Taxon details
Ctenus capulinus (Karsch, 1879)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2025-02-20
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, DR Congo
- External Resources *:
- Holotype: Staatliches Museum für Naturkunde, Stuttgart (SMNS), Germany; type material destroyed 1944; f of Ctenus cribensis Strand, 1906
- Holotype: Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (ZMB), Germany (database export of type material, March 2019); Phoneutria capulinus Karsch, 1879, (2978)
Ctenus burtoni F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898: 25, pl. 3, f. 3 (Dm) [].
Ctenus scopulatus Pocock, 1900g: 871, pl. 57, f. 25 (Df) [].
Ctenus batesii Pocock, 1903e: 263 (Df) [].
Ctenus cribensis Strand, 1906h: 76 (Df) [].
Ctenus capulinus Strand, 1908e: 276 (S of Ctenus burtoni and C. scopulatus).
Ctenus rubrifrons Simon, 1909f: 350 (Dj) [].
Ctenus capulinus Arts, 1912: 191, pl. 1, f. 3 (mf).
Ctenus bellus Arts, 1912: 194, pl. 1, f. 11 (Df) [].
Ctenus capulinus Hyatt, 1954: 879 (S of Ctenus batesi).
Ctenus capulinus Benoit, 1980: 112, f. 2, 8, 12a-b (mf, S of Ctenus bellus, C. cribensis and C. rubrifrons).
Arts, L. des (1912). Zusammenstellung der afrikanischen Arten der Gattung Ctenus. Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten 29(2): 183-218. -- Show included taxa
Benoit, P. L. G. (1980). Etudes sur les Ctenidae africains X. Gen. Ctenus Walck. - groupe nigromaculatus (Araneae). Revue Zoologique Africaine 94: 109-118. -- Show included taxa
Hyatt, K. H. (1954). The African spiders of the family Ctenidae in the collections of the British Museum (Natural History). Annals and Magazine of Natural History (12) 7(84): 877-894, pl. 30-32. doi:10.1080/00222935408651809 -- Show included taxa
Karsch, F. (1879a). West-afrikanische Arachniden, gesammelt von Herrn Stabsarzt Dr. Falkenstein. Zeitschrift für die Gesammten Naturwissenschaften 52: 329-373. -- Show included taxa
Pickard-Cambridge, F. O. (1898). On the cteniform spiders of Africa, Arabia and Syria. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 66(1): 13-32, pl. 3-4. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1898.tb03126.x -- Show included taxa
Pocock, R. I. (1900g). On the scorpions, pedipalps and spiders from tropical West-Africa, represented in the collection of the British Museum. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 67(4, 1899): 833-885, pl. 55-58. [published in April 1900, after Duncan, 1937] -- Show included taxa
Pocock, R. I. (1903e). Some new spiders from the Camaroons collected by Mr. G. L. Bates. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) 11(63): 258-264. doi:10.1080/00222930308678762 -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1909f). Arachnides recueillis par L. Fea sur la côte occidentale d'Afrique. 2e partie. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova 44: 335-449. [year corrected from 1910 to 1909, see pp. 337, 353, 369, etc.; following Bonnet, contra Roewer] -- Show included taxa
Strand, E. (1906h). Tropisch-afrikanische Spinnen des Kgl. Naturalienkabinetts in Stuttgart. Jahreshefte des Vereins für vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg 62: 13-103. -- Show included taxa
Strand, E. (1908e). Exotisch-araneologisches. I. Amerikanische, hauptsächlich in Peru, Bolivien und Josemitetal in Californien gesammelte Spinnen. II. Spinnen aus Kamerun. III. Übersicht der bekannten Hysterocrates-Arten. IV. Zur Kenntnis der Aranea rufipalpis (Luc.). Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 61: 223-295. -- Show included taxa
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As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases.
They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources,
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World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]
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