Taxon details

Phoneutria boliviensis (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897)

  • Rank: Species
  • Status: accepted
  • Described: m f
  • Last updated: 2021-03-11
  • LSID: []
  • Distribution: Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil
Type deposit provide information
  • Holotype: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main (SMF), Germany; f (4557) of Ctenus chilesicus (Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021)
  • Holotype: Museum Lübeck, Germany; type material destroyed 1942; f of Ctenus nigriventroides (Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021)
  • Holotype: British Museum of Natural History (BMNH)/Natural History Museum (NHMUK), London, UK; f (not found, presumably lost) (Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021)
  • Neotype: Museo de Historia Natural de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (MUSM), Lima, Peru; f (ENT 54118) (Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021)
  • Syntype: Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (ZMB), Germany; 2f (30615-30616) of Ctenus valdehirsutulus (Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021)
Taxonomic references
Ctenus boliviensis F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897b: 80, pl. 3, f. 3a-c (Dmf).
Ctenus nigriventroides Strand, 1907g: 426 (invalid provisional name) [].
Ctenus valdehirsutulus Strand, 1909h: 318 (Df) [].
Ctenus chilesicus Strand, 1916b: 128 (Df) [].
Phoneutria boliviensis Schmidt, 1954: 414, f. 7a-b (f).
Phoneutria boliviensis Bücherl, Lucas & Eickstedt, 1969: 49 (T from Ctenus).
Phoneutria nigriventroides Bücherl, Lucas & Eickstedt, 1969: 59 (T from Ctenus).
Phoneutria boliviensis Schiapelli & Gerschman, 1973a: 34, f. 4-8 (mf, S of Phoneutria colombiana, rejected by Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021: 30).
Phoneutria boliviensis Valerio, 1983: 101, f. 2 (f).
Phoneutria boliviensis Simó & Brescovit, 2001: 74, f. 6, 16, 22 (mf, S of Ctenus chilesicus, C. depilatus [revalidated by Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021: 30], C. signativenter [nomen dubium by Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021: 30], C. valdehirsutulus and Phoneutria nigriventroides).
Phoneutria boliviensis Martins & Bertani, 2007: 4, f. 64 (f).
Phoneutria boliviensis Jäger & Blick, 2009: 33, f. 1-3 (f).
Phoneutria boliviensis Hazzi et al., 2018: 112, f. 10D (m).
Phoneutria boliviensis Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021: 24, f. 1C-D, 4A-B, 5A-C, 6A-B, 9A, C, 10A-B (mf).

Bücherl, W., Lucas, S. & Eickstedt, V. R. D. von (1969). Spiders of the family Ctenidae, subfamily Phoneutriinae VI. Bibliographia phoneutriarum. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 34: 47-66. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Hazzi, N. A., Polotow, D., Brescovit, A. D., González-Obando, R. & Simó, M. (2018). Systematics and biogeography of Spinoctenus, a new genus of wandering spider from Colombia (Ctenidae). Invertebrate Systematics 32(1): 111-158. doi:10.1071/IS17022 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Hazzi, N. A. & Hormiga, G. (2021). Morphological and molecular evidence support the taxonomic separation of the medically important Neotropical spiders Phoneutria depilata (Strand, 1909) and P. boliviensis (F.O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897) (Araneae, Ctenidae). ZooKeys 1022: 13-50. [incl. Corrigenda. ZooKeys 1033: 203-205. doi:10.3897/zookeys.1033.65850] doi:10.3897/zookeys.1022.60571 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Jäger, P. & Blick, T. (2009). Zur Identifikation einer nach Deutschland eingeschleppten Kammspinnenart (Araneae: Ctenidae: Phoneutria boliviensis). Arachnologische Mitteilungen 38: 33-36. doi:10.5431/aramit3805 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Martins, R. & Bertani, R. (2007). The non-Amazonian species of the Brazilian wandering spiders of the genus Phoneutria Perty, 1833 (Araneae: Ctenidae), with the description of a new species. Zootaxa 1526: 1-36. doi:10.11646/zootaxa.1526.1.1 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Pickard-Cambridge, F. O. (1897b). On cteniform spiders from the lower Amazons and other regions of North and South America, with a list of all known species of these groups hitherto recorded from the New World. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (6) 19(109): 52-106, pl. 3-4. doi:10.1080/00222939708680507 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Schiapelli, R. D. & Gerschman de P., B. S. (1973a). Diagnosis de Phoneutria reidyi (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897) y de Phoneutria boliviensis (F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1897) (Araneae, Ctenidae). Revista de la Sociedad Entomológica Argentina 34: 31-38. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Schmidt, G. (1954). Zur Herkunftsbestimmung von Bananenimporten nach dem Besatz an Spinnen. Zeitschrift für Angewandte Zoologie 36: 400-422. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Simó, M. & Brescovit, A. D. (2001). Revision and cladistic analysis of the Neotropical spider genus Phoneutria Perty, 1833 (Araneae, Ctenidae), with notes on related Ctenidae. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 12(2): 67-82. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Strand, E. (1907g). Über drei Clubioniden und eine Pisauride vom Sorata in den Cordilleren (Günther leg., Museum Lübeck). Zeitschrift für Naturwissenschaften 79: 422-431. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Strand, E. (1909h). Neue oder wenig bekannte südamerikanische Cupiennius- und Ctenus-Arten. Zoologische Jahrbücher, Abteilung für Systematik, Geographie und Biologie der Tiere 28(3): 293-328. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Strand, E. (1916b). Systematische-faunistische Studien über paläarktische, afrikanische und amerikanische Spinnen des Senckenbergischen Museums. Archiv für Naturgeschichte 81(A9): 1-153. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Valerio, C. E. (1983). Sobre la presencia de Phoneutria boliviensis (F. O. P.-Cambridge) (Araneae, Ctenidae) en Costa Rica. Journal of Arachnology 11: 101-102. download pdf -- Show included taxa

External Resource References

* Disclaimer
As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases. They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources, however, are not managed by World Spider Catalog and the information given there is not necessarily in agreement with the World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]

Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1

Edit history
Date Type Reference Detail
2021-03-11 Taxonomic reference assigned to new taxon Taxonomic reference entry assigned to Phoneutria depilata (Strand, 1909)
2021-03-11 Taxonomic reference assigned to new taxon Taxonomic reference entry assigned to Phoneutria depilata (Strand, 1909)
2021-03-11 Taxonomic reference assigned to new taxon Taxonomic reference entry assigned to Phoneutria depilata (Strand, 1909)
2021-03-11 Taxonomic reference assigned to new taxon Taxonomic reference entry assigned to Phoneutria depilata (Strand, 1909)
2021-03-11 Taxonomic reference assigned to new taxon Taxonomic reference entry assigned to Phoneutria signativenter (Strand, 1909)
2021-03-11 Taxonomic reference assigned to new taxon Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021 Taxonomic reference entry assigned to Phoneutria depilata (Strand, 1909)
2021-03-11 New taxonomic reference entry Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021 n/a
2021-03-11 Species distribution update Hazzi & Hormiga, 2021 n/a (Old value)
2018-02-06 New taxonomic reference entry Hazzi et al., 2018 n/a
2017-08-16 New taxonomic reference entry Cathrine & Longhorn, 2017 n/a
2017-04-04 New taxonomic reference entry Rozwałka, Rutkowski & Bielak-Bielecki, 2017 n/a