Included taxa
Helsdingen, P. J. van (1978b). Some synonymies in Old World spiders. Zoologische Mededelingen 53: 185-197.
Species | Family | Page / figures | published as |
Anguliphantes dybowskii | Linyphiidae | 188, f. 1-2 (m) | Lepthyphantes dybowskii |
Enoplognatha mordax | Theridiidae | 192 (S of Enoplognatha crucifera) | Enoplognatha mordax |
Helophora insignis | Linyphiidae | 186 (S of Linyphia sagittata, removed from nomen dubium) | Helophora insignis |
Oedothorax fuscus | Linyphiidae | 194 (S of Oedothorax tarsalis) | Oedothorax fuscus |
Stemonyphantes lineatus | Linyphiidae | 186 (S) | Stemonyphantes lineatus |
No genus found for this reference