Taxon details
Microlinyphia johnsoni (Blackwall, 1859)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2022-12-15
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Azores, Madeira, Canary Is.
- External Resources *:
- Holotype: Senckenberg Museum, Frankfurt am Main (SMF), Germany (data base search of type material, 11.01.2019); Microlinyphia ramblae Schmidt, 1975, 1 f (29005-124)
Tetragnatha lineata Blackwall, 1862a: 379 (Dm) [].
Linyphia johnsoni Kulczyński, 1899: 384, pl. 7, f. 59, 61-62, 65-66 (f, Dm).
Linyphia inexplicabilis Denis, 1941a: 113, f. 3-4 (Df) [].
Microlinyphia johnsoni van Helsdingen, 1970: 24, f. 14-18, 20 (mf, T from Linyphia).
Microlinyphia inexplicabilis van Helsdingen, 1970: 29, f. 19 (f, T from Linyphia).
Microlinyphia ramblae Schmidt, 1975b: 234, f. 1-2 (Df) [].
Microlinyphia johnsoni Wunderlich, 1987a: 147 (S of Microlinyphia inexplicabilis, M. ramblae and Tetragnatha lineata).
Microlinyphia johnsoni Wunderlich, 1992a: 382, f. 434a-c (mf).
Blackwall, J. (1859b). Descriptions of newly discovered spiders captured by James Yate Johnson Esq., in the island of Madeira. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (3) 4(22): 255-267. doi:10.1080/00222935908697122 -- Show included taxa
Blackwall, J. (1862a). Descriptions of newly-discovered spiders from the island of Madeira. Annals and Magazine of Natural History (3) 9(53): 370-382. doi:10.1080/00222936208681249 -- Show included taxa
Denis, J. (1941a). Les araignées des îles Canaries. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France 110: 105-130. -- Show included taxa
Helsdingen, P. J. van (1970). A reclassification of the species of Linyphia based on the functioning of the genitalia (Araneida, Linyphiidae), II. Zoologische Verhandelingen 111: 1-86. -- Show included taxa
Kulczyński, W. (1899). Arachnoidea opera Rev. E. Schmitz collecta in insulis Maderianis et in insulis Selvages dictis. Rozprawy i Sprawozdania z Posiedzen Wydzialu Matematyczno Przyrodniczego Akademji Umiejetnosci, Krakow 36: 319-461. -- Show included taxa
Schmidt, G. (1975b). Spinnen von La Palma. Zoologische Beiträge (N.F.) 21(2): 233-237. -- Show included taxa
Wunderlich, J. (1987a). Die Spinnen der Kanarischen Inseln und Madeiras: Adaptive Radiation, Biogeographie, Revisionen und Neubeschreibungen. Triops, Langen, 435 pp. -- Show included taxa
Wunderlich, J. (1992a). Die Spinnen-Fauna der Makaronesischen Inseln: Taxonomie, Ökologie, Biogeographie und Evolution. Beiträge zur Araneologie 1: 1-619. -- Show included taxa
* Disclaimer
As External Resources, the World Spider Catalog links here to species pages of other databases.
They may contain further information for the given species. The databases, listed as External Resources,
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World Spider Catalog. All responsibility for such data is with the external database. (2019). GBIF Home Page (via GBIF API). Available from: [1 September 2019]
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2022-12-15 | Species distribution update | n/a (Old value) |