Included taxa

Buchar, J. & Thaler, K. (2002). Über Pardosa atomaria (C.L. Koch) und andere Pardosa-Arten an Geröllufern in Süd- und Mitteleuropa (Araneae, Lycosidae). Linzer Biologische Beiträge 34: 445-465. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Pardosa atomaria Lycosidae 446, f. 1-4, 11-18 (f, S of Pardosa strigillata ligurica, S of P. tatarica assumed) Pardosa atomaria
Pardosa morosa Lycosidae 448, f. 23 (f) Pardosa morosa
Pardosa pseudostrigillata Lycosidae 447, f. 19-22 (f) Pardosa pseudostrigillata
No genus found for this reference