Taxon details

Tetragnatha bogotensis Keyserling, 1865

  • Rank: Species
  • Status: accepted
  • Described: m f
  • Last updated: 2023-01-27
  • LSID: []
  • Distribution: Mexico to Paraguay, Caribbean. Introduced to Spain, Italy (Sardinia), Africa, Seychelles, Yemen, India, Nepal, Bangladesh, China
Type deposit provide information
  • Holotype: Naturhistorisches Museum, Basel (NMB), Switzerland; f (ARAN 01092a) of Tetragnatha bemalcuei (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
  • Holotype: Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University, Cambridge, USA; m palp (15283) of Tetragnatha eremita (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
  • Holotype: California Academy of Sciences (CAS), San Francisco, USA; m (1430) of Tetragnatha eremita (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
  • Holotype: Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University, Cambridge, USA; f (21516) of Tetragnatha haitiensis (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
  • Holotype: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main (SMF), Germany; m (12741) of Tetragnatha nitens kullmanni (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
  • Lectotype: Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (MNRJ), Brazil; m (42467) of Tetragnatha ramboi (survived the fire 2018) (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
  • Paratype: Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University, Cambridge, USA; 1f (25228) of Tetragnatha eremita (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
  • Paratype: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main (SMF), Germany; 2f 1m(subadult) 1f(subadult) 1j (12742) of Tetragnatha nitens kullmanni (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
  • Syntype: Museum and Institute of Zoology (MIZ), Polish Academy of Science (PAN), Warsaw, Poland; mm ff (225346-225446) of Tetragnatha andina (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
  • Syntype: Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ), Harvard University, Cambridge, USA; ff (22587) of Tetragnatha peninsulana (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
  • Syntype: Swedish Museum of Natural History (Naturhistoriska riksmuseet), Stockholm (NHRS), Sweden; 4m (JUST 00671-672) of Tetragnatha praedator (Castanheira et al., 2019b)
Taxonomic references
Tetragnatha bogotensis Keyserling, 1865: 854, pl. 21, f. 5 (Df).
Tetragnatha andina Taczanowski, 1878b: 144, pl. 1, f. 2 (Dmf).
Tetragnatha boydi O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1898b: 389, pl. 31, f. 4 (Df) [].
Tetragnatha peninsulana Banks, 1898b: 246, pl. 15, f. 12 (Dmf).
Tetragnatha praedator Tullgren, 1910: 147, pl. 3, f. 69 (Dm) [].
Tetragnatha boydi Lessert, 1915a: 14, pl. 1, f. 7, 13 (f).
Tetragnatha mandibulata bidentata Gravely, 1921b: 442, f. 3c, f (Dmf).
Tetragnatha eremita Chamberlin, 1924b: 645, f. 89-90 (Dm).
Tetragnatha nitens Lawrence, 1927: 27, pl. 3, f. 61, pl. 4, f. 77 (mf, misidentified).
Tetragnatha bemalcuei Mello-Leitão, 1939e: 67, f. 42-44 (Df) [].
Tetragnatha ramboi Mello-Leitão, 1943a: 193, f. 24, 24a-b (Dmf) [].
Tetragnatha haitiensis Bryant, 1945a: 408, f. 37 (Df).
Tetragnatha nitens kullmanni Wiehle, 1962: 379, f. 1-5, 6b, 9-11, 14-15 (Dmf).
Tetragnatha mandibulata Saaristo, 1978: 121, f. 224-231 (f, misidentified).
Tetragnatha boydi Okuma, 1983: 70, f. 1A-L (mf, S of Tetragnatha nitens kullmani).
Tetragnatha boydi Okuma & Dippenaar-Schoeman, 1988: 223, f. 4A-L (mf).
Tetragnatha boydi Okuma, 1988c: 208, f. 20A-L (mf).
Tetragnatha boydi Okuma, 1992: 221, f. 1A-L (mf).
Tetragnatha boydi praedator Schmidt & Krause, 1993b: 6, f. 5 (m T. p. removed from S of T. b., placed as subspecies, Df).
Tetragnatha boydi Biswas & Raychaudhuri, 1996b: 52, f. 17-24 (f).
Tetragnatha boydi Zhu, Song & Zhang, 2003: 119, f. 52A-G, 53A-G, pl. VIE-H (mf).
Tetragnatha boydi Saaristo, 2003: 23, f. 21, 25 (mf, S).
Tetragnatha boydi Heinrichs & Barrion, 2004: 204, f. 563-566 (mf).
Tetragnatha boydi Saaristo, 2010: 235, f. 36.27, 31 (mf).
Tetragnatha boydi Yin et al., 2012: 453, f. 205a-f (f).
Tetragnatha chauliodus Basu & Raychaudhuri, 2016: 219, f. 6-10, 40-44 (f; misidentified per Castanheira & Baptista, 2020: 59).
Tetragnatha boydi Basu & Raychaudhuri, 2016: 221, f. 16-20, 49-53 (f).
Tetragnatha bogotensis Castanheira et al., 2019b: 467, f. 1A-K, 2A-I, 3A-F, 20A, 21A-G (mf, S of Tetragnatha andina, T. eremita, T. haitiensis, T. peninsulana [all removed from S of T. nitens, rejecting Levi, 1981a: 291], T. nitens kullmanni [removed from S of T. nitens, rejecting Wunderlich, 1992a: 365, but confirming Okuma, 1983: 70, sub T. boydi], T. bemalcuei, T. boydi, T. boydi praedator and T. ramboi).
Tetragnatha bogotensis Morano, 2020: 111, f. 45-50 (mf).
Tetragnatha bogotensis Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2020t: 31, p. 31: 10 f., p. 32: 5 f. (mf).
Tetragnatha bogotensis Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2023a: 34, p. 4: 2 f., p. 34: 1-7, p. 35: 8-10 (mf).

Banks, N. (1898b). Arachnida from Baja California and other parts of Mexico. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (3) 1(7): 205-309. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Basu, D. & Raychaudhuri, D. (2016). Rice land inhabiting long jawed orb weavers, Tetragnatha Latreille, 1804 (Tetragnathidae: Araneae) of South 24-Parganas, West Bengal, India. World Scientific News 55: 210-239. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Biswas, V. & Raychaudhuri, D. (1996b). Tetragnathid spiders of Bangladesh (Araneae: Tetragnathidae). Annals of Entomology, Dehradun 14: 45-59. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Bryant, E. B. (1945a). The Argiopidae of Hispaniola. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology 95: 357-422. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Castanheira, P. de S., Baptista, R. L. C., Pizzetti, D. D. P. & Teixeira, R. A. (2019b). Contributions to the taxonomy of the long-jawed orb-weaving spider genus Tetragnatha (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) in the Neotropical region, with comments on the morphology of the chelicerae. Zoosystematics and Evolution 95(2): 465-505. doi:10.3897/zse.95.36762 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Chamberlin, R. V. (1924b). The spider fauna of the shores and islands of the Gulf of California. Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences 12: 561-694. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. S., Haddad, C. R., Foord, S. H. & Lotz, L. N. (2020t). The Tetragnathidae of South Africa. Version 1. South African National Survey of Arachnida Photo Identification Guide, Irene, 46 pp. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7578068 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. S., Haddad, C. R., Foord, S. H. & Lotz, L. N. (2023a). The Tetragnathidae of South Africa. Version 2. South African National Survey of Arachnida Photo Identification Guide, Irene, 50 pp. doi:10.5281/zenodo.7513261 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Gravely, F. H. (1921b). Some Indian spiders of the subfamily Tetragnathinae. Records of the Indian Museum, Calcutta 22: 423-459. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Heinrichs, E. A. & Barrion, A. T. (2004). Rice-feeding insects and selected natural enemies in West Africa: biology, ecology, identification. International Rice Research Institute, Manila & Africa Rice Center, Abidjan, 242 pp. [spiders: pp. 192-222] download pdf -- Show included taxa

Keyserling, E. (1865). Beiträge zur Kenntniss der Orbitelae Latr. Verhandlungen der Kaiserlich-Königlichen Zoologisch-Botanischen Gesellschaft in Wien 15: 799-856, pl. 18-21. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Lawrence, R. F. (1927). Contributions to a knowledge of the fauna of South-West Africa V. Arachnida. Annals of the South African Museum 25(1): 1-75, pl. 1-4. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Lessert, R. de (1915a). Arachnides de l'Ouganda et de l'Afrique orientale allemande. Voyage du Dr J. Carl dans la région des lacs de l'Afrique centrale. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 23(1): 1-89, pl. 1-3. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Mello-Leitão, C. F. de (1939e). Araignées américaines du Musee d'histoire naturelle de Bâle. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 46(2): 43-93. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.117928 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Mello-Leitão, C. F. de (1943a). Catálogo das aranhas do Rio Grande do Sul. Arquivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro 37: 147-245, 24 pls. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Morano, E. (2020). La familia Tetragnathidae Menge, 1866 (Araneae) en el área ibero-balear. Revista Ibérica de Aracnología 37: 101-136. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Okuma, C. (1983). New synonymies and new records of some cosmopolitan species of the genus Tetragnatha (Araneae: Tetragnathidae). Esakia 20: 69-80. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Okuma, C. (1988c). A revision of the genus Tetragnatha Latreille (Araneae, Tetragnathidae) of Asia, Part II. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University 32: 183-213. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Okuma, C. & Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. S. (1988). Tetragnatha (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) in the collection of the Plant Protection Research Institute, Pretoria with a description of a new species. Phytophylactica 20: 219-232. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Okuma, C. (1992). Notes on the Neotropical and Mexican species of Tetragnatha (Araneae: Tetragnathidae) with descriptions of three new species. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University 36: 219-243. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1898b). Arachnida. In: Dixey, F., Burr, M. & Pickard-Cambridge, O.: On a collection of insects and arachnids made by Mr E. N. Bennett in Socotra, with descriptions of new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 66(3): 387-391, pl. 31. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1898.tb03159.x download pdf -- Show included taxa

Saaristo, M. I. (1978). Spiders (Arachnida, Araneae) from the Seychelle islands, with notes on taxonomy. Annales Zoologici Fennici 15: 99-126. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Saaristo, M. I. (2003). Tetragnathid spiders of Seychelles (Araneae, Tetragnathidae). Phelsuma 11: 13-28. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Saaristo, M. I. (2010). Araneae. In: Gerlach, J. & Marusik, Y. M. (eds.) Arachnida and Myriapoda of the Seychelles islands. Siri Scientific Press, Manchester, pp. 8-306. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Schmidt, G. & Krause, R. H. (1993b). Spinnen von den Komoren III: Tetragnathinae und Metinae (Araneida: Araneidae). Teil II. Arachnologisches Magazin 1(11): 3-11. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Taczanowski, L. (1878b). Les Aranéides du Pérou central. Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae 14: 140-175. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Tullgren, A. (1910). Araneae. In: Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition nach dem Kilimandjaro, dem Meru und den umgebenden Massaisteppen Deutsch-Ostafrikas 1905-1906 unter Leitung von Prof. Dr. Yngve Sjöstedt. Sjöstedts Kilimandjaro-Meru Expedition 20(6): 85-172, pl. 1-4. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.6622 download pdf -- Show included taxa

Wiehle, H. (1962). Eine Unterart von Tetragnatha nitens ([Savigny &] Audouin) aus Sardinien (Arach., Araneae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 43: 377-383. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Yin, C. M., Peng, X. J., Yan, H. M., Bao, Y. H., Xu, X., Tang, G., Zhou, Q. S. & Liu, P. (2012). Fauna Hunan: Araneae in Hunan, China. Hunan Science and Technology Press, Changsha, 1590 pp. download pdf download pdf -- Show included taxa

Zhu, M. S., Song, D. X. & Zhang, J. X. (2003). Fauna Sinica: Invertebrata Vol. 35: Arachnida: Araneae: Tetragnathidae. Science Press, Beijing, 418 pp. download pdf -- Show included taxa

External Resource References

* Disclaimer
As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases. They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources, however, are not managed by World Spider Catalog and the information given there is not necessarily in agreement with the World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]

Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1

Edit history
Date Type Reference Detail
2023-01-27 New taxonomic reference entry Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2023a n/a
2023-01-27 New taxonomic reference entry Dippenaar-Schoeman et al., 2020t n/a
2021-01-05 New taxonomic reference entry Morano, 2020 n/a
2021-01-05 Species distribution update Morano, 2020 n/a (Old value)
2021-01-03 New taxonomic reference entry Heinrichs & Barrion, 2004 n/a
2020-04-30 Taxonomic reference added from other taxon n/a (Old value)
2019-10-23 Taxonomic reference assigned to new taxon Taxonomic reference entry assigned to Tetragnatha mandibulata Walckenaer, 1841
2019-10-23 Species synonymy Castanheira et al., 2019b Tetragnatha ramboi synonymized with Tetragnatha bogotensis
2019-10-23 Taxonomic reference added from other taxon n/a (Old value)
2019-10-23 Species synonymy Castanheira et al., 2019b Tetragnatha peninsulana synonymized with Tetragnatha bogotensis
2019-10-23 Taxonomic reference added from other taxon n/a (Old value)
2019-10-23 Species synonymy Castanheira et al., 2019b Tetragnatha nitens kullmanni synonymized with Tetragnatha bogotensis
2019-10-23 Taxonomic reference added from other taxon n/a (Old value)
2019-10-23 Species synonymy Castanheira et al., 2019b Tetragnatha haitiensis synonymized with Tetragnatha bogotensis
2019-10-23 Taxonomic reference added from other taxon n/a (Old value)
2019-10-23 Species synonymy Castanheira et al., 2019b Tetragnatha boydi praedator synonymized with Tetragnatha bogotensis
2019-10-23 Species synonymy Castanheira et al., 2019b Tetragnatha boydi synonymized with Tetragnatha bogotensis
2019-10-23 Species synonymy Castanheira et al., 2019b Tetragnatha bemalcuei synonymized with Tetragnatha bogotensis
2019-10-23 Taxonomic reference added from other taxon n/a (Old value)
2019-10-23 Species synonymy Castanheira et al., 2019b Tetragnatha andina synonymized with Tetragnatha bogotensis
2019-10-23 New taxonomic reference entry Castanheira et al., 2019b n/a
2019-10-23 Species distribution update Castanheira et al., 2019b n/a (Old value)