Family: Sparassidae Bertkau, 1872 []
In synonymy:
Mardonia Thorell, 1897 = Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884 (Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001: 401, 505, sub Seramba)
Rhomalea L. Koch, 1873 = Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884 (Simon, 1897a: 68, 72, preoccupied)
Seramba Thorell, 1887 = Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884 (Jäger, 2005d: 57)
Themeropis L. Koch, 1875 = Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884 (Karsch, 1884a: 65, preoccupied, replacement name)
Mardonia Thorell, 1897 = Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884 (Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001: 401, 505, sub Seramba)
Rhomalea L. Koch, 1873 = Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884 (Simon, 1897a: 68, 72, preoccupied)
Seramba Thorell, 1887 = Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884 (Jäger, 2005d: 57)
Themeropis L. Koch, 1875 = Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884 (Karsch, 1884a: 65, preoccupied, replacement name)
Gen. Thelcticopis Karsch, 1884 []
type Themeropis severa L. Koch, 1875; gender feminine
N.B.: replacement name for Themeropis L. Koch, 1875a: 699 [], preoccupied in Coleoptera by Pascoe, 1874; considered a synonym of Rhomalea L. Koch, 1873: 435 [] (type R. vasta L. Koch, 1873, preoccupied in Orthoptera by Serville, 1831) by Simon, 1897a: 68, 72; considered a senior synonym of Seramba Thorell, 1887: 253 [] (type S. picta Thorell, 1887) by Jäger, 2005d: 57; Seramba was transferred from the Liocranidae and considered a senior synonym of Mardonia Thorell, 1897a: 246 [] (type M. fasciata Thorell, 1897) by Deeleman-Reinhold, 2001: 401, 505; African species misplaced per Jäger & Kunz, 2005: 170.
Transferred to other genera:
Thelcticopis pestai (Reimoser, 1939) -- see Decaphora
Thelcticopis verruca Wang, 1991 -- see Rhitymna
Thelcticopis pestai (Reimoser, 1939) -- see Decaphora
Thelcticopis verruca Wang, 1991 -- see Rhitymna
In synonymy:
Thelcticopis brevipes (Thorell, 1881) = Thelcticopis papuana (Simon, 1880) (Roewer, 1955c: 687).
Thelcticopis japonica (Strand, 1906, T from Stasina) = Thelcticopis severa (L. Koch, 1875) (Ono, 2009a: 592).
Thelcticopis jiulongensis Zhang & Kim, 1996 = Thelcticopis severa (L. Koch, 1875) (Jäger & Yin, 2001: 131).
Thelcticopis maculifera (Dönitz & Strand, 1906, T from Stasina) = Thelcticopis severa (L. Koch, 1875) (Ono, 2009a: 592).
Thelcticopis nigropicta (Pocock, 1899, T from Stasina) = Thelcticopis nalandica (Karsch, 1892) (Pocock, 1900a: 270).
Thelcticopis silagensis Thorell, 1890 = Thelcticopis orichalcea (Simon, 1880) (Thorell, 1892a: 44).
Thelcticopis brevipes (Thorell, 1881) = Thelcticopis papuana (Simon, 1880) (Roewer, 1955c: 687).
Thelcticopis japonica (Strand, 1906, T from Stasina) = Thelcticopis severa (L. Koch, 1875) (Ono, 2009a: 592).
Thelcticopis jiulongensis Zhang & Kim, 1996 = Thelcticopis severa (L. Koch, 1875) (Jäger & Yin, 2001: 131).
Thelcticopis maculifera (Dönitz & Strand, 1906, T from Stasina) = Thelcticopis severa (L. Koch, 1875) (Ono, 2009a: 592).
Thelcticopis nigropicta (Pocock, 1899, T from Stasina) = Thelcticopis nalandica (Karsch, 1892) (Pocock, 1900a: 270).
Thelcticopis silagensis Thorell, 1890 = Thelcticopis orichalcea (Simon, 1880) (Thorell, 1892a: 44).
Nomina dubia:
Thelcticopis bifasciata (Thorell, 1891: 82, j, India/Nicobar Is., originally in Seramba) -- Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 333.
Thelcticopis fasciata (Thorell, 1897: 247, j, Myanmar, originally in Mardonia) -- Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 334.
Thelcticopis bifasciata (Thorell, 1891: 82, j, India/Nicobar Is., originally in Seramba) -- Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 333.
Thelcticopis fasciata (Thorell, 1897: 247, j, Myanmar, originally in Mardonia) -- Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 334.
Thelcticopis ajax
Pocock, 1901 |
| India

Thelcticopis ajax Pocock, 1901d: 488 (Df).
Thelcticopis ajax Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 304, f. 2A-E, 3A-E (f).
Thelcticopis ajax Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 304, f. 2A-E, 3A-E (f).
Thelcticopis ancorum
Dyal, 1935 |
| Pakistan

Thelcticopis ancorum Dyal, 1935: 213, pl. 16, f. 146 (Df).
Thelcticopis ancorum Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 333 (incertae sedis).
Thelcticopis ancorum Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 333 (incertae sedis).
Thelcticopis bicornuta
Pocock, 1901 |
| India

Thelcticopis bicornutus Pocock, 1901d: 489 (Dm).
Thelcticopis bicornuta Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 307, f. 4A-F, 5A-D (m).
Thelcticopis bicornuta Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 307, f. 4A-F, 5A-D (m).
Thelcticopis birmanica
Thorell, 1895 |
| Myanmar

Thelcticopis birmanica Thorell, 1895b: 274 (Df).
Thelcticopis birmanica Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 307, f. 6A-D, 7A-E (f, removed from S of Thelcticopis canescens, rejecting Gravely, 1931: 245).
Thelcticopis birmanica Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 307, f. 6A-D, 7A-E (f, removed from S of Thelcticopis canescens, rejecting Gravely, 1931: 245).
Thelcticopis biroi
Kolosváry, 1934 |
| Papua New Guinea

Thelcticopis biroi Kolosváry, 1934d: 44, f. 3 (Df).
Thelcticopis buu
Logunov & Jäger, 2015 |
| Vietnam

Thelcticopis buu Logunov & Jäger, 2015: 352, f. 24-28 (Dm).
Thelcticopis canescens
Simon, 1887 |
| India (Andaman Is.)

Thelcticopis canescens Simon, 1887i: 103 (Dmf).
Thelcticopis canescens Pocock, 1900a: 271.
Thelcticopis canescens Gravely, 1931: 245, f. 7A-C (mf, doubtful S of Thelcticopis birmanica, accepted by Roewer, 1955c: 686, revalidated by Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 307).
Thelcticopis canescens Tikader & Sethi, 1990: 181, f. 44-49 (mf).
Thelcticopis canescens Pocock, 1900a: 271.
Thelcticopis canescens Gravely, 1931: 245, f. 7A-C (mf, doubtful S of Thelcticopis birmanica, accepted by Roewer, 1955c: 686, revalidated by Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 307).
Thelcticopis canescens Tikader & Sethi, 1990: 181, f. 44-49 (mf).
Thelcticopis celebesiana
Merian, 1911 |
| Indonesia (Sulawesi)

Thelcticopis celebesiana Merian, 1911: 268 (Df).
Thelcticopis chongzu
Lin & Li, 2024 |
| China

Thelcticopis chongzu Lin & Li, in Lin et al., 2024a: 60, f. 51A-B, 52A-B, 53A-B, 54 (Dmf).
Thelcticopis convoluticola
Strand, 1911 |
| Indonesia (Aru Is.)

Thelcticopis convoluticola Strand, 1911d: 162, pl. 5, f. 61 (Df).
Thelcticopis cuneissignata
Chrysanthus, 1965 |
| Indonesia (New Guinea)

Thelcticopis cuneissignata Chrysanthus, 1965a: 349, f. 7-8, 10, 71 (Df).
Thelcticopis cuneisignata Brignoli, 1983c: 596 (lapsus).
Thelcticopis cuneisignata Brignoli, 1983c: 596 (lapsus).
Thelcticopis dahanensis
Zhu & Zhong, 2020 |
| Taiwan

Thelcticopis dahanensis Zhu & Zhong, in Zhu, Lin & Zhong, 2020: 107, f. 1A-H (Dm).
Thelcticopis flavipes
Pocock, 1897 |
| Indonesia (Moluccas)

Thelcticopis flavipes Pocock, 1897c: 621, pl. 26, f. 25 (Df).
Thelcticopis folia
Jäger & Praxaysombath, 2009 |
| Laos

Thelcticopis folia Jäger & Praxaysombath, 2009: 48, f. 106-113 (Df).
Thelcticopis goramensis
(Thorell, 1881) |
| Indonesia (Moluccas)

Thelcticopis hercules
Pocock, 1901 |
| Sri Lanka

Thelcticopis hercules Pocock, 1901d: 487 (Df).
Thelcticopis hercules Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 312, f. 8A-E, 9A-D (f).
Thelcticopis hercules Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 312, f. 8A-E, 9A-D (f).
Thelcticopis humilithorax
(Simon, 1909) |
| Gabon

Seramba humilithorax Simon, 1909f: 342 (Df).
Thelcticopis humilithorax Jäger & Kunz, 2005: 170, f. 27-33 (f).
Thelcticopis humilithorax Jäger, 2005d: 57 (T from Seramba).
Thelcticopis humilithorax Jäger & Kunz, 2005: 170, f. 27-33 (f).
Thelcticopis humilithorax Jäger, 2005d: 57 (T from Seramba).
Thelcticopis huyoplata
Barrion & Litsinger, 1995 |
| Philippines

Thelcticopis huyoplata Barrion & Litsinger, 1995: 285, f. 168a-g (Df).
Thelcticopis insularis
(Karsch, 1881) |
| Tonga

Thelcticopis kaparanganensis
Barrion & Litsinger, 1995 |
| Philippines

Thelcticopis kaparanganensis Barrion & Litsinger, 1995: 290, f. 171a-e (Dm).
Thelcticopis karnyi
Reimoser, 1929 |
| Indonesia (Sumatra)

Thelcticopis karnyi Reimoser, 1929a: 128, f. 3 (Df).
Thelcticopis ketambe
Fomichev & Omelko, 2024 |
| Indonesia (Sumatra)

Thelcticopis ketambe Fomichev & Omelko, 2024b: 353, f. 13-24 (Dm).
Thelcticopis kianganensis
Barrion & Litsinger, 1995 |
| Philippines

Thelcticopis kianganensis Barrion & Litsinger, 1995: 287, f. 169a-e (Dm).
Thelcticopis kirankhalapi
Ahmed, Sumukha, Khalap, Mohan & Jadhav, 2015 |
| India

Thelcticopis kirankhalapi Ahmed et al., 2015e: 11, f. 1-3, 4A-B (Df).
Thelcticopis klossi
Reimoser, 1929 |
| Indonesia (Sumatra)

Thelcticopis klossi Reimoser, 1929a: 127, f. 2 (Df).
Thelcticopis lizae
Fomichev & Omelko, 2024 |
| Indonesia (Sumatra)

Thelcticopis lizae Fomichev & Omelko, 2024b: 349, f. 1-12 (Dm).
Thelcticopis luctuosa
(Doleschall, 1859) |
| Indonesia (Java)

Thelcticopis maindroni
Simon, 1906 |
| India

Thelcticopis maindroni Simon, 1906c: 295, f. 2 (Dm).
Thelcticopis maindroni Tikader & Sethi, 1990: 184, f. 50-51 (m).
Thelcticopis maindroni Tikader & Sethi, 1990: 184, f. 50-51 (m).
Thelcticopis modesta
Thorell, 1890 |
| Malaysia (peninsula), Indonesia (Sumatra)

Thelcticopis modesta Thorell, 1890d: 329 (Df).
Thelcticopis modesta Reimoser, 1929a: 125, f. 1, 3 (f).
Thelcticopis modesta Gravely, 1931: 246, f. 7D (f).
Thelcticopis modesta Reimoser, 1929a: 125, f. 1, 3 (f).
Thelcticopis modesta Gravely, 1931: 246, f. 7D (f).
Thelcticopis moesta
(Doleschall, 1859) |
| Indonesia (Ambon)

Thelcticopis moolampilliensis
Sunil Jose & Sebastian, 2007 |
| India

Thelcticopis moolampilliensis Sunil Jose & Sebastian, 2007: 42, f. 1A-E (Df).
Thelcticopis moolampilliensis Jäger, Sudhikumar & Tripathi, 2022: 626, f. 16-21, 31-34, 44-45 (Dm, f).
Thelcticopis moolampilliensis Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 314, f. 1A-B, 10A-D, 11A-F, 12A-D (mf).
Thelcticopis moolampilliensis Jäger, Sudhikumar & Tripathi, 2022: 626, f. 16-21, 31-34, 44-45 (Dm, f).
Thelcticopis moolampilliensis Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 314, f. 1A-B, 10A-D, 11A-F, 12A-D (mf).
Thelcticopis nalandica
(Karsch, 1892) |
| Sri Lanka

Stasina nalandica Karsch, 1892: 293, pl. 11, f. 15 (Dmf).
Stasina nigropicta Pocock, 1899d: 753 (Dm; misprinted nigropiata, see Pocock, 1900a: 270) [].
Thelcticopis nalandica Pocock, 1900a: 270 (T from Stasina, S of Stasina nigropicta).
Stasina nalandica Roewer, 1955c: 685.
Thelcticopis nalandica Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 316, f. 13A-D, 14A-L (mf, T from Stasina).
Stasina nigropicta Pocock, 1899d: 753 (Dm; misprinted nigropiata, see Pocock, 1900a: 270) [].
Thelcticopis nalandica Pocock, 1900a: 270 (T from Stasina, S of Stasina nigropicta).
Stasina nalandica Roewer, 1955c: 685.
Thelcticopis nalandica Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 316, f. 13A-D, 14A-L (mf, T from Stasina).
Thelcticopis nigrocephala
Merian, 1911 |
| Indonesia (Sulawesi)

Thelcticopis nigrocephala Merian, 1911: 270 (Dm).
Thelcticopis ochracea
Pocock, 1898 |
| Papua New Guinea (New Britain)

Thelcticopis ochracea Pocock, 1898j: 114, pl. 10, f. 11 (Df).
Thelcticopis orichalcea
(Simon, 1880) |
| Thailand, Malaysia (peninsula, Borneo), Singapore, Brunei, Indonesia (Sumatra)

Themeropis orichalcea Simon, 1880a: 336 (Dm).
Themeropis orichalcea van Hasselt, 1882: 40, pl. 5, f. 3-5 (m).
Thelcticopis silagensis Thorell, 1890a: 34 (new name for T. orichalcea sensu van Hasselt, 1882: 40) [].
Thelcticopis orichalcea Thorell, 1892a: 44 (Df, S of Thelcticopis silagensis).
Thelcticopis orichalcea Simon, 1897a: 68, f. 60.
Thelcticopis orichalcea Ng et al., 2022: 2, f. 1A-D, 2A-D, 4A-B, 5A-D, 6A-C (mf).
Themeropis orichalcea van Hasselt, 1882: 40, pl. 5, f. 3-5 (m).
Thelcticopis silagensis Thorell, 1890a: 34 (new name for T. orichalcea sensu van Hasselt, 1882: 40) [].
Thelcticopis orichalcea Thorell, 1892a: 44 (Df, S of Thelcticopis silagensis).
Thelcticopis orichalcea Simon, 1897a: 68, f. 60.
Thelcticopis orichalcea Ng et al., 2022: 2, f. 1A-D, 2A-D, 4A-B, 5A-D, 6A-C (mf).
Thelcticopis papuana
(Simon, 1880) |
| Indonesia (New Guinea), Papua New Guinea

Themeropis papuana Simon, 1880a: 338 (Df).
Themeropis brevipes Thorell, 1881: 271 (Dj) [].
Rhomalea papuana Simon, 1896a: 349 (Dm).
Thelcticopis papuana Simon, 1897a: 68, f. 62-63 (m).
Thelticopis brevipes Järvi, 1912: 48, f. 39, pl. 2, f. 10, pl. 3, f. 1-3 (lapsus, f).
Thelticopis brevipes Järvi, 1914: 154, f. 83-86 (lapsus, m).
Thelcticopis papuana Roewer, 1955c: 687 (S of Thelticopis brevipes).
Thelcticopis brevipes Bonnet, 1959: 4420.
Themeropis brevipes Thorell, 1881: 271 (Dj) [].
Rhomalea papuana Simon, 1896a: 349 (Dm).
Thelcticopis papuana Simon, 1897a: 68, f. 62-63 (m).
Thelticopis brevipes Järvi, 1912: 48, f. 39, pl. 2, f. 10, pl. 3, f. 1-3 (lapsus, f).
Thelticopis brevipes Järvi, 1914: 154, f. 83-86 (lapsus, m).
Thelcticopis papuana Roewer, 1955c: 687 (S of Thelticopis brevipes).
Thelcticopis brevipes Bonnet, 1959: 4420.
Thelcticopis paripes
(Karsch, 1879) |
| Sri Lanka

Themeropis paripes Karsch, 1879d: 559, pl. 7, f. 7 (Dm).
Stasina paripes Karsch, 1892: 293.
Thelcticopis paripes Pocock, 1900a: 271.
Stasina paripes Roewer, 1955c: 685.
Thelcticopis paripes Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 318, f. 15A-D (m, T from Stasina).
Stasina paripes Karsch, 1892: 293.
Thelcticopis paripes Pocock, 1900a: 271.
Stasina paripes Roewer, 1955c: 685.
Thelcticopis paripes Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 318, f. 15A-D (m, T from Stasina).
Thelcticopis pennata
(Simon, 1901) |
| Thailand

Thelcticopis picta
(Thorell, 1887) |
| Myanmar

Seramba picta Thorell, 1887: 254 (Df).
Thelcticopis pictus Pocock, 1900a: 271.
Seramba picta Roewer, 1955c: 684.
Thelcticopis pictus Jäger, 2005d: 57, f. 1-5 (f, T from Seramba).
Thelcticopis picta Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 322, f. 16A-G (f).
Thelcticopis pictus Pocock, 1900a: 271.
Seramba picta Roewer, 1955c: 684.
Thelcticopis pictus Jäger, 2005d: 57, f. 1-5 (f, T from Seramba).
Thelcticopis picta Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 322, f. 16A-G (f).
Thelcticopis pinmini
Cai & Zhong, 2021 |
| China

Thelcticopis pinmini Cai & Zhong, in Cai, Lin & Zhong, 2021: 3, f. 1A-E, 2A-C, 3A-E, 4A-D (Dmf).
Thelcticopis quadrimunita
(Strand, 1911) |
| Papua New Guinea

Seramba quadrimunita Strand, 1911e: 14 (Dm).
Thelcticopis quadrimunitus Jäger, 2005d: 57 (T from Seramba).
Thelcticopis quadrimunitus Jäger, 2005d: 57 (T from Seramba).
Thelcticopis recta
Hu & Liu, 2024 |
| China

Thelcticopis recta Hu & Liu, 2024: 29, f. 1A-B, 2A-F, 3A-D (Dmf).
Thelcticopis rubristernis
Strand, 1911 |
| Indonesia (Aru Is.)

Thelcticopis rubristernis Strand, 1911d: 161, pl. 5, f. 60 (Df).
Thelcticopis rufula
Pocock, 1901 |
| India

Thelcticopis rufulus Pocock, 1901d: 488 (Dm).
Thelcticopis rufula Reimoser, 1934b: 486 (Df).
Thelcticopis rufula Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 323, f. 17A-G, 18A-E (m; Thelcticopis sp. f, f. 19A-B, sub rufula by Reimoser, 1934b: 486, could be a misidentified, unknown species of Thelcticopis).
Thelcticopis rufula Reimoser, 1934b: 486 (Df).
Thelcticopis rufula Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 323, f. 17A-G, 18A-E (m; Thelcticopis sp. f, f. 19A-B, sub rufula by Reimoser, 1934b: 486, could be a misidentified, unknown species of Thelcticopis).
Thelcticopis sagittata
(Hogg, 1915) |
| Indonesia (New Guinea)

Seramba sagittata Hogg, 1915a: 476, f. 35 (Dm).
Thelcticopis sagittatus Jäger, 2005d: 57 (T from Seramba).
Thelcticopis sagittatus Jäger, 2005d: 57 (T from Seramba).
Thelcticopis salomonum
(Strand, 1913) |
| Papua New Guinea (Buka Is.)

Seramba salomonum Strand, 1913d: 119 (Dm).
Seramba salomonum Strand, 1915d: 250, pl. 18, f. 90 (m).
Thelcticopis salomonum Jäger, 2005d: 57 (T from Seramba).
Seramba salomonum Strand, 1915d: 250, pl. 18, f. 90 (m).
Thelcticopis salomonum Jäger, 2005d: 57 (T from Seramba).
Thelcticopis scaura
(Simon, 1909) |
| São Tomé and Príncipe

Thelcticopis serambiformis
Strand, 1907 |
| India

Thelcticopis serambiformis Strand, 1907b: 561 (Dmf).
Thelcticopis serambiformis Strand, 1909f: 31, pl. 2, f. 33 (mf).
Thelcticopis serambiformis Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 326, f. 20A-B (m).
Thelcticopis serambiformis Strand, 1909f: 31, pl. 2, f. 33 (mf).
Thelcticopis serambiformis Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 326, f. 20A-B (m).
Thelcticopis severa
(L. Koch, 1875) *
| Korea, Japan, Taiwan, China, Laos

Themeropis severa L. Koch, 1875a: 699, pl. 60, f. 1 (Df).
Thelcticopis severa Simon, 1897a: 72.
Thelcticopis severa Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 276, pl. 6, f. 65, pl. 14, f. 443 (f, Dm).
Stasina japonica Strand, in Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 278, pl. 13, f. 310 (Df) [].
Stasina maculifera Dönitz & Strand, in Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 286, pl. 6, f. 77 (Df) [].
Thelcticopis severa Saito, 1959: 121, f. 153a-b (f).
Thelcticopis severa Yaginuma, 1986a: 198, f. 110.2 (f).
Thelcticopis severa Hu & Ru, 1988: 93, f. 1-5 (m).
Thelcticopis severa Chikuni, 1989b: 131, f. 5 (mf).
Theleticopes jiulongensis Zhang & Kim, 1996: 79, f. 10-15 (Df) [].
Theleticopes severa Zhang & Kim, 1996: 80, f. 16-21 (f).
Thelcticopis jiulongensis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 469, f. 270L (f).
Thelcticopis severa Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 469, f. 270Q (m).
Thelcticopis severa Jäger & Yin, 2001: 131 (S of Thelcticopis jiulongensis).
Thelcticopis severa Namkung, 2002: 501, f. 40.5a (f).
Thelcticopis severa Namkung, 2003: 504, f. 40.5a (f).
Thelcticopis severa Ono, 2009a: 475, f. 54-57 (mf).
Thelcticopis severa Ono, 2009a: 592 (S of Stasina japonica and S. maculifera).
Thelcticopis severa Yin et al., 2012: 1243, f. 667a-f (f).
Thelcticopis severa Zhu, Lin & Zhong, 2020: 109, f. 2A-H, 3A-F (mf).
Thelcticopis severa Simon, 1897a: 72.
Thelcticopis severa Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 276, pl. 6, f. 65, pl. 14, f. 443 (f, Dm).
Stasina japonica Strand, in Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 278, pl. 13, f. 310 (Df) [].
Stasina maculifera Dönitz & Strand, in Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 286, pl. 6, f. 77 (Df) [].
Thelcticopis severa Saito, 1959: 121, f. 153a-b (f).
Thelcticopis severa Yaginuma, 1986a: 198, f. 110.2 (f).
Thelcticopis severa Hu & Ru, 1988: 93, f. 1-5 (m).
Thelcticopis severa Chikuni, 1989b: 131, f. 5 (mf).
Theleticopes jiulongensis Zhang & Kim, 1996: 79, f. 10-15 (Df) [].
Theleticopes severa Zhang & Kim, 1996: 80, f. 16-21 (f).
Thelcticopis jiulongensis Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 469, f. 270L (f).
Thelcticopis severa Song, Zhu & Chen, 1999: 469, f. 270Q (m).
Thelcticopis severa Jäger & Yin, 2001: 131 (S of Thelcticopis jiulongensis).
Thelcticopis severa Namkung, 2002: 501, f. 40.5a (f).
Thelcticopis severa Namkung, 2003: 504, f. 40.5a (f).
Thelcticopis severa Ono, 2009a: 475, f. 54-57 (mf).
Thelcticopis severa Ono, 2009a: 592 (S of Stasina japonica and S. maculifera).
Thelcticopis severa Yin et al., 2012: 1243, f. 667a-f (f).
Thelcticopis severa Zhu, Lin & Zhong, 2020: 109, f. 2A-H, 3A-F (mf).
Thelcticopis simplerta
Barrion & Litsinger, 1995 |
| Philippines

Thelcticopis simplerta Barrion & Litsinger, 1995: 288, f. 170a-e (Dm).
Thelcticopis telonotata
Dyal, 1935 |
| Pakistan

Thelcticopis telonotata Dyal, 1935: 212, pl. 16, f. 141-145 (Dmf).
Thelcticopis telonotata Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 333 (incertae sedis).
Thelcticopis telonotata Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 333 (incertae sedis).
Thelcticopis truculenta
Karsch, 1884 |
| São Tomé and Príncipe

Thelcticopis truculenta Karsch, 1884a: 65, f. 6 (Df).
Seramba truculenta Simon, 1909f: 340 (Dm).
Thelcticopis truculentus Jäger & Kunz, 2005: 170, f. 24-26 (f).
Thelcticopis truculentus Jäger, 2005d: 58 (T from Seramba).
Seramba truculenta Simon, 1909f: 340 (Dm).
Thelcticopis truculentus Jäger & Kunz, 2005: 170, f. 24-26 (f).
Thelcticopis truculentus Jäger, 2005d: 58 (T from Seramba).
Thelcticopis unciformis
Zhu & Zhong, 2020 |
| Taiwan

Thelcticopis unciformis Zhu & Zhong, in Zhu, Lin & Zhong, 2020: 112, f. 4A-G (Dm).
Thelcticopis vasta
(L. Koch, 1873) |
| Fiji

Rhomalea vasta L. Koch, 1873: 435, pl. 34, f. 4 (Df).
Thelcticopis vasta Simon, 1897a: 68, 72 (T from Rhomalea).
Thelcticopis vasta Simon, 1897a: 68, 72 (T from Rhomalea).
Thelcticopis virescens
Pocock, 1901 |
| India

Thelcticopis virescens Pocock, 1901d: 488 (Dm).
Thelcticopis virescens Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 328, f. 1C-F, 21A-F, 22A-F, 23A-D, 24A-D (m, Df).
Thelcticopis virescens Sankaran, Sherwood & Jäger, 2024: 328, f. 1C-F, 21A-F, 22A-F, 23A-D, 24A-D (m, Df).
Thelcticopis zhengi
Liu, Li & Jäger, 2010 |
| China

Thelcticopis zhengi Liu, Li & Jäger, 2010: 60, f. 2A-B, 3A-G, 4A-G (Dmf).