Included taxa
Schmidt, G. (1990b). Zur Spinnenfauna der Kanaren, Madeiras und der Azoren. Stuttgarter Beiträge zur Naturkunde (A) 451: 1-46.
Species | Family | Page / figures | published as |
Aculepeira annulipes | Araneidae | 25 (T from Araneus) | Aculepeira annulipes |
Alopecosa canaricola | Lycosidae | 38 (S of Alopecosa calderensis) | Alopecosa canaricola |
Alopecosa palmae | Lycosidae | 38 (S of Alopecosa palmensis) | Alopecosa palmae |
Dictyna guanchae | Dictynidae | 6 (S of Dictyna agaetensis) | Dictyna guanchae |
Halodromus patellidens | Philodromidae | 21 (S of Ebo patellaris; rejected by Wunderlich, 1992a: 504) | Ebo patellidens |
Oecobius maritimus | Oecobiidae | 6 (S of Oecobius aquaticus) | Oecobius maritimus |
Pulchellodromus pulchellus | Philodromidae | 20, f. 2 (Df; dedicated to Schmidt's wife) [] | Thanatus marionschmidti |
Scotophaeus tubicola | Gnaphosidae | 16, f. 1 (Df) | Scotophaeus tubicola |
Segestria florentina | Segestriidae | 10 (S of Segestria gracilis) | Segestria florentina |
Setaphis canariensis | Gnaphosidae | 12 (T from Camillina) | Setaphis canariensis |
Trachelas uniaculeatus | Trachelidae | 36, f. 3 (f) | Trachelas uniaculeatus |
No genus found for this reference