Taxon details
Cheiracanthium lascivum Karsch, 1879
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2020-08-03
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Russia (Sakhalin), China, Korea, Japan
- External Resources *:
- Syntype: Museum für Naturkunde, Berlin (ZMB), Germany (database export of type material, March 2019); Chiracanthicum lascivum Karsch, 1879, (2755, 2762)
Cheiracanthium lascivum Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 287, pl. 16, f. 502 (m).
Cheiracanthium digitivorum Dönitz & Strand, in Bösenberg & Strand, 1906: 387, pl. 7, f. 87 (Df) [].
Cheiracanthium lascivum Saito, 1934a: 329, f. 4 (m).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Saito, 1934b: 291, pl. 14, f. 48 (f).
Cheiracanthium gratiosum Saito, 1939: 28, f. 4(1), pl. 1, f. 21 (Df) [].
Cheiracanthium gratiosum Saito, 1959: 141, f. 182a-c (f).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Saito, 1959: 141, f. 184a-f (mf).
Cheiracanthium gratiosum Yaginuma, 1960: 112, f. 91.2 (f).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Yaginuma, 1966a: 38, f. B, B' (mf).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Yaginuma, 1966d: 36 (S of Cheiracanthium gratiosum).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Yaginuma, 1967b: 88, f. 1g-h (mf).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Yaginuma, 1971: 112, f. 91.2 (f).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Paik & Namkung, 1979: 83, f. 72.1-2 (mf; misidentified per Kim & Lee, 2007b: 239).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Hu, 1984: 298, f. 305.2 (f).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Yaginuma, 1986a: 177, f. 98.2 (mf).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Chikuni, 1989b: 122, f. 2 (mf).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Barrion & Litsinger, 1994: 297, f. 1512-1514 (mf).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Ono, 2009a: 465, f. 4-6 (mf, S of Cheiracanthium digitivorum).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Yoo, Lee & Kim, 2015: 64, f. 1A-G (m).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Baba & Tanikawa, 2015: 85, 4 f. (mf).
Cheiracanthium lascivum Kim & Lee, 2018b: 73, f. 42A-B (m).
Baba, Y. G. & Tanikawa, A. (2015). The handbook of spiders. Bun-ichi Sogo Shuppan, Tokyo, 112 pp. -- Show included taxa
Barrion, A. T. & Litsinger, J. A. (1994). Taxonomy of rice insect pests and their arthropod parasites and predators. In: Heinrichs, E. A. (ed.) Biology and Management of Rice Insects. Wiley Eastern, New Delhi, pp. 13-15, 283-359. -- Show included taxa
Bösenberg, W. & Strand, E. (1906). Japanische Spinnen. Abhandlungen der Senckenbergischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft 30: 93-422. -- Show included taxa
Chikuni, Y. (1989b). Pictorial encyclopedia of spiders in Japan. Kaisei-sha Publishing Co., Tokyo, 310 pp. -- Show included taxa
Hu, J. L. (1984). The Chinese spiders collected from the fields and the forests. Tianjin Science and Technology Press, 482 pp. -- Show included taxa
Karsch, F. (1879g). Baustoffe zu einer Spinnenfauna von Japan. Verhandlungen des Naturhistorischen Vereins der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens 36: 57-105. -- Show included taxa
Kim, S. T. & Lee, S. Y. (2018b). Spiders III. Arthropoda: Arachnida: Araneae: Agelenidae, Titanoecidae, Eutichuridae. Invertebrate Fauna of Korea 21(44): 1-101. -- Show included taxa
Ono, H. (2009a). The spiders of Japan with keys to the families and genera and illustrations of the species. Tokai University Press, Kanagawa, 739 pp. -- Show included taxa
Paik, W. H. & Namkung, J. (1979). [Studies on the rice paddy spiders from Korea]. Seoul National Univ., 101 pp. -- Show included taxa
Saitō, S. (1934a). A supplementary note on spiders from southern Saghalin, with descriptions of three new species. Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society 13: 326-340. -- Show included taxa
Saitō, S. (1934b). Spiders from Hokkaido. Journal of the Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido Imperial University, Sapporo, Japan 33: 267-362. -- Show included taxa
Saitō, S. (1939). On the spiders from Tohoku (northernmost part of the main island), Japan. Saito Ho-On Kai Museum Research Bulletin 18(Zool. 6): 1-91. -- Show included taxa
Saitō, S. (1959). The Spider Book Illustrated in Colours. Hokuryukan, Tokyo, 194 pp. -- Show included taxa
Yaginuma, T. (1960). Spiders of Japan in colour. Hoikusha, Osaka, 186 pp. -- Show included taxa
Yaginuma, T. (1966a). [Discriminative aspects of Chiracanthium spp.]. Atypus 39: 38. -- Show included taxa
Yaginuma, T. (1966d). [A revision of species in "Spiders of Japan in colour"]. Atypus 40: 35-36. -- Show included taxa
Yaginuma, T. (1967b). Revision and new addition to fauna of Japanese spiders, with descriptions of seven new species. Literary Department Review, Otemon Gakuin University, Osaka 1: 87-107. -- Show included taxa
Yaginuma, T. (1971). Spiders of Japan in colour (enlarged and revised edition). Hoikusha, Osaka (for 1969), 197 pp. -- Show included taxa
Yaginuma, T. (1986a). Spiders of Japan in color (new ed.). Hoikusha Publishing Co., Osaka, 305 pp., 64 pls. -- Show included taxa
Yoo, J. S., Lee, S. Y. & Kim, S. T. (2015). Description of two unrecorded spiders (Arachnida: Araneae) from Korea. Journal of Forest and Environmental Science 31(1): 63-67. doi:10.7747/JFES.2015.31.1.63 -- Show included taxa
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As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases.
They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources,
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World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2020-08-03 | New taxonomic reference entry | Kim & Lee, 2018b | n/a |
2017-10-27 | New taxonomic reference entry | Baba & Tanikawa, 2015 | n/a |
2016-05-19 | New taxonomic reference entry | Yoo, Lee & Kim, 2015 | n/a |