Included taxa

Kraus, O. & Kraus, M. (1989). The genus Stegodyphus (Arachnida, Araneae). Sibling species, species groups, and parallel origin of social living. Verhandlungen des Naturwissenschaftlichen Vereins in Hamburg (NF) 30: 151-254. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Stegodyphus africanus Eresidae 180, f. 13, 32-33, 40, 46-47, 52-53, 77-84, 260, 265 (mf, S of Stegodyphus luctuosus) Stegodyphus africanus
Stegodyphus bettoni Eresidae 186 ("immature female ... not even show traces of an epigynum" = nomen dubium; probably S of Stegodyphus hildebrandti) Stegodyphus bettoni
Stegodyphus bicolor Eresidae 214, f. 106-107, 113, 118, 174-187 (mf, T from Eresus, S of Stegodyphus canus and S. filimaculatus) Stegodyphus bicolor
Stegodyphus dufouri Eresidae 208, f. 104-105, 111-112, 126-131, 142-173 (mf, S of Stegodyphus niloticus) Stegodyphus dufouri
Stegodyphus dumicola Eresidae 237, f. 31, 195-198, 211, 246-248, 251-253, 256-259, 263 (mf, S of Stegodyphus deserticola, rejecting Lehtinen, 1967: 246, who considered S. deserticola S of Magunia/Stegodyphus tentoriicola) Stegodyphus dumicola
Stegodyphus duodimidiavittatus Eresidae 198 (nomen dubium) Stegodyphus duodimidiavittatus
Stegodyphus hildebrandti Eresidae 186, f. 20, 34, 41, 54-55, 85-88 (f, Dm; m of Tullgren, 1910 = S. mimosarum) Stegodyphus hildebrandti
Stegodyphus lineatus Eresidae 231, f. 1-2, 28, 202-205, 227-228, 234-242 (mf, S of Stegodyphus lineatus deserticola and S. quadriculatus) Stegodyphus lineatus
Stegodyphus lineifrons Eresidae 192, f. 89-90 (removed f from S of S. africanus, S of Stegodyphus affinis) Stegodyphus lineifrons
Stegodyphus manicatus Eresidae 218, f. 108, 114-115, 188-194 (mf, Sm of Stegodyphus assomptioni) Stegodyphus manicatus
Stegodyphus mimosarum Eresidae 195, f. 3-4, 8-12, 14-19, 37-39, 43-45, 49-51, 58-76, 96-99, 261, 266 (mf, S of Stegodyphus corallipes, S. gregarius and of S. simoni) Stegodyphus mimosarum
Stegodyphus mirandus Eresidae 224, f. 207, 212-217 (mf) Stegodyphus mirandus
Stegodyphus nathistmus Eresidae 228, f. 29-30, 200-201, 224-226, 229-233 (Dmf) Stegodyphus nathistmus
Stegodyphus pacificus Eresidae 202, f. 102, 109, 116, 119, 121-124, 132-138 (mf) Stegodyphus pacificus
Stegodyphus sabulosus Eresidae 190, f. 36, 91-95 (f) Stegodyphus sabulosus
Stegodyphus sarasinorum Eresidae 204, f. 21-27, 103, 110, 117, 120, 125, 139-141 (mf) Stegodyphus sarasinorum
Stegodyphus simplicifrons Eresidae 194, f. 100-101 (f, resurrected species level, as "doubtful species"; taken here as species inquirenda) Stegodyphus simplicifrons
Stegodyphus tentoriicola Eresidae 235, f. 206, 209-210, 243-245, 249-250, 254-255, 262 (mf) Stegodyphus tentoriicola
Stegodyphus tibialis Eresidae 226, f. 199, 208, 218-223 (mf, S of Stegodyphus socialis) Stegodyphus tibialis
Stegodyphus tibifer Eresidae 180 ("not possible to solve the problem of its identity" = nomen dubium, probably S of Stegodyphus africanus) Stegodyphus tibifer
Stegodyphus tingelin Eresidae 193, f. 7, 35, 42, 48, 56-57 (Dm) Stegodyphus tingelin
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