Taxon details
Maimuna vestita (C. L. Koch, 1841)
- Rank: Species (Genus type)
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2024-12-06
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Italy, Croatia, Romania, Ukraine, Albania, North Macedonia, Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey
- External Resources *:
- Syntype: Swedish Museum of Natural History (Naturhistoriska riksmuseet), Stockholm (NHRS), Sweden; 1f (1357b) [N.B.: designation of neotype m 1357a is invalid] (de Blauwe, 1980a)
Textrix vestiva Simon, 1864: 220.
Textrix vestita Thorell, 1873: 499.
Textrix vestita Simon, 1898a: 252, f. 248 (m).
Textrix vestita Drensky, 1942: 55, f. 15d, 16d (mf).
Maimuna vestita Lehtinen, 1967: 246, f. 245, 247 (Tmf from Textrix).
Maimuna vestita Brignoli, 1976b: 573, f. 49-50 (f).
Textrix vestita de Blauwe, 1980a: 46, f. 69-74 (mf).
Maimuna vestita Levy, 1996: 109, f. 101-105 (mf).
Maimuna vestita Lecigne, 2011: 10, f. pp. 10-11 (f).
Maimuna vestita Lecigne, 2013: 187, f. 5H-I (m).
Maimuna vestita van Helsdingen & IJland, 2015: 24, f. 7 (f).
Maimuna vestita Dimitrov, 2022: 388, f. 10-12, 19-20, 27 (mf).
Maimuna vestita Kaya et al., 2023a: 42, f. 8B, E (m).
Blauwe, R. de (1980a). Revision de la famille des Agelenidae (Araneae) de la region mediterraneene (2e partie). Bulletin de l'Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique 52(1): 1-54. -- Show included taxa
Brignoli, P. M. (1976b). Ragni di Grecia IX. Specie nuove o interessanti delle famiglie Leptonetidae, Dysderidae, Pholcidae ed Agelenidae (Araneae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 83(3): 539-578. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.91452 -- Show included taxa
Dimitrov, D. (2022). A review of the genus Maimuna Lehtinen, 1967 (Araneae, Agelenidae) in Turkey, with a description of a new species. Zootaxa 5124(3): 383-390. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.5124.3.7 -- Show included taxa
Drensky, P. (1942). Die Spinnenfauna Bulgariens V. Mitteilungen aus den Königlichen Naturwissenschaftlichen Instituten in Sofia 15: 33-60. -- Show included taxa
Helsdingen, P. J. van & IJland, S. (2015). A quick scan of the spider fauna in the surroundings of Përmet, Albania (Arachnida, Araneae) – preliminary report. Nieuwsbrief SPINED 35: 15-33. -- Show included taxa
Kaya, R. S., Zamani, A., Yağmur, E. A. & Marusik, Y. M. (2023a). A new genus of Textricini Lehtinen, 1967 (Araneae, Agelenidae) from Anatolia. ZooKeys 1151: 31-45. doi:10.3897/zookeys.1151.100430 -- Show included taxa
Koch, C. L. (1841a). Die Arachniden. C. H. Zeh'sche Buchhandlung, Nürnberg, Achter Band, pp. 41-131, pl. 265-288 (f. 621-694); Neunter Band, pp. 1-56, pl. 289-306 (f. 695-726). [for the correct year of publication see Brignoli, 1985b] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.43744 -- Show included taxa
Lecigne, S. (2013). Contribution à l'inventaire aranéologique de Corfou (Grèce) (Arachnida, Araneae). Nieuwsbrief van de Belgische Arachnologische Vereniging 28: 177-191. -- Show included taxa
Lecigne, S. (2011). Inventaire aranéologique dans la Province d'Izmir (Turquie) (Arachnida, Araneae). Le bulletin d'Arthropoda 46(2): 5-83. -- Show included taxa
Lehtinen, P. T. (1967). Classification of the cribellate spiders and some allied families, with notes on the evolution of the suborder Araneomorpha. Annales Zoologici Fennici 4: 199-468. [second pdf: index and outline by V. D. Roth (unpubl.)]
-- Show included taxa
Levy, G. (1996). The agelenid funnel-weaver family and the spider genus Cedicus in Israel (Araneae, Agelenidae and Cybaeidae). Zoologica Scripta 25(2): 85-122. doi:10.1111/j.1463-6409.1996.tb00154.x -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1864). Histoire naturelle des araignées (aranéides). Paris, 540 pp. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.47654 -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1898a). Histoire naturelle des araignées. Deuxième édition, tome second. Roret, Paris, pp. 193-380. [second pdf with detailed publication dates of the single parts] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.51973
-- Show included taxa
Thorell, T. (1873). Remarks on synonyms of European spiders. Part IV. C. J. Lundström, Uppsala, pp. 375-645. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.69282 -- Show included taxa
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As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases.
They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources,
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Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2023-03-03 | New taxonomic reference entry | Kaya et al., 2023a | n/a |
2022-04-04 | New taxonomic reference entry | Dimitrov, 2022 | n/a |
2018-11-19 | New taxonomic reference entry | Lecigne, 2011 | n/a |
2016-01-07 | New taxonomic reference entry | van Helsdingen & IJland, 2015 | n/a |
2014-07-03 | New taxonomic reference entry | Lecigne, 2013 | n/a |