Included taxa

Gallon, R. C. (2002). Revision of the African genera Pterinochilus and Eucratoscelus (Araneae, Theraphosidae, Harpactirinae) with description of two new genera. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 12: 201-232. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Augacephalus breyeri Theraphosidae 219, f. 57-64 (Tf from Pterinochilus, Dm) Augacephalus breyeri
Augacephalus junodi Theraphosidae 220, f. 65-74 (Dm, f, T from Pterinochilus) Augacephalus junodi
Eucratoscelus constrictus Theraphosidae 227, f. 102-107 (mf, T from Pterinochilus, S of Pterinochilus longiceps and P. spinifer) Eucratoscelus constrictus
Eucratoscelus pachypus Theraphosidae 229, f. 108-115 (f, Dm) Eucratoscelus pachypus
Idiothele nigrofulva Theraphosidae 223, f. 75-88 (mf, T from Pterinochilus, S of Pterinochilus crassispina) Idiothele nigrofulva
Pterinochilus alluaudi Theraphosidae 205, f. 1-3 (m) Pterinochilus alluaudi
Pterinochilus chordatus Theraphosidae 206, f. 4-13 (mf, removed from synonym of Pterinochilus constrictus, rejecting Strand, 1907f: 238, S of P. affinis, P. brunellii, P. carnivorus, P. raptor, P. raveni, P. sjostedti and P. widenmanni) Pterinochilus chordatus
Pterinochilus lugardi Theraphosidae 209, f. 14-25 (mf, S of Eucratoscelus tenuitibialis and Pterinochilus pluridentatus) Pterinochilus lugardi
Pterinochilus murinus Theraphosidae 211, f. 26-34 (mf, S of Pterinochilus elevatus [removed from S of P. chordatus, rejecting Pavesi, 1881: 548], P. hindei and P. mamillatus) Pterinochilus murinus
Pterinochilus simoni Theraphosidae 214, f. 35-46 (mf, S of Pterinochilus mutus) Pterinochilus simoni
Pterinochilus vorax Theraphosidae 216, f. 47-56 (mf) Pterinochilus vorax
Trichognathella schoenlandi Theraphosidae 226, f. 89-101 (Tm from Pterinochilus, Df) Trichognatha schonlandi
Genus Family Page
Augacephalus Gallon, 2002 Theraphosidae 218
Trichognatha Gallon, 2002 Theraphosidae 225