Taxon details
Mecynargus morulus (O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1873)
- Rank: Species
- Status: accepted
- Last updated: 2025-02-23
- LSID: []
- Distribution: Greenland, Europe
- External Resources *:
- Neotype: Oxford University Museum of Natural History (OUMNH) = Hope Entomological Collections Oxford (HECO), Oxford, UK; m (4840 (ii)), validity of neotype doubtful (Locket, 1964)
- Paratype: Oxford University Museum of Natural History (OUMNH) = Hope Entomological Collections Oxford (HECO), Oxford, UK; f (4840 (iii)) (Locket, 1964)
Gongylidium morula Simon, 1884a: 499.
Styloctetor broccha Carpenter, 1898: 165, f. 1-4 (m; misidentified per Holm, 1943: 14).
Styloctetor broccha Smith, 1901a: 304, p. 334: f. 1l-m (m; misidentified [M. brocchus only known from the Alps]).
Styloctetor uncinus O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1906a: 65, pl. A, f. 22-25 (Dm) [].
Styloctetor morula O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1912c: 77, pl. A, f. 23-29 (m; S of Styloctetor uncinus).
Rhaebothorax morulus Holm, 1939b: 34, f. 15b (f).
Rhaebothorax morulus Holm, 1943: 14, f. 4a-d, pl. II, f. 10-12 (mf).
Rhaebothorax morulus Brændegaard, 1946: 42, f. 26 (f).
Rhaebothorax morulus Locket & Millidge, 1953: 315, f. 191A-B, 192A, C (mf).
Rhaebothorax morulus Brændegaard, 1958: 67, f. 61A-B (m).
Rhaebothorax morulus Kleemola, 1961: 133, f. 8 (f).
Rhaebothorax morulus Merrett, 1963b: 404, f. 72A-C (m).
Rhaebothorax morulus Parker, 1965: 3, f. 3-4 (mf).
Rhaebothorax morulus Wiehle, 1965a: 20, f. 17-27 (mf).
Rhaebothorax morulus Miller, 1971: 270, pl. LVI, f. 12-14 (mf).
Rhaebothorax morulus Palmgren, 1976: 95, f. 24.10-12 (mf).
Rhaebothorax morulus Thaler, 1980a: 581, f. 53-57 (mf).
Rhaebothorax morulus Roberts, 1987: 102, f. 49a (mf).
Raebothorax morulus Heimer & Nentwig, 1991: 240, f. 645 (mf).
Mecynargus morulus Agnarsson, 1996: 102, f. 103A-C (mf).
Mecynargus morulus Marusik, 2015: 689, f. 13L-M (f).
Agnarsson, I. (1996). Íslenskar köngulær. Fjölrit Náttúrufræðistofnunar 31: 1-175. -- Show included taxa
Brændegaard, J. (1946). The spiders (Araneina) of East Greenland: A faunistic and zoogeographical investigation. Meddelelser om Grønland 121(15): 1-128. -- Show included taxa
Brændegaard, J. (1958). Araneida. In: The Zoology of Iceland. Ejnar Munksgaard, Copenhagen 3(54), 1-113. -- Show included taxa
Carpenter, G. H. (1898). A list of the spiders of Ireland. Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy 5: 128-210. -- Show included taxa
Heimer, S. & Nentwig, W. (1991). Spinnen Mitteleuropas: Ein Bestimmungsbuch. Paul Parey, Berlin, 543 pp. -- Show included taxa
Holm, Å. (1939b). Neue Spinnen aus Schweden. Beschreibung neuer Arten der Familien Drassidae, Theridiidae, Linyphiidae und Micryphantidae. Arkiv för Zoologi 31(A8): 1-38. -- Show included taxa
Holm, Å. (1943). Zur Kenntnis der Taxonomie, Ökologie und Verbreitung der schwedischen Arten der Spinnengattungen Rhaebothorax Sim., Typhochraestus Sim. und Latithorax n. gen. Arkiv för Zoologi 34(A 19): 1-32. -- Show included taxa
Kleemola, A. (1961). Spiders from the northernmost part of Enontekiö. Suomalaisen Eläin-ja Kasvitieteellisen Seuran Vanamon Tiedonannot (Archivum Societatis Zoologicae Botanicae Fennicae "Vanamo") 16: 128-135. -- Show included taxa
Locket, G. H. & Millidge, A. F. (1953). British spiders. Vol. II. Ray Society, London, 449 pp. -- Show included taxa
Marusik, Y. M. (2015). Araneae (Spiders). In: Böcher, J., Kristensen, N. P., Pape, T. & Vilhelmsen, L. (eds.) The Greenland Entomofauna. An identification manual of insects, spiders and their allies. Fauna Entomologica Scandinavica 44: 667-703. Brill, Leiden. doi:10.1163/9789004261051_019 -- Show included taxa
Merrett, P. (1963b). The palpus of male spiders of the family Linyphiidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 140(3): 347-467. doi:10.1111/j.1469-7998.1963.tb01867.x -- Show included taxa
Miller, F. (1971). Pavouci-Araneida. Klíč zvířeny ČSSR 4: 51-306. -- Show included taxa
Palmgren, P. (1976). Die Spinnenfauna Finnlands und Ostfennoskandiens. VII. Linyphiidae 2 (Micryphantinae, mit Ausnahme der Linyphiindae-ähnlichen). Fauna Fennica 29: 1-126. -- Show included taxa
Parker, J. R. (1965). On the identification of spiders. Field Naturalist 9: 2-8. -- Show included taxa
Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1873c). On new and rare British spiders (being a second supplement to "British spiders new to science", Linn. Trans. vol xxvii, p. 393). Transactions of the Linnean Society of London 28(4): 523-555, pl. 46. [cited as of 1874 by Thorell, 1875c: 38] doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1873.tb00231.x -- Show included taxa
Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1906a). On new and rare British Arachnida. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 26(1905): 40-74. [published on May 6, 1906, after Sykes, 1941] -- Show included taxa
Pickard-Cambridge, O. (1912c). On new and rare British arachnids noted and observed in 1911. Proceedings of the Dorset Natural History and Antiquarian Field Club 33: 70-95. -- Show included taxa
Roberts, M. J. (1987). The spiders of Great Britain and Ireland, Volume 2: Linyphiidae and check list. Harley Books, Colchester, England, 204 pp. -- Show included taxa
Simon, E. (1884a). Les arachnides de France. Tome cinquième, deuxième et troisième partie. Roret, Paris, pp. 180-885, pl. 26-27. -- Show included taxa
Smith, F. P. (1901a). An introduction to British spiders [continued]. Science-Gossip New Series 7(80, 81, 82, 83, 84): 235-236, 265-267, 303-304, 333-334, 358-360. -- Show included taxa
Thaler, K. (1980a). Über wenig bekannte Zwergspinnen aus den Alpen - VI (Arachnida: Aranei, Erigonidae). Revue Suisse de Zoologie 87(2): 579-603. doi:10.5962/bhl.part.85534 -- Show included taxa
Wiehle, H. (1965a). Beiträge zur Kenntnis der deutschen Spinnenfauna IV. Mitteilungen aus dem Zoologischen Museum in Berlin 41(1): 11-57. doi:10.1002/mmnz.19650410103 -- Show included taxa
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Nentwig, W., Blick, T., Bosmans, R., Gloor, D., Hänggi, A., Kropf, C.: Spiders of Europe. Version 05.2018. doi: 10.24436/1
Date | Type | Reference | Detail |
2020-11-25 | New taxonomic reference entry | Smith, 1901a | n/a |
2016-03-17 | New taxonomic reference entry | Marusik, 2015 | n/a |