Included taxa

Coyle, F. A. (1984). A revision of the African mygalomorph spider genus Allothele (Araneae, Dipluridae). American Museum Novitates 2794: 1-20. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Allothele australis Euagridae 8, f. 16-20 (mf; removed from S of A. caffer, contra Benoit, 1964e: 419) Allothele australis
Allothele caffer Euagridae 12, f. 21-30 (Tmf from Euagrus) Allothele caffer
Allothele malawi Euagridae 14, f. 4-5, 9-10, 12-13, 31-43 (Dmf) Allothele malawi
Allothele regnardi Euagridae 15, f. 44-53 (Tmf from Euagrus) Allothele regnardi
Allothele teretis Euagridae 17, f. 2-3, 6-8, 11, 14-15, 54-74 (Tmf from Euagrus) Allothele teretis
Euagrus atropurpureus Euagridae 7 (misplaced, belongs neither to Euagrus nor to Allothele) Euagrus atropurpureus
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