Family: Liphistiidae Thorell, 1869 [] Detail
In synonymy:
Anadiastothele Simon, 1903 = Liphistius Schiødte, 1849 (Bristowe, 1933a: 1030, implicitly by T of the type species)
Gen. Liphistius Schiødte, 1849 [] Detail
type Liphistius desultor Schiødte, 1849; gender masculine
N.B.: the original spelling Lipistius was emended to Liphistius by Thorell, 1869: 13 and the latter is on the Official List of Family and Generic Names in Zoology (Levi, 1968d, ICZN, 1970); considered a senior synonym of Anadiastothele Simon, 1903a: 875 [] (type A. thorelli Simon, 1903 = Liphistius sumatranus Thorell, 1890) by Bristowe, 1933a: 1030 (implicitly by transfer of the type species).
Transferred to other genera:
Liphistius cipingensis Wang, 1989 -- see Ganthela
Liphistius heyangensis Zhu & Wang, 1984 -- see Luthela
Liphistius schensiensis Schenkel, 1953 -- see Luthela
Liphistius sinensis schensiensis Schenkel, 1953 -- see Heptathela
Liphistius tonkinensis Bristowe, 1933 -- see Heptathela
In synonymy:
Liphistius malayanus cameroni Haupt, 1983 = Liphistius malayanus Abraham, 1923 (Schwendinger, 2017: 395).
Liphistius mammillanus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875 = Liphistius desultor Schiødte, 1849 (van Hasselt, 1880: 189).
Liphistius rufipes Schwendinger, 1995 = Liphistius yangae Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 (Schwendinger et al., 2019: 327).
Liphistius thaleban Schwendinger, 1990 = Liphistius yangae Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 (Schwendinger et al., 2019: 327).
Liphistius thorelli (Simon, 1903) = Liphistius sumatranus Thorell, 1890 (Bristowe, 1976a: 4).
Liphistius albipes Schwendinger, 1995 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius albipes Schwendinger, 1995: 152, f. 51-59 (Dmf).
Liphistius batuensis Abraham, 1923 | m f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius batuensis Abraham, 1923b: 13 (Dmf).
Liphistius batuensis Bristowe, 1933a: 1027, f. 3, 5c, 7a, 8c.
Liphistius batuensis Murphy & Platnick, 1981: 47, f. 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 26-27 (mf).
Liphistius batuensis Haupt, 1983: 282, f. 3b, 4b, 5d, 6d (mf).
Liphistius batuensis Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 25, f. 1, 4-5, 70-76 (mf).
Liphistius batuensis Haupt, 2003: 69, f. 45C-D (m).
Liphistius batuensis Schwendinger, 2017: 426, f. 19A-H, 20A-H (mf).
Liphistius bicoloripes Ono, 1988 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius bicoloripes Ono, 1988b: 147, f. 4-6 (Df).
Liphistius bicoloripes Schwendinger, 1995: 148, f. 32-41 (f, Dm).
Liphistius birmanicus Thorell, 1897 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius birmanicus Thorell, 1897a: 162 (Df).
Liphistius birmanicus Pocock, 1900a: 156, f. 52 (f).
Liphistius birmanicus Bristowe, 1933a: 1029, f. 6, 7b, 8d, 9a.
Liphistius birmanicus Bristowe, 1938b: 661 (m; immature m, belongs to an unnamed species per Schwendinger et al., 2022: 398).
Liphistius birmanicus Haupt, 1983: 280, f. 5c, 6c (f).
Liphistius birmanicus Xu et al., 2021b: 51, f. 2I-J, 8A-G, 9A-I, 10A-H (Dmf).
Liphistius birmanicus Schwendinger et al., 2022: 398, f. 3D-I, 13A-H, 14A-O (mf).
Liphistius bristowei Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius n. sp. B Haupt, 1983: 281, f. 3c, 4a (m).
Liphistius bristowei Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 12, f. 24-30 (Dmf; see also Platnick & Goloboff, 1985: 1268).
Liphistius bristowei Ono, 1988a: 36, f. 1-5 (mf).
Liphistius bristowei Schwendinger, 1990a: 339, f. 23-28 (mf).
Liphistius buran Schwendinger, 2019 | m f | Malaysia (peninsula)     []
Liphistius buran Schwendinger, in Schwendinger et al., 2019: 343, f. 12A-C, 13A-I, 14A-G, 15A-G (Dmf).
Liphistius buyphradi Sivayyapram & Warrit, 2024 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius buyphradi Sivayyapram & Warrit, in Sivayyapram et al., 2024a: 220, f. 10A-D, 11A-F, 14A-D (Dmf).
Liphistius castaneus Schwendinger, 1995 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius castaneus Schwendinger, 1995: 150, f. 42-50 (Dmf).
Liphistius champakpheaw Sivayyapram & Warrit, 2024 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius champakpheaw Sivayyapram & Warrit, in Sivayyapram et al., 2024a: 223, f. 12A-D, 13A-F, 14A-D (Dmf).
Liphistius chang Tanikawa & Petcharad, 2023 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius chang Tanikawa & Petcharad, 2023a: 7, f. 1C-D, 4A-F, 5A-H (Dmf).
Liphistius choosaki Sivayyapram& Warrit, 2024 | f | Thailand     []
Liphistius choosaki Sivayyapram& Warrit, in Sivayyapram et al., 2024a: 211, f. 4A-C (Df).
Liphistius cupreus Schwendinger & Huber, 2022 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius cupreus Schwendinger & Huber, in Schwendinger et al., 2022: 411, f. 2D-I, 21A-N, 22A-P (Dmf).
Liphistius dangrek Schwendinger, 1996 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius dangrek Schwendinger, 1996: 129, f. 31-38 (Dmf).
Liphistius dangrek Schwendinger, 2013a: 53, f. 3G-H (m).
Liphistius dawei Sivayyapram & Warrit, 2024 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius dawei Sivayyapram & Warrit, in Sivayyapram et al., 2024a: 207, f. 2A-B, 3A-F (Dmf).
Liphistius desultor Schiødte, 1849 * | m f | Malaysia     []
Lipistius desultor Schiødte, 1849b: 621, pl. 4, f. 1-4 (Df).
Liphistius mammillanus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1875d: 249, f. 1-3 (Df) [].
Lipistius desultor van Hasselt, 1880: 189, f. 1-3 (f, S of Liphistius mammilanus).
Liphistius desultor Simon, 1892a: 63, f. 70-72.
Liphistius desultor Simon, 1903a: 874, f. 1027-1028.
Liphistius desultor Bristowe, 1933a: 1017, f. 5a, 7b, 8a, pl. 1.
Liphistius batuensis Kraus, 1978: 235, f. 2-4 (m, misidentified per Platnick, Schwendinger & Steiner, 1997: 11).
Liphistius desultor Gertsch & Platnick, 1979: 5, f. 11-12.
Liphistius desultor Murphy & Platnick, 1981: 51, f. 1-6, 22-23 (f).
Liphistius desultor Haupt, 1983: 279, f. 5a, 6a (f).
Liphistius desultor Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 18, f. 45-53 (Dm, f).
Liphistius desultor Raven, 1985a: 10, f. 9-12 (m).
Liphistius desultor Platnick, Schwendinger & Steiner, 1997: 11, f. 22-28 (mf).
Liphistius desultor Haupt, 2003: 69, f. 43A-B (f).
Liphistius desultor Schwendinger et al., 2019: 333, f. 1A, 5A-K, 6A-E (mf).
Liphistius endau Sedgwick & Platnick, 1987 | m f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius endau Sedgwick & Platnick, 1987: 361, f. 1-2 (Df).
Liphistius endau Schwendinger, 2017: 401, f. 2A, 6A-O, 7A-I (Dmf).
Liphistius erawan Schwendinger, 1996 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius erawan Schwendinger, 1996: 123, f. 1-10 (Dmf).
Liphistius ferox Schwendinger & Huber, 2022 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius ferox Schwendinger & Huber, in Schwendinger et al., 2022: 392, f. 3A-B, 10A-M, 11A-P, 12A-F (Dmf).
Liphistius fuscus Schwendinger, 1995 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius fuscus Schwendinger, 1995: 145, f. 12-20 (Dmf).
Liphistius gracilis Schwendinger, 2017 | m f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius gracilis Schwendinger, 2017: 405, f. 8A-J, 9A-G (Dmf).
Liphistius hatyai Zhan & Xu, 2022 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius hatyai Zhan & Xu, in Zhan et al., 2022: 119, f. 3A-I (Dmf).
Liphistius hintung Sivayyapram & Warrit, 2024 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius hintung Sivayyapram & Warrit, in Sivayyapram et al., 2024a: 217, f. 8A-D, 9A-F, 14A-D (Dmf).
Liphistius hpruso Aung, Xu, Lwin, Sang, Yu, H. Liu, F. X. Liu & Li, 2019 | f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius hpruso Aung et al., 2019: 32, f. 3A-E (Df).
Liphistius indra Schwendinger, 2017 | m f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius indra Schwendinger, 2017: 422, f. 2B, 17A-K, 18A-H (Dmf).
Liphistius inthanon Zhan & Xu, 2022 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius inthanon Zhan & Xu, in Zhan et al., 2022: 124, f. 5A-J (Dmf).
Liphistius isan Schwendinger, 1998 | m f | Thailand, Laos     []
Liphistius isan Schwendinger, 1998: 19, f. 2A-I (Dmf).
Liphistius isan Schwendinger, 2013a: 53, f. 2A-B, F, 3A-F, I-P (mf).
Liphistius jarujini Ono, 1988 | f | Thailand     []
Liphistius jarujini Ono, 1988a: 39, f. 10-11 (Df).
Liphistius johore Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 | f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius johore Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 30, f. 79-80 (Df).
Liphistius johore Schwendinger, 2017: 409, f. 10A (f).
Liphistius kaengkhoi Sivayyapram & Warrit, 2024 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius kaengkhoi Sivayyapram & Warrit, in Sivayyapram et al., 2024a: 213, f. 6A-D, 7A-F, 14A-D (Dmf).
Liphistius kalaw Zhan & Xu, 2024 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius kalaw Zhan & Xu, in Xu et al., 2024: 103, f. 2F, 3A-G, 4A-D (Dmf).
Liphistius kanpetlet Zhan & Xu, 2024 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius kanpetlet Zhan & Xu, in Xu et al., 2024: 105, f. 2C, 5A-G, 6A-F (Dmf).
Liphistius kanthan Platnick, 1997 | m f | Malaysia (peninsula)     []
Liphistius kanthan Platnick, in Platnick, Schwendinger & Steiner, 1997: 6, f. 12-13 (Df).
Liphistius kanthan Schwendinger et al., 2019: 340, f. 1B, 10A-L, 11A-F (Dmf).
Liphistius keeratikiati Zhan & Xu, 2022 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius keeratikiati Zhan & Xu, in Zhan et al., 2022: 121, f. 4A-M (Dmf).
Liphistius lahu Schwendinger, 1998 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius lahu Schwendinger, 1998: 17, f. 1A-H (Dmf).
Liphistius lahu Schwendinger et al., 2022: 380, f. 4A-J, 5A-I (mf).
Liphistius langkawi Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 | m f | Malaysia     []
Liphistius langkawi Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 14, f. 31-37 (Dmf).
Liphistius langkawi Schwendinger, 2009b: 1260, f. 13-19 (mf).
Liphistius langkawi Schwendinger et al., 2019: 337, f. 9A-H (mf).
Liphistius lannaianus Schwendinger, 1990 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius lannaianus Schwendinger, 1990a: 335, f. 11-17, 57-59 (Dmf).
Liphistius lannaianus Jocqué & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 2006: 156, f. 55a-i (mf).
Liphistius lansak Sivayyapram & Warrit, 2024 | f | Thailand     []
Liphistius lansak Sivayyapram & Warrit, in Sivayyapram et al., 2024a: 212, f. 5A-D (Df).
Liphistius laoticus Schwendinger, 2013 | m f | Laos     []
Liphistius laoticus Schwendinger, 2013a: 56, f. 2C-D, 4A-J, N-Q (Dmf).
Liphistius laoticus Xu et al., 2015a: 129, f. 5-9 (mf).
Liphistius laruticus Schwendinger, 1997 | m f | Malaysia (peninsula)     []
Liphistius laruticus Schwendinger, in Platnick, Schwendinger & Steiner, 1997: 9, f. 14-21 (Dmf).
Liphistius laruticus Schwendinger et al., 2019: 335, f. 7A-J (mf).
Liphistius linang Schwendinger, 2017 | m f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius linang Schwendinger, 2017: 418, f. 15A-I, 16A-F (Dmf).
Liphistius liz Lin & Li, 2023 | m f | China     []
Liphistius liz Lin & Li, 2023c: 3, f. 1, 2A-B, 3b, 4A-C, 5A-B, 6A-D, 7A-B (Dmf).
Liphistius lordae Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius lordae Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 10, f. 18, 19 (Df).
Liphistius lordae Schwendinger, 1990a: 332, f. 5-10 (f, Dm).
Liphistius lordae Schwendinger, 1998: 18, f. 1I (m).
Liphistius lordae Schwendinger et al., 2022: 406, f. 17A-G, 18A-H (mf).
Liphistius maewongensis Sivayyapram, Smith, Weingdow & Warrit, 2017 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius maewongensis Sivayyapram et al., 2017: 288, f. 3, 4a-e, 5a-d (Dmf).
Liphistius malayanus Abraham, 1923 | m f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius malayanus Abraham, 1923a: 769, f. 1 (Df).
Liphistius malayanus Abraham, 1930: 671 (Dm).
Liphistius malayanus Bristowe, 1933a: 1026, f. 2, 5b, 7b, 8e.
Liphistius malayanus Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1962b: 72, pl. II, f. 5-6 (f).
Liphistius batuensis Kraus, 1978: 235, f. 5-9 (f; misidentified per Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 23).
Liphistius malayanus Murphy & Platnick, 1981: 47, f. 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 24-25 (mf).
Liphistius malayanus Haupt, 1983: 281, f. 1c, 3d, 4c, 5e, 6e (mf).
Liphistius malayanus cameroni Haupt, 1983: 282, f. 3e, 4d, 5f, 6f (Dmf) [].
Liphistius malayanus Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 23, f. 63-69 (mf).
Liphistius malayanus Haupt, 1984: 163, f. 2b (m).
Liphistius malayanus Platnick & Goloboff, 1985: 1268, f. 1-4.
Liphistius malayanus Haupt, 2003: 69, f. 43C-D, 45A-B (mf).
Liphistius malayanus cameroni Haupt, 2003: 69, f. 43E-F, 47A-D (mf).
Liphistius malayanus Schwendinger, 2017: 395, f. 3B,D,F,H, 4A-L, 5A-J (mf, S of L. malayanus cameroni).
Liphistius marginatus Schwendinger, 1990 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius marginatus Schwendinger, 1990a: 340, f. 29-35 (Dmf).
Liphistius metopiae Schwendinger, 2022 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius metopiae Schwendinger, in Schwendinger et al., 2022: 382, f. 6A-O, 7A-I (Dmf).
Liphistius murphyorum Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 | m f | Malaysia     []
Liphistius desultor Murphy & Platnick, 1981: 51, f. 7, 10, 13, 16, 19 (m; misidentified per Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 16).
Liphistius n. sp. A Haupt, 1983: 279, f. 3a (m).
Liphistius murphyorum Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 16, f. 16, 38-44 (Dmf; see also Platnick & Goloboff, 1985: 1268).
Liphistius murphyorum Haupt, 2003: 69, f. 46A-A (m).
Liphistius murphyorum Schwendinger, 2009b: 1262, f. 20-21 (m).
Liphistius murphyorum Schwendinger et al., 2019: 337, f. 8A-I (mf).
Liphistius nabang Yu, F. Zhang & J. X. Zhang, 2021 | m f | China     []
Liphistius nabang Yu, Zhang & Zhang, 2021b: 36, f. 1A-B, 2A-D, 3A-F, 4A-G (Dmf).
Liphistius nabang Lin & Li, 2023c: 7, f. 3a (m).
Liphistius nawngau Zhan & Xu, 2024 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius nawngau Zhan & Xu, in Xu et al., 2024: 108, f. 2G, 7A-G, 8A-D (Dmf).
Liphistius negara Schwendinger, 2017 | m f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius negara Schwendinger, 2017: 415, f. 14A-J (Dmf).
Liphistius nesioticus Schwendinger, 1996 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius nesioticus Schwendinger, 1996: 128, f. 21-30 (Dmf).
Liphistius niphanae Ono, 1988 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius niphanae Ono, 1988b: 146, f. 1-3 (Df).
Liphistius niphanae Schwendinger, 1990a: 343, f. 40-45, 60-62 (f, Dm).
Liphistius ochraceus Ono & Schwendinger, 1990 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius ochraceus Ono & Schwendinger, 1990: 173, f. 15-16 (Df).
Liphistius ochraceus Schwendinger, 1996: 138, f. 74-82 (f, Dm).
Liphistius ochraceus Schwendinger, 2013a: 56, f. 4L (m).
Liphistius onoi Schwendinger, 1996 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius onoi Schwendinger, 1996: 136, f. 65-73 (Dmf).
Liphistius ornatus Ono & Schwendinger, 1990 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius ornatus Ono & Schwendinger, 1990: 166, f. 1-8 (Dmf).
Liphistius ornatus Schwendinger & Ono, 2011: 616, f. 51-54 (mf).
Liphistius owadai Ono & Schwendinger, 1990 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius owadai Ono & Schwendinger, 1990: 170, f. 9-14 (Dmf).
Liphistius panching Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 | m f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius panching Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 27, f. 17, 77-78 (Df).
Liphistius panching Sedgwick & Platnick, 1986: 205, f. 1-8 (Dm).
Liphistius panching Schwendinger, 2017: 414, f. 10B, 13A-H (mf).
Liphistius phileion Schwendinger, 1998 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius phileion Schwendinger, 1998: 23, f. 4A-I (Dmf).
Liphistius phuketensis Schwendinger, 1998 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius phuketensis Schwendinger, 1998: 25, f. 5A-I (Dmf).
Liphistius pilok Tanikawa & Petcharad, 2023 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius pilok Tanikawa & Petcharad, 2023a: 2, f. 1A-B, 2A-F, 3A-F (Dmf).
Liphistius pinlaung Aung, Xu, Lwin, Sang, Yu, H. Liu, F. X. Liu & Li, 2019 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius pinlaung Aung et al., 2019: 34, f. 2D-E, 4A-H, 5A-F (Dmf).
Liphistius pinlaung Schwendinger et al., 2022: 402, f. 3C, 15A-G, 16A-J (mf).
Liphistius platnicki Schwendinger & Huber, 2022 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius platnicki Schwendinger & Huber, in Schwendinger et al., 2022: 416, f. 2C, 23A-M, 24A-P (Dmf).
Liphistius priceae Schwendinger, 2017 | m f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius priceae Schwendinger, 2017: 434, f. 23A-M, 24A-F (Dmf).
Liphistius pusohm Schwendinger, 1996 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius pusohm Schwendinger, 1996: 134, f. 55-64 (Dmf).
Liphistius pyinoolwin Xu, Yu, Aung, Yu, Liu, Lwin, Sang & Li, 2021 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius birmanicus Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 8, f. 7-15 (mf; misidentified per Xu et al., 2021b: 45).
Liphistius birmanicus Schwendinger, 1990a: 331, f. 1-4 (mf; misidentified per Xu et al., 2021b: 45).
Liphistius pyinoolwin Xu et al., 2021b: 45, f. 2D-E, 3A-J, 4A-G, 5A-I, 6A-I, 7A-I (Dmf).
Liphistius pyinoolwin Schwendinger et al., 2022: 408, f. 2B, 19A-F, 20A-G (mf).
Liphistius rostratus Zhan & Xu, 2024 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius rostratus Zhan & Xu, in Xu et al., 2024: 111, f. 2D-E, 9A-G, 10A-D (Dmf).
Liphistius sayam Schwendinger, 1998 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius sayam Schwendinger, 1998: 21, f. 3A-J (Dmf).
Liphistius schwendingeri Ono, 1988 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius schwendingeri Ono, 1988b: 149, f. 7-9 (Df).
Liphistius schwendingeri Schwendinger, 1995: 146, f. 21-31 (f, Dm).
Liphistius sumatranus Thorell, 1890 | m f | Indonesia (Sumatra)     []
Liphistius desultor van Hasselt, 1882: 38, pl. 3, f. 1-3 (f; misidentified per Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 20).
Liphistius sumatranus Thorell, 1890a: 27 (Df).
Anadiastothele thorelli Simon, 1903a: 875, f. 1029-1031 (Df) [].
Liphistius sumatranus Bristowe, 1933a: 1030, f. 7c, 8b.
Liphistius thorelli Bristowe, 1933a: 1030, f. 7c.
Liphistius sumatranus Bristowe, 1976a: 4 (S of Liphistius thorelli).
Liphistius sumatranus Haupt, 1983: 279, f. 5b, 6b (f).
Liphistius sumatranus Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 20, f. 2-3, 56-62 (f, Dm).
Liphistius sumatranus Haupt, 1984: 165, f. 4 (f).
Liphistius suwat Schwendinger, 1996 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius suwat Schwendinger, 1996: 131, f. 39-45 (Dmf).
Liphistius tanakai Ono & Aung, 2020 | f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius tanakai Ono & Aung, 2020: 90, f. 1-5 (Df).
Liphistius tempurung Platnick, 1997 | m f | Malaysia (peninsula)     []
Liphistius tempurung Platnick, in Platnick, Schwendinger & Steiner, 1997: 4, f. 10-11 (Df).
Liphistius tempurung Schwendinger, 2017: 430, f. 21A-L, 22A-J (Dmf).
Liphistius tenuis Schwendinger, 1996 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius tenuis Schwendinger, 1996: 125, f. 11-20 (Dmf).
Liphistius thaleri Schwendinger, 2009 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius thaleri Schwendinger, 2009b: 1255, f. 1-12 (Dmf).
Liphistius thaleri Schwendinger & Ono, 2011: 616, f. 59-64 (f).
Liphistius tham Sedgwick & Schwendinger, 1990 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius tham Sedgwick & Schwendinger, 1990: 109, f. 1-6 (Dmf).
Liphistius tham Schwendinger, 1990a: 342, f. 36-39 (mf).
Liphistius thoranie Schwendinger, 1996 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius thoranie Schwendinger, 1996: 132, f. 46-54 (Dmf).
Liphistius thoranie Schwendinger, 2013a: 56, f. 2E, 4K, M (m).
Liphistius tioman Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 | m f | Malaysia (mainland)     []
Liphistius tioman Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 28, f. 54-55, 81-87 (Dmf).
Liphistius tioman Schwendinger, 2017: 410, f. 11A-I, 12A-G (mf).
Liphistius trang Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius trang Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 13, f. 20, 21 (Df).
Liphistius trang Schwendinger, 1987: 19, f. 1-6 (Dm).
Liphistius trang Schwendinger, 1990a: 345, f. 46-49 (mf).
Liphistius trang Schwendinger, 1995: 143, f. 8 (m).
Liphistius trang Haupt, 2003: 69, f. 46C-D (m).
Liphistius tung Schwendinger, 2022 | m f | Myanmar     []
Liphistius tung Schwendinger, in Schwendinger et al., 2022: 389, f. 2A, 8A-J, 9A-H (Dmf).
Liphistius yamasakii Ono, 1988 | m f | Thailand     []
Liphistius yamasakii Ono, 1988a: 36, f. 6-9 (Dmf).
Liphistius yamasakii Schwendinger, 1990a: 337, f. 18-22 (mf).
Liphistius yangae Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984 | m f | Thailand, Malaysia (peninsula)     []
Liphistius yangae Platnick & Sedgwick, 1984: 14, f. 22, 23 (Df).
Liphistius thaleban Schwendinger, 1990a: 345, f. 50-56 (Dmf) [].
Liphistius rufipes Schwendinger, 1995: 143, f. 1-6, 9-11 (Dmf) [].
Liphistius thaleban Schwendinger, 1995: 143, f. 7 (m).
Liphistius thaleban Schwendinger, 1998: 27, f. 6A-C (mf).
Liphistius yangae Schwendinger et al., 2019: 327, f. 3A-L, 4A-J (mf, S of Liphistius rufipes and L. thaleban).