Family: Anyphaenidae Bertkau, 1878 []
In synonymy:
Gayenella Berland, 1913 = Josa Keyserling, 1891 (Ramírez, 2003: 108)
Haptisus Simon, 1897 = Josa Keyserling, 1891 (Ramírez, 2003: 108)
Olbophthalmus Simon, 1904 = Josa Keyserling, 1891 (Ramírez, 2003: 108)
Pelayo O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896 = Josa Keyserling, 1891 (Brescovit, 1993a: 129)
Tetromma Keyserling, 1878 = Josa Keyserling, 1891 (Ramírez, 2003: 108, preoccupied, earliest available name)
Gayenella Berland, 1913 = Josa Keyserling, 1891 (Ramírez, 2003: 108)
Haptisus Simon, 1897 = Josa Keyserling, 1891 (Ramírez, 2003: 108)
Olbophthalmus Simon, 1904 = Josa Keyserling, 1891 (Ramírez, 2003: 108)
Pelayo O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896 = Josa Keyserling, 1891 (Brescovit, 1993a: 129)
Tetromma Keyserling, 1878 = Josa Keyserling, 1891 (Ramírez, 2003: 108, preoccupied, earliest available name)
Gen. Josa Keyserling, 1891 []
type Anyphaena pilosa Keyserling, 1879; gender feminine; syn. of Josa lutea (Keyserling, 1878)
N.B.: considered a senior synonym of Pelayo O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896a: 194 [] (type P. laetus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896) by Brescovit, 1993a: 129; considered a junior synonym of Tetromma Keyserling, 1878a: 607 [] (type T. lutea Keyserling, 1878) (preoccupied in Coleoptera by Déjean, 1834) and a senior synonym of Haptisus Simon, 1897a: 100 [] (type H. nicoleti Simon, 1897), Olbophthalmus Simon, 1904e: 98 [] (type Olbus personatus Simon, 1897) and of Gayenella Berland, 1913b: 102 [] (type G. riveti Berland, 1913) by Ramírez, 2003: 108.
Transferred to other genera:
Josa alba Mello-Leitão, 1945 -- see Wulfila
Josa fusca (Caporiacco, 1947) -- see Rhoicinus
Josa lutescens Schmidt, 1971 -- see Elaver
Josa montana (Chickering, 1940) -- see Lepajan
Josa alba Mello-Leitão, 1945 -- see Wulfila
Josa fusca (Caporiacco, 1947) -- see Rhoicinus
Josa lutescens Schmidt, 1971 -- see Elaver
Josa montana (Chickering, 1940) -- see Lepajan
In synonymy:
Josa insignis (Banks, 1909) = Josa nigrifrons (Simon, 1897) (Ramírez, 2003: 117).
Josa nicoleti (Simon, 1897, T from Haptisus) = Josa lutea (Keyserling, 1878) (Ramírez, 2003: 109).
Josa pilosa (Keyserling, 1879) = Josa lutea (Keyserling, 1878) (Ramírez, 2003: 109).
Josa riveti (Berland, 1913, T from Gayenna) = Josa lutea (Keyserling, 1878) (Ramírez, 2003: 109).
Josa insignis (Banks, 1909) = Josa nigrifrons (Simon, 1897) (Ramírez, 2003: 117).
Josa nicoleti (Simon, 1897, T from Haptisus) = Josa lutea (Keyserling, 1878) (Ramírez, 2003: 109).
Josa pilosa (Keyserling, 1879) = Josa lutea (Keyserling, 1878) (Ramírez, 2003: 109).
Josa riveti (Berland, 1913, T from Gayenna) = Josa lutea (Keyserling, 1878) (Ramírez, 2003: 109).
Nomen dubium:
Josa nigricans (Nicolet, 1849: 447, f, Chile, originally in Clubiona) -- Ramírez, 2003: 109.
Josa nigricans (Nicolet, 1849: 447, f, Chile, originally in Clubiona) -- Ramírez, 2003: 109.
Josa analis
(Simon, 1897) |
| Venezuela

Haptisus analis Simon, 1897b: 504 (Dmf).
Josa analis Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Haptisus).
Josa analis Dupérré, 2023a: 136, f. 13A-B, 14A-C (mf).
Josa analis Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Haptisus).
Josa analis Dupérré, 2023a: 136, f. 13A-B, 14A-C (mf).
Josa andesiana
(Berland, 1913) |
| Ecuador

Gayenna andesiana Berland, 1913b: 101, pl. 10, f. 75-76 (Dmf).
Josa andesiana Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Gayenna).
Josa andesiana Dupérré, 2023a: 139, f. 15A-B, 16A-C (mf).
Josa andesiana Poy et al., 2023b: 6, f. 3e-f (m).
Josa andesiana Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Gayenna).
Josa andesiana Dupérré, 2023a: 139, f. 15A-B, 16A-C (mf).
Josa andesiana Poy et al., 2023b: 6, f. 3e-f (m).
Josa berlandi
Martínez, Kochalka, Cabra-García & Ramírez, 2025 |
| Colombia

Josa berlandi Martínez et al., 2025: 231, f. 23A-E, 24A-E, 25A-F, 26A-E, 27A-I, 28A-F (Dmf).
Josa bryantae
(Caporiacco, 1955) |
| Venezuela

Acanthoceto bryantae Caporiacco, 1955: 383, f. 49 (Df).
Josa bryantae Ramírez, 1997: 190 (T from Clubionidae incertae sedis).
Josa bryantae Ramírez, 1997: 190 (T from Clubionidae incertae sedis).
Josa calilegua
Ramírez, 2003 |
| Argentina

Josa calilegua Ramírez, 2003: 114, f. 54A-D, 58A-D (Dmf).
Josa calilegua Poy et al., 2023b: 6, f. 3c-d, 7c-d (m).
Josa calilegua Poy et al., 2023b: 6, f. 3c-d, 7c-d (m).
Josa chazaliae
(Simon, 1897) |
| Colombia

Tomopisthes chazaliae Simon, 1897c: 11 (Df).
Josa chazaliae Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Tomopisthes).
Josa chazaliae Martínez et al., 2025: 204, f. 1A-E, 2A-E, 3A-E, 4A-E, 5A-F, 6A-E, 7A-I, 8A-F (Dm, f).
Josa chazaliae Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Tomopisthes).
Josa chazaliae Martínez et al., 2025: 204, f. 1A-E, 2A-E, 3A-E, 4A-E, 5A-F, 6A-E, 7A-I, 8A-F (Dm, f).
Josa gounellei
(Simon, 1897) |
| Brazil

Olbus gounellei Simon, 1897b: 506 (Dmf).
Olbophthalmus gounellei Simon, 1904e: 98.
Josa gounellei Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Olbophthalmus).
Olbophthalmus gounellei Simon, 1904e: 98.
Josa gounellei Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Olbophthalmus).
Josa keyserlingi
(L. Koch, 1866) |
| Colombia, Brazil

Anyphaena keyserlingi L. Koch, 1866: 203, pl. 8, f. 136-138 (Dmf).
Samuza keyserlingi Keyserling, 1891: 137.
Gayenna keyserlingi Petrunkevitch, 1911: 484.
Josa keyserlingi Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Gayenna).
Samuza keyserlingi Keyserling, 1891: 137.
Gayenna keyserlingi Petrunkevitch, 1911: 484.
Josa keyserlingi Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Gayenna).
Josa laeta
(O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896) |
| Costa Rica

Pelayo laetus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1896a: 194, pl. 24, f. 7 (Dm).
Josa laeta Brescovit, 1993a: 129 (T from Pelayo).
Josa laeta Brescovit, 1993a: 129 (T from Pelayo).
Josa lojensis
(Berland, 1913) |
| Ecuador

Olbophthalmus lojensis Berland, 1913b: 104, pl. 11, f. 86-90 (Dmf).
Josa lojensis Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Olbophthalmus, probably S of Josa personata).
Josa lojensis Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Olbophthalmus, probably S of Josa personata).
Josa lutea
(Keyserling, 1878) *
| Colombia, Ecuador

Anyphaena citrina L. Koch, 1866: 199, pl. 8, f. 133-135 (mf; misidentified per Ramírez, 2003: 109).
Tetromma lutea Keyserling, 1878a: 608 (Df).
Anyphaena pilosa Keyserling, 1879: 327, pl. 4, f. 24 (Dmf) [].
Josa pilosa Keyserling, 1891: 83.
Haptisus nicoleti Simon, 1897a: 92, 95, 100, f. 89 (Dm; p. 92 sub Anyphaena) [].
Gayenna riveti Berland, 1913b: 100, pl. 10, f. 73 (Df) [].
Haptisus nicoleti Berland, 1913b: 104, pl. 11, f. 83-85 (m, Df).
Josa lutea Ramírez, 2003: 109, f. 55A-D (mf, T from Tetromma, S of Gayenna riveti, Haptisus nicoleti and Josa pilosa).
Tetromma lutea Keyserling, 1878a: 608 (Df).
Anyphaena pilosa Keyserling, 1879: 327, pl. 4, f. 24 (Dmf) [].
Josa pilosa Keyserling, 1891: 83.
Haptisus nicoleti Simon, 1897a: 92, 95, 100, f. 89 (Dm; p. 92 sub Anyphaena) [].
Gayenna riveti Berland, 1913b: 100, pl. 10, f. 73 (Df) [].
Haptisus nicoleti Berland, 1913b: 104, pl. 11, f. 83-85 (m, Df).
Josa lutea Ramírez, 2003: 109, f. 55A-D (mf, T from Tetromma, S of Gayenna riveti, Haptisus nicoleti and Josa pilosa).
Josa maura
(Simon, 1897) |
j | Venezuela
Haptisus maurus Simon, 1897b: 504 (Dj).
Josa maura Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Haptisus).
Josa maura Dupérré, 2023a: 142, f. 17A-B (j).
Josa maura Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Haptisus).
Josa maura Dupérré, 2023a: 142, f. 17A-B (j).
Josa nadineae
Martínez, Kochalka, Cabra-García & Ramírez, 2025 |
| Colombia

Josa nadineae Martínez et al., 2025: 216, f. 11A-E, 12A-E, 13A-F, 14A-E, 15A-I, 16A-F (Dmf).
Josa nigrifrons
(Simon, 1897) |
| Mexico to Bolivia

Haptisus nigrifrons Simon, 1897b: 505 (Df).
Pelayo insignis Banks, 1909a: 199, pl. 6, f. 28 (Df) [].
Pelayo insignis Banks, 1914a: 677, pl. 28, f. 14 (f).
Josa insignis Brescovit, 1993a: 129 (T from Pelayo).
Josa nigrifrons Ramírez, 2003: 117, f. 59A-G, 60A-E (f, Dm, T from Haptisus, S of Josa insignis).
Pelayo insignis Banks, 1909a: 199, pl. 6, f. 28 (Df) [].
Pelayo insignis Banks, 1914a: 677, pl. 28, f. 14 (f).
Josa insignis Brescovit, 1993a: 129 (T from Pelayo).
Josa nigrifrons Ramírez, 2003: 117, f. 59A-G, 60A-E (f, Dm, T from Haptisus, S of Josa insignis).
Josa olimpica
Martínez, Kochalka, Cabra-García & Ramírez, 2025 |
| Colombia

Josa olimpica Martínez et al., 2025: 223, f. 17A-E, 18A-E, 19A-F, 20A-E, 21A-I, 22A-F (Dmf).
Josa personata
(Simon, 1897) |
| Ecuador

Olbus personatus Simon, 1897b: 506 (Df).
Olbophthalmus personatus Simon, 1904e: 98.
Josa personata Ramírez, 2003: 114, f. 57A-F (f, T from Olbophthalmus).
Olbophthalmus personatus Simon, 1904e: 98.
Josa personata Ramírez, 2003: 114, f. 57A-F (f, T from Olbophthalmus).
Josa riveti
(Berland, 1913) |
| Ecuador, Bolivia

Gayenella riveti Berland, 1913b: 102, pl. 10, f. 77-79 (Df).
Josa riveti Ramírez, 2003: 111, f. 56A-J (f, Dm, T from Gayenella).
Josa riveti Ramírez, 2003: 111, f. 56A-J (f, Dm, T from Gayenella).
Josa samaria
Martínez, Kochalka, Cabra-García & Ramírez, 2025 |
| Colombia

Josa samaria Martínez et al., 2025: 213, f. 9A-E, 10A-E (Df).
Josa simoni
(Berland, 1913) |
| Ecuador

Gayenna simoni Berland, 1913b: 101, pl. 10, f. 74 (Dmf).
Josa simoni Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Gayenna).
Josa simoni Dupérré, 2023a: 144, f. 18A-B, 19A-C (mf).
Josa simoni Ramírez, 2003: 109 (T from Gayenna).
Josa simoni Dupérré, 2023a: 144, f. 18A-B, 19A-C (mf).