Taxon details
Metepeira labyrinthea (Hentz, 1847)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: - -
- LSID: []
- Distribution: North America
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Epeira crucifera Keyserling, 1864: 132, pl. 6, f. 11-12 (Df; preoccupied by Lucas, 1835).
Epeira solitudinis Holmberg, 1881b: 122, pl. 3, f. 2 (Df).
Epeira labyrinthea Emerton, 1884: 314, pl. 34, f. 8, pl. 36, f. 11 (f, Dm).
Epeira labyrinthea Keyserling, 1893: 215, pl. 10, f. 160 (mf).
Epeira labyrinthea McCook, 1894: 171, pl. 7, f. 10-12 (mf).
Epeira labyrinthea Emerton, 1902: 174, f. 408-410 (f).
Metepeira labyrinthea F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1903a: 458, pl. 43, f. 6-7 (mf).
Araneus labyrintheus Simon, 1904e: 95.
Araneus cruciferus Petrunkevitch, 1911: 287.
Araneus solitudinis Petrunkevitch, 1911: 317.
Metepeira labyrinthea Chamberlin, 1924b: 648, f. 91-92.
Metepeira labyrinthea Petrunkevitch, 1930a: 319, f. 194-196 (mf).
Metepeira labyrinthea Franganillo, 1936c: 75 (S).
Metepeira labyrinthea Comstock, 1940: 476, f. 476 (m).
Metepeira labyrinthea Chamberlin & Ivie, 1942a: 63, f. 161-164 (mf).
Aranea keyserlingi Roewer, 1942a: 861 (replacement name for Epeira crucifera).
Metepeira labyrinthea Muma, 1943: 95, pl. XIV, f. 1 (f).
Metepeira labyrinthea Kaston, 1948: 226, f. 704, 724 (m).
Araneus labyrintheus Bücherl, 1959: 295, f. 19-21 (f).
Metepeira labyrinthea Levi, 1977b: 196, f. 1-11, 14-20 (mf, S).
Metepeira labyrinthea Coddington, 1990: 14, f. 63 (m).
Metepeira labyrinthea Piel, 2001: 7, f. 6 (m).
Metepeira labyrinthea Levi, 2002: 543, f. 120-122, 196 (mf).
Metepeira labyrinthea Dondale et al., 2003: 317, f. 740-748 (mf).
Metepeira labyrinthea Álvarez-Padilla & Hormiga, 2011a: 847, f. 134C (f).
Álvarez-Padilla, F. & Hormiga, G. (2011a). Morphological and phylogenetic atlas of the orb-weaving spider family Tetragnathidae (Araneae: Araneoidea). Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 162(4): 713-879. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.2011.00692.x -- Show included taxa
Bücherl, W. (1959). Fauna aracnológica e alguns aspectos ecológicos da ilha de Trindade. Memórias do Instituto Butantan 29: 277-313. -- Show included taxa
Chamberlin, R. V. (1924b). The spider fauna of the shores and islands of the Gulf of California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 12: 561-694. -- Show included taxa
Chamberlin, R. V. & Ivie, W. (1942a). A hundred new species of American spiders. Bulletin of the University of Utah 32(13): 1-117. -- Show included taxa
Coddington, J. A. (1990). Ontogeny and homology in the male palpus of orb-weaving spiders and their relatives, with comments on phylogeny (Araneoclada: Araneoidea, Deinopoidea). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology 496: 1-52. -- Show included taxa
Comstock, J. H. (1940). The spider book, revised and edited by W. J. Gertsch. Cornell Univ. Press, Ithaca, 727 pp. -- Show included taxa
Dondale, C. D., Redner, J. H., Paquin, P. & Levi, H. W. (2003). The insects and arachnids of Canada. Part 23. The orb-weaving spiders of Canada and Alaska (Araneae: Uloboridae, Tetragnathidae, Araneidae, Theridiosomatidae). NRC Research Press, Ottawa, 371 pp. -- Show included taxa
Emerton, J. H. (1884). New England spiders of the family Epeiridae. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 6: 295-342. -- Show included taxa
Emerton, J. H. (1902). The common spiders of the United States. Boston, 225 pp. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.5617 -- Show included taxa
Franganillo B., P. (1936c). Los arácnidos de Cuba hasta 1936. Cultural, La Habana, 183 pp. -- Show included taxa
Hentz, N. M. (1847). Descriptions and figures of the araneides of the United States. Boston Journal of Natural History 5: 443-479, pl. 23-24, 30-31. -- Show included taxa
Holmberg, E. L. (1881b). Arácnidos. In: Informe oficial de la Comisión científica agregada al Estado Mayor general de la expedición al Rio Negro (Patagonia) realizada en los meses de Abril, Mayo y Junio de 1879, bajo las órdenes del general d. Julio A. Roca. Entrega I. Buenos Aires, Zoología, pp. 117-168. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.2504 -- Show included taxa
Kaston, B. J. (1948). Spiders of Connecticut. Bulletin of the Connecticut State Geological and Natural History Survey 70: 1-874. -- Show included taxa
Keyserling, E. (1864). Beschreibungen neuer und wenig bekannter Arten aus der Familie Orbitelae Latr. oder Epeiridae Sund. Sitzungs-Berichte der naturwissenschaftlichen Gesellschaft Isis in Dresden 1863: 63-98, 119-154, pl. 1-7. -- Show included taxa
Keyserling, E. (1893). Die Spinnen Amerikas. Epeiridae. Bauer & Raspe, Nürnberg 4, 209-377. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.64832 -- Show included taxa
Levi, H. W. (1977b). The orb-weaver genera Metepeira, Kaira and Aculepeira in America north of Mexico (Araneae, Araneidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 148: 185-238. -- Show included taxa
Levi, H. W. (2002). Keys to the genera of araneid orbweavers (Araneae, Araneidae) of the Americas. Journal of Arachnology 30(3): 527-562. doi:10.1636/0161-8202(2002)030[0527:KTTGOA]2.0.CO;2 -- Show included taxa
McCook, H. C. (1894). American spiders and their spinningwork. A natural history of the orbweaving spiders of the United States with special regard to their industry and habits. Vol. III. Philadelphia, 285 pp., 30 pls. [for the year see p. 9] doi:10.5962/bhl.title.2681 -- Show included taxa
Muma, M. H. (1943). Common spiders of Maryland. Natural History Society of Maryland, Baltimore, 179 pp. -- Show included taxa
Petrunkevitch, A. (1911). A synonymic index-catalogue of spiders of North, Central and South America with all adjacent islands, Greenland, Bermuda, West Indies, Terra del Fuego, Galapagos, etc. Bulletin of the American Museum of Natural History 29: 1-791. -- Show included taxa
Petrunkevitch, A. (1930a). The spiders of Porto Rico. Part two. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 30: 159-356. -- Show included taxa
Pickard-Cambridge, F. O. (1903a). Arachnida - Araneida and Opiliones. In: Biologia Centrali-Americana, Zoology. London 2, 425-464. [for the exact dates see Lyal, 2011] -- Show included taxa
Piel, W. H. (2001). The systematics of Neotropical orb-weaving spiders in the genus Metepeira (Araneae: Araneidae). Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 157: 1-92. -- Show included taxa
Roewer, C. F. (1942a). Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940. 1. Band (Mesothelae, Orthognatha, Labidognatha: Dysderaeformia, Scytodiformia, Pholciformia, Zodariiformia, Hersiliaeformia, Argyopiformia). Natura, Buchhandlung für Naturkunde und exakte Wissenschaften Paul Budy, Bremen, 1040 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1904e). Etude sur les arachnides du Chili recueillis en 1900, 1901 et 1902, par MM. C. Porter, Dr Delfin, Barcey Wilson et Edwards. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique 48: 83-114. -- Show included taxa
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