].
Megamyrmecion caudatum Simon, 1893a: 370, f. 325, 330.
Megamyrmaekion ashae Tikader & Gajbe, 1977a: 16, f. 2A-E (Dmf) [].
Megamyrmaekion ashae Tikader, 1982b: 372, f. 181-186 (mf).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum Levy, 1999d: 442, f. 26, 30-31 (f; m is M. hula per Levy, 2009: 16).
Megamyrmaekion ashae Gajbe, 2007: 464, f. 109-114 (mf).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum Levy, 2009: 14, f. 29-32 (mf, S of Megamyrmecion pumilum).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum Zamani et al., 2017c: 61, f. 2D-F (mf).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum Bosmans & Hervé, 2021: 60, f. 2b-c (f, S of Drassodes tarrhunensis).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum Sankaran & Caleb, 2021: 545, f. 25-29, 32-37 (mf, S of Megamyrmaekion ashae).
Dyction reussi Walckenaer, 1837: 380 (Df).
Drassus tarrhunensis Karsch, 1881a: 12, pl. 1, f. 11 (Df) [].
Megamyrmecion pumilum Simon, 1885i: 38 (Dm) [].
Megamyrmecion caudatum Simon, 1893a: 370, f. 325, 330.
Megamyrmaekion ashae Tikader & Gajbe, 1977a: 16, f. 2A-E (Dmf) [].
Megamyrmaekion ashae Tikader, 1982b: 372, f. 181-186 (mf).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum Levy, 1999d: 442, f. 26, 30-31 (f; m is M. hula per Levy, 2009: 16).
Megamyrmaekion ashae Gajbe, 2007: 464, f. 109-114 (mf).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum Levy, 2009: 14, f. 29-32 (mf, S of Megamyrmecion pumilum).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum Zamani et al., 2017c: 61, f. 2D-F (mf).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum Bosmans & Hervé, 2021: 60, f. 2b-c (f, S of Drassodes tarrhunensis).
Megamyrmaekion caudatum Sankaran & Caleb, 2021: 545, f. 25-29, 32-37 (mf, S of Megamyrmaekion ashae).
Megamyrmaekion hula
Levy, 2009 |
| Israel

Megamyrmaekion caudatum Levy, 1999d: 442, f. 27-29 (m, misidentified).
Megamyrmaekion hula Levy, 2009: 16 (Dm).
Megamyrmaekion hula Levy, 2009: 16 (Dm).
Megamyrmaekion magshimim
Levy, 2009 |
| Israel

Megamyrmaekion magshimim Levy, 2009: 16, f. 33-35 (Dm).
Megamyrmaekion nairobii
Berland, 1920 |
| Kenya

Megamyrmecion nairobii Berland, 1920c: 103, f. 120 (Dm).
Megamyrmaekion pritiae
(Tikader, 1982) |
| India

Scopodes pritiae Tikader, 1982b: 369, f. 175-180 (Dmf).
Megamyrmaekion pritiae Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2019b: 156, f. 7-9, 12-16 (mf, T from Scopoides).
Megamyrmaekion pritiae Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2019b: 156, f. 7-9, 12-16 (mf, T from Scopoides).
Megamyrmaekion schreineri
Tucker, 1923 |
| Namibia, South Africa

Megamyrmeceon schreineri Tucker, 1923: 347, pl. 10, f. 63 (Dm).
Megamyrmaekion schreineri Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021C: 26, 4 f. (m).
Megamyrmaekion schreineri Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021C: 26, 4 f. (m).
Megamyrmaekion tikaderi
(Gajbe, 1987) |
| India

Scopodes tikaderi Gajbe, 1987c: 285, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
Scopodes tikaderi Gajbe, 2007: 463, f. 103-108 (m).
Megamyrmaekion tikaderi Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2019b: 159, f. 17-18, 22-26 (mf, T from Scopoides).
Scopodes tikaderi Gajbe, 2007: 463, f. 103-108 (m).
Megamyrmaekion tikaderi Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2019b: 159, f. 17-18, 22-26 (mf, T from Scopoides).
Megamyrmaekion transvaalense
Tucker, 1923 |
| South Africa

Megamyrmeceon transvaalensis Tucker, 1923: 348, pl. 10, f. 64 (Df).
"Megamyrmaekion" nr. transvaalense Murphy, 2007: 54, f. 448-449 (mf; p. 448-449 misspelled transvaalicus).
Megamyrmaekion transvaalense Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021C: 27, 6 f. (f).
"Megamyrmaekion" nr. transvaalense Murphy, 2007: 54, f. 448-449 (mf; p. 448-449 misspelled transvaalicus).
Megamyrmaekion transvaalense Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021C: 27, 6 f. (f).
Megamyrmaekion velox
Simon, 1887 |
| Namibia, South Africa

Megamyrmecion velox Simon, 1887b: 372 (Df).
Megamyrmaekion vulpinum
(O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) |
| Niger, Egypt

Drassus vulpinus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874a: 397, pl. 52, f. 22 (Df).
Megamyrmecion holosericeum Simon, 1882b: 257, pl. 8, f. 21-22 (Df) [].
Scotophaeus vulpinus Simon, 1893a: 371 (T from Drassus).
Megamymecium pallescens Denis, 1955b: 105, f. 3 (Df) [].
Megamyrmaekion vulpinum Levy, 1999d: 438 (T from Scotophaeus, S of Megamyrmaekion holosericeum and M. pallescens).
Megamyrmecion holosericeum Simon, 1882b: 257, pl. 8, f. 21-22 (Df) [].
Scotophaeus vulpinus Simon, 1893a: 371 (T from Drassus).
Megamymecium pallescens Denis, 1955b: 105, f. 3 (Df) [].
Megamyrmaekion vulpinum Levy, 1999d: 438 (T from Scotophaeus, S of Megamyrmaekion holosericeum and M. pallescens).