Included taxa

Levi, H. W. (1992a). The American species of the orb-weaver genus Carepalxis and the new genus Rubrepeira (Araneae: Araneidae). Psyche, Cambridge 98(2-3, 1991): 251-264. doi:10.1155/1991/26493 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Carepalxis camelus Araneidae 255, f. 1-5 (f, S of Carepalxis vianai) Carepalxis camelus
Carepalxis gibbosa Araneidae 259, f. 11-17 (f, S of Carepalxis eremita, C. gibbosa and C. rotunda; chose the younger name as valid, without explanation) Carepalxis salobrensis
Carepalxis perpera Araneidae 258, f. 6-10 (f) Carepalxis perpera
Ocrepeira bispinosa Araneidae 254 (T from Carepalxis) Ocrepeira bispinosa
Rubrepeira rubronigra Araneidae 262, f. 18-22 (f, T from Alpaida) Rubrepeira rubronigra
Scoloderus cordatus Araneidae 254 (S) Scoloderus cordatus
Genus Family Page
Rubrepeira Levi, 1992 Araneidae 260