Family: Anapidae Simon, 1895 []
In synonymy:
Parapua Forster, 1959 = Taphiassa Simon, 1880 (Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 89, by T of the type species)
Parapua Forster, 1959 = Taphiassa Simon, 1880 (Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 89, by T of the type species)
Gen. Taphiassa Simon, 1880 []
type Taphiassa impressa Simon, 1880; gender feminine
N.B.: transferred from the Theridiidae to the Symphytognathidae by Levi & Levi, 1962: 29, to the Mysmenidae by Forster & Platnick, 1977: 2, to the Micropholcommatidae by Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 79, and (together with the whole family Micropholcommatidae) to the Anapidae by Schütt, 2003 and Lopardo, Giribet & Hormiga, 2011: 316; considered a senior synonym of Parapua Forster, 1959: 301 [] (type P. punctata Forster, 1959) by Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 89 (by transfer of the type species).
Taphiassa castanea
Rix & Harvey, 2010 |
| Australia (Tasmania)

Taphiassa castanea Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 85, f. 152C, 163A-D, 164A-B, 169C, 170A-H, 171A-D, 172A-F, 173A-F, 174A-F, 175A-D (Dmf).
Taphiassa globosa
Rix & Harvey, 2010 |
| Australia (Western Australia)

Taphiassa globosa Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 86, f. 165A-D, 166A-B, 169D, 223C-E (Dmf).
Taphiassa impressa
Simon, 1880 *
| New Caledonia

Taphiassa impressa Simon, 1880i: 172 (Df).
Taphiassa impressa Levi & Levi, 1962: 64, f. 312-313 (f).
Taphiassa impressa Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 82, f. 153A-C, 154A-B (f).
Taphiassa impressa Levi & Levi, 1962: 64, f. 312-313 (f).
Taphiassa impressa Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 82, f. 153A-C, 154A-B (f).
Taphiassa magna
Rix & Harvey, 2010 |
| Australia (Lord Howe Is.)

Taphiassa magna Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 88, f. 167A-D, 168A-B, 169A (Dmf).
Taphiassa punctata
(Forster, 1959) |
| New Zealand

Parapua punctata Forster, 1959: 301, f. 78-81, 141 (Dmf).
Taphiassa punctata Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 89, f. 9C, 169B, E-F (mf, T from Parapua).
Taphiassa punctata Lopardo & Hormiga, 2015: 728, f. 94A-F, 95A-I, 96A-H, 97A-H, 137C, 139E, 146A-B (mf).
Taphiassa punctata Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 89, f. 9C, 169B, E-F (mf, T from Parapua).
Taphiassa punctata Lopardo & Hormiga, 2015: 728, f. 94A-F, 95A-I, 96A-H, 97A-H, 137C, 139E, 146A-B (mf).
Taphiassa punctigera
Simon, 1895 |
| Sri Lanka

Taphiassa punctigera Simon, 1895g: 150 (Dm).
"Taphiassa" punctigera Brignoli, 1980j: 736, f. 12-13 (m; f. 12 shows m of Simon, f. 13 shows the non identical m of Reimoser, 1934b: 477; both belong to Theridiidae, but no genus specified).
"Taphiassa" punctigera Brignoli, 1980j: 736, f. 12-13 (m; f. 12 shows m of Simon, f. 13 shows the non identical m of Reimoser, 1934b: 477; both belong to Theridiidae, but no genus specified).
Taphiassa robertsi
Rix & Harvey, 2010 |
| Australia (Western Australia)

Taphiassa robertsi Rix & Harvey, 2010a: 82, f. 2, 7P, 8B, D, F, H, 10E-F, 152A-B, F, 154C-D, 155A-D, 156A-B, 157A-H, 158A-D, 159A-F, 160A-F, 161A-F, 162A-F, 223F-G (Dmf).