Taxon details

Pardosa tridentis Caporiacco, 1935

  • Rank: Species
  • Status: accepted
  • Described: m f
  • Last updated: 2022-07-20
  • LSID: []
  • Distribution: India, Nepal
  • External Resources *:
Type deposit provide information
  • Syntype: Museo Zoologico di Storia Naturale "La Specola", Università degli Studi di Firenze (MZUF), Florence, Italy; 1j (297) (Berdondini & Whitman, 2003)
Taxonomic references
Pardosa tridentis Caporiacco, 1935b: 241, pl. 7, f. 1 (Dmf).
Pardosa tridentia Roewer, 1955c: 174 (lapsus).
Lycosa tatensis Tikader, 1964a: 265, f. 6a-b (Df) [].
Pardosa tridentis Buchar, 1976: 213, f. 8, 9C (mf, S of Lycosa tatensis).
Pardosa tatensis Tikader & Malhotra, 1980: 358, f. 222-224 (f).
Pardosa tridentis Buchar, 1984: 387, f. 8 (f).
Pardosa tridentis Sen et al., 2015: 49, f. 208-213, pl. 15 (m).
Pardosa tridentis Dhali, Saha & Raychaudhuri, 2017: 72, f. 337-342, pl. 26 (m).

Buchar, J. (1976). Über einige Lycosiden (Araneae) aus Nepal. Ergebnisse des Forschungsunternehmens Nepal Himalaya 5: 201-227. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Buchar, J. (1984). Lycosidae aus dem Nepal-Himalaya. III. Die Pardosa ricta- und P. lapponica-Gruppe (Araneae: Lycosidae: Pardosinae). Senckenbergiana Biologica 64: 381-391. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Caporiacco, L. di (1935b). Aracnidi dell'Himalaia e del Karakoram, raccolti dalla Missione italiana al Karakoram (1929-VII). Memorie della Società Entomologica Italiana 13: 161-263, pl. 1-7. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Dhali, D. C., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. (2017). Litter and ground dwelling spiders (Araneae: Arachnida) of reserve forests of Dooars, West Bengal. World Scientific News 63: 1-242. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Roewer, C. F. (1955c). Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940, bzw. 1954. 2. Band, Abt. a (Lycosaeformia, Dionycha [excl. Salticiformia]). 2. Band, Abt. b (Salticiformia, Cribellata) (Synonyma-Verzeichnis, Gesamtindex). Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, 1751 pp. download pdf download pdf -- Show included taxa

Sen, S., Dhali, D. C., Saha, S. & Raychaudhuri, D. (2015). Spiders (Araneae: Arachnida) of reserve forests of Dooars: Gorumara National Park, Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary and Mahananda Wildlife Sanctuary. World Scientific News 20: 1-339. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Tikader, B. K. (1964a). Zoological results of the Indian Cho-Oyu Expedition (1958) in Nepal. Part 8. – Arachnida. Records of the Indian Museum, Calcutta 59: 257-267. download pdf -- Show included taxa

Tikader, B. K. & Malhotra, M. S. (1980). Lycosidae (wolf-spiders). Fauna India (Araneae) 1: 248-447. download pdf -- Show included taxa

External Resource References

* Disclaimer
As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases. They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources, however, are not managed by World Spider Catalog and the information given there is not necessarily in agreement with the World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]

Edit history
Date Type Reference Detail
2017-02-09 New taxonomic reference entry Dhali, Saha & Raychaudhuri, 2017 n/a
2015-12-10 New taxonomic reference entry Sen et al., 2015 n/a