Family: Miturgidae Simon, 1886 []
In synonymy:
Ctenomma Thorell, 1890 = Simonus Ritsema, 1881 (Lehtinen, 1967: 264, superfluous replacement name)
Ctenophthalmus Simon, 1880 = Simonus Ritsema, 1881 (Ritsema, 1881: 91, preoccupied, replacement name)
Ctenomma Thorell, 1890 = Simonus Ritsema, 1881 (Lehtinen, 1967: 264, superfluous replacement name)
Ctenophthalmus Simon, 1880 = Simonus Ritsema, 1881 (Ritsema, 1881: 91, preoccupied, replacement name)
Gen. Simonus Ritsema, 1881 []
type Ctenophthalmus lineatus Simon, 1880; gender masculine
N.B.: transferred from the Ctenidae to the Zoridae by Lehtinen, 1967: 264 and the Miturgidae by Ramírez, 2014: 341; replacement name for Ctenophthalmus Simon, 1880i: 173 [], preoccupied in Siphonaptera by Kolenati, 1863; Ctenomma Thorell, 1890c: 131 [] is a superfluous replacement name (Lehtinen, 1967: 264); Roewer, 1955c: 601 listed Ctenonima Franganillo, 1946 as a corinnine genus (for unknown reasons, as Franganillo's description immediately follows one of a Syrisca species under a "Liocraninae" heading); however, Franganillo did not describe a new genus for the species he described as Ctenonima cubana, and evidently did not intend to do so; his statement (Franganillo, 1935a: 102) that "Dice E. Simon que la única especie del género es de Nueva Caledonia" indicates that Ctenonima is merely a lapsus for Ctenomma, which was listed in Simon's Histoire naturelle as having a single species, from New Caledonia (Franganillo's only illustration for the species, of the eye pattern, shows a ctenid-like arrangement).
Simonus lineatus
(Simon, 1880) *
| Australia (Western Australia)

Ctenophthalmus lineatus Simon, 1880i: 174 (Df).
Simonus lineatus Ritsema, 1881: XCI (generic replacement name).
Ctenomma lineatum Thorell, 1890c: 131 (superfluous generic replacement name).
Ctenomma lineatum Simon, 1897a: 136, f. 141.
Ctenomma lineatum Simon, 1909d: 168 (Dm).
Simonus lineatus Lehtinen, 1967: 264, f. 406, 408 (mf).
Simonus lineatus Ritsema, 1881: XCI (generic replacement name).
Ctenomma lineatum Thorell, 1890c: 131 (superfluous generic replacement name).
Ctenomma lineatum Simon, 1897a: 136, f. 141.
Ctenomma lineatum Simon, 1909d: 168 (Dm).
Simonus lineatus Lehtinen, 1967: 264, f. 406, 408 (mf).