Included taxa

Mozaffarian, F. & Marusik, Y. M. (2001). A checklist of Iranian spiders (Aranei). Arthropoda Selecta 10: 67-74. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Hogna effera Lycosidae 69 (S of Hogna radiata, but without examination of type specimens) Geolycosa altera
Pardosa persica Lycosidae 70 (T from Dingosa) Trochosa persica
Trochosa hispanica Lycosidae 70 (T from Arctosa, not accepted by Platnick) Trochosa nava
Trochosa hispanica Lycosidae 70 (T from Geolycosa, not accepted by Platnick) Trochosa flavichelis
Trochosa hispanica Lycosidae 70 (T from Loculla, not accepted by Platnick) Trochosa austrocaspia
No genus found for this reference