Taxon details
Trichonephila fenestrata venusta (Blackwall, 1865)
- Rank: Subspecies
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2019-06-15
- LSID: []
- Distribution: West, Central Africa
Nephila venusta Blackwall, 1865b: 345 (Df).
Nephila dasycnemis Gerstaecker, 1873: 498 (Df).
Nephila obsoleta Gerstaecker, 1873: 498 (Df).
Nephila fenestrata venusta Dahl, 1912a: 42, 66, 79 (m, S of Nephila dolabella, rejected by Benoit, 1962b: 227, see Trichonephila turneri).
Nephila venusta Lessert, 1936: 242, f. 38 (m).
Nephila pilipes pilipes Benoit, 1962b: 225, 231 (subspecies range).
Trichonephila fenestrata venusta Kuntner et al., 2019: 557 (T from Nephila) [not explicitely, but 'automatically' together with the nominate form].
Benoit, P. L. G. (1962b). Les Araneidae-Nephilinae africains. Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 65: 217-231. -- Show included taxa
Blackwall, J. (1865b). Descriptions of recently discovered species and characters of a new genus, of Araneida from the east of Central Africa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (3) 16(95): 336-352. doi:10.1080/00222936508679441 -- Show included taxa
Dahl, F. (1912a). Seidenspinne und Spinneseide. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 6(1): 1-90. doi:10.1002/mmnz.19120060101 -- Show included taxa
Gerstaecker, A. (1873). Arachnoidea. In: Die Gliederthier-Fauna des Sansibar-Gebietes. Nach dem von Dr. O. Kersten während der v. d. Decken'schen Ost-Afrikanischen Expedition im Jahre 1862 und von C. Cooke auf der Insel Sansibar im Jahre 1864 gesammelten Material. C. F. Winter, Leipzig, pp. 461-503, pl. 18 (Araneae: pp. 473-503). doi:10.5962/bhl.title.10149 -- Show included taxa
Kuntner, M., Hamilton, C. A., Cheng, R. C., Gregorič, M., Lupse, N., Lokovsek, T., Lemmon, E. M., Lemmon, A. R., Agnarsson, I., Coddington, J. A. & Bond, J. E. (2019). Golden orbweavers ignore biological rules: phylogenomic and comparative analyses unravel a complex evolution of sexual size dimorphism. Systematic Biology 68(4): 555-572. doi:10.1093/sysbio/syy082 -- Show included taxa
Lessert, R. de (1936). Araignées de l'Afrique orientale portugaise, recueillies par MM. P. Lesne et B.-B. Cott. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 43: 207-306. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.144393 -- Show included taxa
Lucas, H. (1858). Aptères. In: Thomson, J. (ed.) Voyage au Gabon. Archives Entomologiques de M. J. Thomson 2, 377-445, pl. 12-13. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.11206 -- Show included taxa
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2019-06-15 | New taxonomic reference entry | Kuntner et al., 2019 | n/a |
2019-06-15 | Species transferred to new genus | Kuntner et al., 2019 | Species transferred from Nephila to Trichonephila |