Taxon details
Mermessus bryantae (Ivie & Barrows, 1935)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2019-05-28
- LSID: []
- Distribution: North America, Cuba, Venezuela. Introduced to Azores
- External Resources *:
Tmeticus simplex Emerton, 1913a: 216, pl. 2, f. 3 (Dm; preoccupied by O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1892, see Lessertia dentichelis).
Parerigone simplex Crosby, 1926: 4.
Eperigone simplex Crosby & Bishop, 1928a: 58, f. 136-138 (m).
Eperigone bryanti Ivie & Barrows, 1935: 12, pl. 4, f. 28-30 (Dmf; N.B.: not mentioned if patronym for Elisabeth or Owen Bryant).
Eperigone credula Gertsch & Davis, 1936: 2, f. 3-4 (Dm) [].
Eperigone lyra Chamberlin & Ivie, 1939a: 59, f. 7 (Df; specific epithet is a noun) [].
Eperigone simplicia Roewer, 1942a: 718 (replacement name for Eperigone simplex) [].
Eperigone bryantae Bonnet, 1956: 1707 (emendation from bryanti: "L'espèce étant dediée a Miss Bryant doit se nommer bryantae").
Eperigone bryantae Millidge, 1987: 17, f. 29-35 (mf, S of Eperigone credula, E. lyra, E. simplex Emerton and E. simplicia).
Eperigone bryantae Wunderlich, 1992a: 24, f. 449 (f).
Banks, N. (1896e). New North American spiders and mites. Transactions of the American Entomological Society 23: 57-77. -- Show included taxa
Bonnet, P. (1956). Bibliographia araneorum. Analyse méthodique de toute la littérature aranéologique jusqu'en 1939. Tome II. Systématique des araignées (Étude par ordre alphabétique) (2me partie: C-F). Douladoure, Toulouse, pp. 919-1926. -- Show included taxa
Chamberlin, R. V. & Ivie, W. (1939a). Studies on North American spiders of the family Micryphantidae. Verhandlungen, VII. Internationaler Kongress für Entomologie, Berlin 1: 56-73. -- Show included taxa
Crosby, C. R. (1926). Some arachnids from the Carlsbad Cave of New Mexico. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 28: 1-5. -- Show included taxa
Crosby, C. R. & Bishop, S. C. (1928a). Revision of the spider genera Erigone, Eperigone and Catabrithorax (Erigoneae). New York State Museum Bulletin 278: 1-73. -- Show included taxa
Emerton, J. H. (1913a). New England spiders identified since 1910. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences 18: 209-224. -- Show included taxa
Gertsch, W. J. & Davis, L. I. (1936). New spiders from Texas. American Museum Novitates 881: 1-21. -- Show included taxa
Ivie, W. & Barrows, W. M. (1935). Some new spiders from Florida. Bulletin of the University of Utah 26(6): 1-24. -- Show included taxa
Millidge, A. F. (1987). The erigonine spiders of North America. Part 8. The genus Eperigone Crosby and Bishop (Araneae, Linyphiidae). American Museum Novitates 2885: 1-75. -- Show included taxa
Roewer, C. F. (1942a). Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940. 1. Band (Mesothelae, Orthognatha, Labidognatha: Dysderaeformia, Scytodiformia, Pholciformia, Zodariiformia, Hersiliaeformia, Argyopiformia). Natura, Buchhandlung für Naturkunde und exakte Wissenschaften Paul Budy, Bremen, 1040 pp.
-- Show included taxa
Wunderlich, J. (1992a). Die Spinnen-Fauna der Makaronesischen Inseln: Taxonomie, Ökologie, Biogeographie und Evolution. Beiträge zur Araneologie 1: 1-619. -- Show included taxa
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