Family: Gnaphosidae Banks, 1892 []
Gen. Trichothyse Tucker, 1923 []
type Trichothyse hortensis Tucker, 1923; gender feminine
In synonymy:
Trichothyse campestrata (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Levy, 1999d: 431, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse dimidiata (Simon, 1878) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Levy, 1999d: 431, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse flavomaculata (L. Koch, 1878, T from Drassodes) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Chatzaki, Thaler & Mylonas, 2002a: 569, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse incompta (Pavesi, 1880) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Alioua & Bosmans, 2020: 123, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse lesserti (Denis, 1947) = Trichothyse pugnax (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) (Levy, 1999d: 433, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse rufipes (Thorell, 1875, T from Zelotes) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Kovblyuk, Marusik & Omelko, 2013: 424, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse sabulum (Wunderlich, 2011, T from Macarophaeus) = Trichothyse poonaensis (Tikader, 1982) (Lissner & Chatzaki, 2016c: 18, sub Poecilochroa taborensis).
Trichothyse sockniensis (Karsch, 1881, T from Drassodes) = Trichothyse pugnax (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) (Bosmans & Hervé, 2021: 60, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse subincompta (Strand, 1908) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Strand, 1908h: 63, sub Poecilochroa incompta).
Trichothyse taborensis (Levy, 1999) = Trichothyse poonaensis (Tikader, 1982) (Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2020e: 1329, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse campestrata (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Levy, 1999d: 431, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse dimidiata (Simon, 1878) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Levy, 1999d: 431, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse flavomaculata (L. Koch, 1878, T from Drassodes) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Chatzaki, Thaler & Mylonas, 2002a: 569, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse incompta (Pavesi, 1880) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Alioua & Bosmans, 2020: 123, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse lesserti (Denis, 1947) = Trichothyse pugnax (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) (Levy, 1999d: 433, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse rufipes (Thorell, 1875, T from Zelotes) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Kovblyuk, Marusik & Omelko, 2013: 424, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse sabulum (Wunderlich, 2011, T from Macarophaeus) = Trichothyse poonaensis (Tikader, 1982) (Lissner & Chatzaki, 2016c: 18, sub Poecilochroa taborensis).
Trichothyse sockniensis (Karsch, 1881, T from Drassodes) = Trichothyse pugnax (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) (Bosmans & Hervé, 2021: 60, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse subincompta (Strand, 1908) = Trichothyse senilis (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) (Strand, 1908h: 63, sub Poecilochroa incompta).
Trichothyse taborensis (Levy, 1999) = Trichothyse poonaensis (Tikader, 1982) (Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2020e: 1329, sub Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse africana
(Tucker, 1923) |
| Mozambique, South Africa

Latonigena africana Tucker, 1923: 383, pl. 11, f. 83 (Df).
"Latonigena" africanus Murphy, 2007: 52, f. 358-359 (f, probably to Trichothyse).
Trichothyse africana Ott, Rodrigues & Brescovit, 2012: 238 (T from Latonigena).
Trichothyse africana Lissner & Chatzaki, 2016c: 17, f. 2D, 4F (f).
Trichothyse africana Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021D: 27, 4 f. (f).
'Trichothyse' africana Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 56, f. 14, 20, 76-89 (f, misplaced in this genus, belongs to the 'Echemus group').
"Latonigena" africanus Murphy, 2007: 52, f. 358-359 (f, probably to Trichothyse).
Trichothyse africana Ott, Rodrigues & Brescovit, 2012: 238 (T from Latonigena).
Trichothyse africana Lissner & Chatzaki, 2016c: 17, f. 2D, 4F (f).
Trichothyse africana Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021D: 27, 4 f. (f).
'Trichothyse' africana Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 56, f. 14, 20, 76-89 (f, misplaced in this genus, belongs to the 'Echemus group').
Trichothyse antineae
(Fage, 1929) |
| Mali

Poecilochroa antineae Fage, 1929b: 248, f. 1 (Dm).
Macarophaeus antinae Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (lapsus, possible member of this genus).
Trichothyse antineae Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 41 (T from Poecilochroa).
Macarophaeus antinae Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (lapsus, possible member of this genus).
Trichothyse antineae Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 41 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse fontensis
Lawrence, 1928 |
| Namibia, South Africa

Trichothyse fontensis Lawrence, 1928: 232, pl. 21, f. 14 (Dm).
Trichothyse fontensis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 43, f. 1-2, 5-6, 9, 15, 21-33 (m, Df).
Trichothyse fontensis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 43, f. 1-2, 5-6, 9, 15, 21-33 (m, Df).
Trichothyse furcata
(Simon, 1914) |
| Spain, France, Italy, Greece

Poecilochroa furcata Simon, 1914: 184, 221, f. 393-394 (Dm).
Poecilochroa furcata Di Franco, 2001: 203, f. 3-4 (m).
Macarophaeus furcata Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Poecilochroa furcata Hoyas, 2024: 140, f. 3-6 (m).
Trichothyse furcata Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 59 (T from Poecilochroa).
Poecilochroa furcata Di Franco, 2001: 203, f. 3-4 (m).
Macarophaeus furcata Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Poecilochroa furcata Hoyas, 2024: 140, f. 3-6 (m).
Trichothyse furcata Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 59 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse golan
(Levy, 1999) |
| Israel

Poecilochroa golan Levy, 1999d: 435, f. 15-16 (Df).
Macarophaeus golan Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Trichothyse golan Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 59 (T from Poecilochroa).
Macarophaeus golan Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Trichothyse golan Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 59 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse hamipalpis
(Kroneberg, 1875) |
| Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan

Melanophora hamipalpis Kroneberg, 1875: 24, pl. 2, f. 3 (Dm).
Leptodrassus hamipalpis Simon, 1893a: 363.
Echemus hamipalpis Dalmas, 1919b: 250.
Poecilochroa hamipalpis Fomichev & Marusik, 2021a: 448, f. 22-29 (m, T from Echemus).
Poecilochroa hamipalpis Coşar, Danışman & Marusik, 2024: 113, f. 7F, 8E-F (m).
Trichothyse hamipalpis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 59 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse hamipalpis Zamani et al., 2025b: 20, f. 11A-B, 12A-D (m, Df).
Leptodrassus hamipalpis Simon, 1893a: 363.
Echemus hamipalpis Dalmas, 1919b: 250.
Poecilochroa hamipalpis Fomichev & Marusik, 2021a: 448, f. 22-29 (m, T from Echemus).
Poecilochroa hamipalpis Coşar, Danışman & Marusik, 2024: 113, f. 7F, 8E-F (m).
Trichothyse hamipalpis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 59 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse hamipalpis Zamani et al., 2025b: 20, f. 11A-B, 12A-D (m, Df).
Trichothyse hortensis
Tucker, 1923 *
| Namibia, South Africa

Trichothyse hortensis Tucker, 1923: 332, pl. 9, f. 53 (Df).
Trichothyse hortensis Murphy, 2007: 50, f. 382-383 (f; N.B.: see also f. 384-385).
Trichothyse hortensis Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021D: 28, 7 f. (f).
Trichothyse hortensis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 46, f. 10, 16, 34-41 (f).
Trichothyse hortensis Murphy, 2007: 50, f. 382-383 (f; N.B.: see also f. 384-385).
Trichothyse hortensis Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021D: 28, 7 f. (f).
Trichothyse hortensis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 46, f. 10, 16, 34-41 (f).
Trichothyse ilkerakkusi
(Coşar, Danışman & Marusik, 2024) |
| Turkey

Poecilochroa ilkerakkusi Coşar, Danışman & Marusik, 2024: 120, f. 5C-F, 7A-E, 8A-D (Dm).
Trichothyse ilkerakkusi Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 60 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse ilkerakkusi Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 60 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse jodhpurensis
(Gajbe, 1993) |
| India

Megamyrmecion jodhpurensis Gajbe, 1993d: 231, f. 1-5 (Df).
Poecilochroa jodhpurense Sankaran & Caleb, 2021: 548, f. 44-46, 49-51 (f, T from Megamyrmaekion).
Trichothyse jodhpurensis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 60, f. 90-119 (Dm, f, T from Poecilochroa).
Poecilochroa jodhpurense Sankaran & Caleb, 2021: 548, f. 44-46, 49-51 (f, T from Megamyrmaekion).
Trichothyse jodhpurensis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 60, f. 90-119 (Dm, f, T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse karoo
Haddad & Sankaran, 2025 |
| South Africa

Trichothyse karoo Haddad & Sankaran, in Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 48, f. 3, 7, 11, 17, 42-57 (Dmf).
Trichothyse loricata
(Kritscher, 1996) |
| Malta, Italy (Sicily)

Poecilochroa loricata Kritscher, 1996: 143, f. 7 (Dm).
Poecilochroa loricata Bauer, 2022: 97, f. 1a-e, 2a-c (m).
Poecilochroa loricata Nicolosi et al., 2024: 1018, f. 2a-e (m, Df).
Trichothyse loricata Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 66 (T from Poecilochroa).
Poecilochroa loricata Bauer, 2022: 97, f. 1a-e, 2a-c (m).
Poecilochroa loricata Nicolosi et al., 2024: 1018, f. 2a-e (m, Df).
Trichothyse loricata Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 66 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse perversa
(Simon, 1914) |
| France

Poecilochroa perversa Simon, 1914: 184, 221, f. 395-396 (Dm).
Macarophaeus perversa Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Trichothyse perversa Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 66 (T from Poecilochroa).
Macarophaeus perversa Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Trichothyse perversa Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 66 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse poonaensis
(Tikader, 1982) |
| Portugal, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, Israel, India

Phaeocedus poonaensis Tikader, 1982b: 362, f. 158-163 (Df).
Poecilochroa taborensis Levy, 1999d: 436, f. 17-18 (Df) [].
Poecilochroa taborensis Levy, 2009: 20, f. 44-46 (Dm, f).
Macarophaeus sabulum Wunderlich, 2011: 49, f. 68h-i (Df) [].
Macarophaeus taborensis Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Macarophaeus sabulum Wunderlich, 2012b: 187, f. 8-11 (Dm).
Poecilochroa taborensis Lissner & Chatzaki, 2016c: 17, f. 1, 2A-C, 3A-D, 4A-E, 5A-C, 6A-D (mf, S of Macarophaeus sabulum).
Macarophaeus taborensis Wunderlich, 2017b: 315 (S of Macarophaeus sabulum confirmed; T to Macarophaeus not accepted, because Lissner & Chatzaki, 2016c is not taken into account).
Poecilochroa taborensis Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2020e: 1329, f. 3a-c (f, T from Phaeocedus, S of Poecilochroa poonaensis; took the younger name as valid without explanation).
Poecilochroa poonaensis Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2021c: 3003 (S of Poecilochroa taborensis, correction of Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2020e: 1329).
Poecilochroa poonaensis Domènech et al., 2023: 160, f. 1A-D (mf).
Poecilochroa poonaensis Bosmans & Gavalas, 2023: 50, f. 25A-C (m).
Trichothyse poonaensis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 67 (T from Poecilochroa).
Poecilochroa taborensis Levy, 1999d: 436, f. 17-18 (Df) [].
Poecilochroa taborensis Levy, 2009: 20, f. 44-46 (Dm, f).
Macarophaeus sabulum Wunderlich, 2011: 49, f. 68h-i (Df) [].
Macarophaeus taborensis Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Macarophaeus sabulum Wunderlich, 2012b: 187, f. 8-11 (Dm).
Poecilochroa taborensis Lissner & Chatzaki, 2016c: 17, f. 1, 2A-C, 3A-D, 4A-E, 5A-C, 6A-D (mf, S of Macarophaeus sabulum).
Macarophaeus taborensis Wunderlich, 2017b: 315 (S of Macarophaeus sabulum confirmed; T to Macarophaeus not accepted, because Lissner & Chatzaki, 2016c is not taken into account).
Poecilochroa taborensis Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2020e: 1329, f. 3a-c (f, T from Phaeocedus, S of Poecilochroa poonaensis; took the younger name as valid without explanation).
Poecilochroa poonaensis Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2021c: 3003 (S of Poecilochroa taborensis, correction of Sankaran, Caleb & Sebastian, 2020e: 1329).
Poecilochroa poonaensis Domènech et al., 2023: 160, f. 1A-D (mf).
Poecilochroa poonaensis Bosmans & Gavalas, 2023: 50, f. 25A-C (m).
Trichothyse poonaensis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 67 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse pugnax
(O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874) |
| Libya, Egypt, Ethiopia, Israel

Drassus pugnax O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874a: 399, pl. 52, f. 25 (Dm).
Drassus sockniensis Karsch, 1881a: 12, pl. 1, f. 9 (Df) [].
Poecilochroa pugnax Simon, 1908a: 423 (Df).
Scotophaeus subpugnax Strand, 1908h: 62 (provisional name).
Poecilochroa lesserti Denis, 1947a: 62, pl. 3, f. 8-10 (Dmf) [].
Poecilochroa pugnax Levy, 1999d: 433, f. 10-14 (mf, S of Poecilochroa lesserti).
Macarophaeus pugnax Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Poecilochroa pugnax Bosmans & Hervé, 2021: 60, f. 2d-e (f, S of Drassodes sockniensis).
Poecilochroa pugnax Abdel-Ghani, Hassan & Sallam, 2023: 33, f. 9 (f).
Trichothyse pugnax Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 51 (T from Poecilochroa).
Drassus sockniensis Karsch, 1881a: 12, pl. 1, f. 9 (Df) [].
Poecilochroa pugnax Simon, 1908a: 423 (Df).
Scotophaeus subpugnax Strand, 1908h: 62 (provisional name).
Poecilochroa lesserti Denis, 1947a: 62, pl. 3, f. 8-10 (Dmf) [].
Poecilochroa pugnax Levy, 1999d: 433, f. 10-14 (mf, S of Poecilochroa lesserti).
Macarophaeus pugnax Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Poecilochroa pugnax Bosmans & Hervé, 2021: 60, f. 2d-e (f, S of Drassodes sockniensis).
Poecilochroa pugnax Abdel-Ghani, Hassan & Sallam, 2023: 33, f. 9 (f).
Trichothyse pugnax Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 51 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse senilis
(O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872) |
| Cape Verde, North Africa, Portugal to Turkmenistan

Drassus senilis O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1872: 236, pl. 15, f. 13 (Df).
Drassus campestratus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874a: 392, pl. 51, f. 17 (Dm) [].
Prosthesima rufipes Thorell, 1875b: 82 (Df) [].
Prosthesima rufipes Thorell, 1875c: 110 (Df).
Drassus dimidiatus Simon, 1878a: 153 (Dmf) [].
Drassus flavo-maculatus L. Koch, 1878b: 40, pl. 1, f. 2 (Dm) [].
Prosthesima incompta Pavesi, 1880b: 350 (Df) [].
Scotophaeus senilis Simon, 1893a: 371.
Poecilochroa campestrata Simon, 1893a: 372.
Poecilochroa subincompta Strand, 1908h: 66 (invalid provisional name) [].
Poecilochroa incompta Strand, 1908h: 63 (f, incl. P. subincompta).
Poecilochroa dimidiata Simon, 1914: 185, 221, f. 347, 400 (mf).
Poecilochroa senilis Levy, 1999d: 431, f. 6-9 (mf, S of Poecilochroa campestrata and P. dimidiata).
Poecilochroa senilis Chatzaki, Thaler & Mylonas, 2002a: 569, f. 8-11 (mf, S of Drassodes flavomaculatus).
Poecilochroa senilis Seyyar, Topçu & Demir, 2006: 119, f. 5 (f).
Poecilochroa senilis Murphy, 2007: 50, f. 370-371 (mf).
Poecilochroa senilis Kovblyuk et al., 2008a: 46, f. 49 (m).
Poecilochroa senilis Kovblyuk & Tuneva, 2009: 157, f. 1-9 (mf).
Macarophaeus senilis Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Poecilochroa senilis Kovblyuk, Marusik & Omelko, 2013: 424, f. 1-3 (f, S of Zelotes rufipes).
Poecilochroa senilis Lecigne, 2016a: 114, f. 10H-J (f).
Poecilochroa senilis Ponomarev et al., 2017: 161, f. 2 (m).
Poecilochroa cf. senilis Ponomarev et al., 2018a: 248, f. 8-9 (f).
Poecilochroa senilis Alioua & Bosmans, 2020: 123, f. 2-4 (mf, S of Poecilochroa incompta).
Poecilochroa senilis Bosmans & Gavalas, 2023: 50, f. 26A-D (mf).
Poecilochroa senilis Seropian et al., 2024a: 98, f. 14-15 (m).
Trichothyse senilis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 67 (T from Poecilochroa).
Drassus campestratus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1874a: 392, pl. 51, f. 17 (Dm) [].
Prosthesima rufipes Thorell, 1875b: 82 (Df) [].
Prosthesima rufipes Thorell, 1875c: 110 (Df).
Drassus dimidiatus Simon, 1878a: 153 (Dmf) [].
Drassus flavo-maculatus L. Koch, 1878b: 40, pl. 1, f. 2 (Dm) [].
Prosthesima incompta Pavesi, 1880b: 350 (Df) [].
Scotophaeus senilis Simon, 1893a: 371.
Poecilochroa campestrata Simon, 1893a: 372.
Poecilochroa subincompta Strand, 1908h: 66 (invalid provisional name) [].
Poecilochroa incompta Strand, 1908h: 63 (f, incl. P. subincompta).
Poecilochroa dimidiata Simon, 1914: 185, 221, f. 347, 400 (mf).
Poecilochroa senilis Levy, 1999d: 431, f. 6-9 (mf, S of Poecilochroa campestrata and P. dimidiata).
Poecilochroa senilis Chatzaki, Thaler & Mylonas, 2002a: 569, f. 8-11 (mf, S of Drassodes flavomaculatus).
Poecilochroa senilis Seyyar, Topçu & Demir, 2006: 119, f. 5 (f).
Poecilochroa senilis Murphy, 2007: 50, f. 370-371 (mf).
Poecilochroa senilis Kovblyuk et al., 2008a: 46, f. 49 (m).
Poecilochroa senilis Kovblyuk & Tuneva, 2009: 157, f. 1-9 (mf).
Macarophaeus senilis Wunderlich, 2011: 46 (possible member of this genus).
Poecilochroa senilis Kovblyuk, Marusik & Omelko, 2013: 424, f. 1-3 (f, S of Zelotes rufipes).
Poecilochroa senilis Lecigne, 2016a: 114, f. 10H-J (f).
Poecilochroa senilis Ponomarev et al., 2017: 161, f. 2 (m).
Poecilochroa cf. senilis Ponomarev et al., 2018a: 248, f. 8-9 (f).
Poecilochroa senilis Alioua & Bosmans, 2020: 123, f. 2-4 (mf, S of Poecilochroa incompta).
Poecilochroa senilis Bosmans & Gavalas, 2023: 50, f. 26A-D (mf).
Poecilochroa senilis Seropian et al., 2024a: 98, f. 14-15 (m).
Trichothyse senilis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 67 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse senilis auspex
(Simon, 1878) |
| Spain, France

Drassus auspex Simon, 1878a: 154 (Dmf).
Poecilochroa dimidiata auspex Simon, 1914: 185, 221, f. 398 (m).
Trichothyse senilis auspex Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 68 (T from Poecilochroa).
Poecilochroa dimidiata auspex Simon, 1914: 185, 221, f. 398 (m).
Trichothyse senilis auspex Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 68 (T from Poecilochroa).
Trichothyse subtropica
Lawrence, 1927 |
| Namibia

Trichothyse subtropica Lawrence, 1927: 15, pl. 1, f. 15 (Df).
Trichothyse subtropica Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 52, f. 12, 18, 58–63 (f).
Trichothyse subtropica Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 52, f. 12, 18, 58–63 (f).
Trichothyse zuluensis
(Lawrence, 1938) |
| Namibia, South Africa, Lesotho

Xerophaeus zuluensis Lawrence, 1938a: 479, f. 14 (Df).
Xerophaeus zuluensis Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021D: 63, 4 f. (f).
Trichothyse zuluensis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 53, f. 4, 8, 13, 19, 64-75 (Dm, f, T from Xerophaeus).
Xerophaeus zuluensis Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2021D: 63, 4 f. (f).
Trichothyse zuluensis Sankaran, Haddad & Tripathi, 2025: 53, f. 4, 8, 13, 19, 64-75 (Dm, f, T from Xerophaeus).