Taxon details
Alopecosa solitaria (Herman, 1879)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2022-05-02
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Italy, Central to south-eastern and eastern Europe, Turkey, Caucasus, Russia (Europe to South Siberia), Kazakhstan
- External Resources *:
Lycosa thessala Simon, 1885g: 210 (Df) [].
Tarentula solitaria Chyzer & Kulczyński, 1891: 71, pl. 3, f. 3 (f, Dm).
Tarentula solitaria Kulczyński, 1909a: 434, pl. 22, f. 7 (f).
Tarentula solitaria Spassky, 1925: 50, f. 21, 36 (mf).
Tarentula teschleri Kolosváry, 1934b: 15, f. 13 (Dm) [].
Tarentula teschleri Kolosváry, 1934c: 41, f. 2 (m).
Tarentula solitaria Kolosváry, 1936a: 99, f. 1, 5 (mf).
Tarentula solitaria teschleri Kolosváry, 1936a: 111, f. 2, 6, 11-12 (m, Df).
Solicosa solitaria Roewer, 1955c: 295.
Solicosa teschleri Roewer, 1955c: 295.
Alopecosa solitaria Lugetti & Tongiorgi, 1969: 91, f. 27a-f (mf).
Alopecosa thessala Lugetti & Tongiorgi, 1969: 2 (non riconoscibile = nomen dubium).
Alopecosa solitaria Tystshenko, 1971: 170, f. 476, 487 (mf).
Alopecosa solitaria Fuhn & Niculescu-Burlacu, 1971: 162, f. 78a-f (mf).
Alopecosa solitaria Miller, 1971: 149, pl. XXIII, f. 7, pl. XXIV, f. 1 (mf).
Alopecosa solitaria Loksa, 1972: 36, f. 30D-E, 34A-D (mf, S of Alopecosa teschleri).
Alopecosa solitaria Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 314, f. 848 (mf).
Alopecosa solitaria Thaler, Buchar & Knoflach, 2000: 1074, f. 5-6, 44 (f, S of Alopecosa thessala).
Chyzer, C. & Kulczyński, W. (1891). Araneae Hungariae. Tomus I. Academia Scientarum Hungaricae, Budapest, 170 pp., 4 Pls. -- Show included taxa
Fuhn, I. E. & Niculescu-Burlacu, F. (1971). Fam. Lycosidae. Fauna Republicii Socialiste România (Arachnida) 5(3): 1-253. -- Show included taxa
Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. -- Show included taxa
Herman, O. (1879). Magyarország pók-faunája. Budapest 3, 1-394. doi:10.5962/bhl.title.9704 -- Show included taxa
Kolosváry, G. (1934b). 21 neue Spinnenarten aus Slovensko, Ungarn und aus der Banat. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Rigā 6: 12-17. -- Show included taxa
Kolosváry, G. (1934c). Beiträge zur Spinnenfauna Siebenbürgens. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Rigā 7: 38-43. -- Show included taxa
Kolosváry, G. (1936a). Ein Versuch zur Einteilung der Karpathischen Länder mit Berücksichtigung der spinnenfaunistischen Angaben und ein Beitrag zum Rassenkreisproblem bei Spinnen. Folia Zoologica et Hydrobiologica, Rigā 9: 92-114. -- Show included taxa
Kulczyński, W. (1909a). Fragmenta Arachnologica. XI-XIII. Bulletin International de l'Academie des Sciences de Cracovie 1909: 427-472, pl. 22. -- Show included taxa
Loksa, I. (1972). Araneae II. Fauna Hungariae 109: 1-112. -- Show included taxa
Lugetti, G. & Tongiorgi, P. (1969). Ricerche sul genere Alopecosa Simon (Araneae-Lycosidae). Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali B76: 1-100. -- Show included taxa
Miller, F. (1971). Pavouci-Araneida. Klíč zvířeny ČSSR 4: 51-306. -- Show included taxa
Roewer, C. F. (1955c). Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940, bzw. 1954. 2. Band, Abt. a (Lycosaeformia, Dionycha [excl. Salticiformia]). 2. Band, Abt. b (Salticiformia, Cribellata) (Synonyma-Verzeichnis, Gesamtindex). Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Bruxelles, 1751 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1885g). Etudes arachnologiques. 17e Mémoire. XXIV. Arachnides recueillies dans la vallée de Tempé et sur le mont Ossa (Thessalie). Annales de la Société Entomologique de France (6) 5(3): 209-218. -- Show included taxa
Spassky, S. A. (1925). [An identification book of spiders of Don area]. Znanie Press, Novocherkassk, 62 pp. -- Show included taxa
Thaler, K., Buchar, J. & Knoflach, B. (2000). Notes on wolf spiders from Greece (Araneae, Lycosidae). Linzer Biologische Beiträge 32: 1071-1091. -- Show included taxa
Tystshenko, V. P. (1971). Opredelitel' paukov evropejskoj chasti SSSR. Leningrad, 281 pp. -- Show included taxa
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As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases.
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World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]
Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2014-10-14 | Species distribution update | n/a (Old value) |