Included taxa

Zhu, C. D. (1983). [A list of Chinese spiders (revised in 1983)]. Journal of the Bethune Medical University 9(suppl.): 1-130. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Oecobius cellariorum Oecobiidae 7 (S of Oecobius shaanxiensis and O. sinensis) Oecobius cellariorum
Pardosa tschekiangiensis Lycosidae 75 (S of Pardosa buttneri) Pardosa tschekiangiensis
Plator nipponicus Trochanteriidae 88 (S of Plator sinicus) Plator nipponicus
Songaraneus ejusmodi Araneidae 20 (S of Araneus pachygnathoides) Araneus ejusmodi
Songthela bristowei Liphistiidae 4 (S of Heptathela hangzhouensis; regarded as valid by Hu, 1984: 28) Heptathela bristowei
Spermophora senoculata Pholcidae 17 (S of Spermophora domestica) Spermophora senoculata
Tetragnatha keyserlingi Tetragnathidae 39 (S) Tetragnatha japonica
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