Included taxa

Chrysanthus, P. (1971). Further notes on the spiders of New Guinea I (Argyopidae). Zoologische Verhandelingen 113: 1-52. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Anepsion buchi Araneidae 34, f. 67-68 (f) Anepsion buchi
Anepsion hammeni Araneidae 33, f. 65-66 (f) Anepsion hammeni
Anepsion peltoides Araneidae 33, f. 62-64 (mf) Anepsion peltoides
Araneus poltyoides Araneidae 29, f. 52-58 (Df) Araneus poltyoides
Argiope aemula Araneidae 9, f. 1-3 (f) Argiope aemula
Argiope aetherea Araneidae 10 (S of Argiope boetonica; rejected, see Argiope pictula) Argiope aetherea
Argiope appensa Araneidae 10, f. 4-8 (mf) Argiope appensa
Argiope doboensis Araneidae 14, f. 13-16 (f, misidentified) Argiope ocyaloides
Argiope picta Araneidae 14 (S of Argiope squallica, revalidated by Jäger, 2012c: 311) Argiope picta
Argiope protensa Araneidae 15, f. 17-19 (f) Argiope protensa
Argiope reinwardti Araneidae 15, f. 20-22 (f) Argiope reinwardti
Argiope takum Araneidae 17, f. 23-25 (Df) Argiope takum
Argiope trifasciata Araneidae 12, f. 9-12 (f) Argiope avara
Arkys nimdol Arkyidae 40, f. 79-81 (Dm) Arkys nimdol
Arkys roosdorpi Arkyidae 38, f. 74-77 (Df) Archemorus roosdorpi
Arkys sibil Arkyidae 37, f. 71-73 (Df) Archemorus sibil
Cyclosa albopunctata Araneidae 25, f. 123-125 (m, S of Cyclosa velata) Cyclosa albopunctata
Cyclosa bifida Araneidae 21, f. 34-36 (f) Cyclosa bifida
Cyclosa camelodes Araneidae 22, f. 37-39, 116 (m) Cyclosa camelodes
Cyclosa mulmeinensis Araneidae 23, f. 120-122 (m) Cyclosa mulmeinensis
Cyclosa vallata Araneidae 23, f. 40-41, 117-119 (mf) Cyclosa vallata
Cyrtophora cordiformis Araneidae 26, f. 43-44 (f) Araneus cordiformis
Cyrtophora moluccensis Araneidae 19, f. 31-33 (m) Cyrtophora moluccensis
Eriovixia laglaizei Araneidae 28, f. 45-47 (m) Araneus laglaizei
Gasteracantha crucigera Araneidae 44, f. 94-96 (f, S of Gasteracantha crucigera melanotica and G. crucigera tenuiscapus) Gasteracantha crucigera
Gasteracantha fasciata Araneidae 49, f. 112-113 (f) Gasteracantha fasciata
Gasteracantha mediofusca Araneidae 47, f. 105-106 (f, removed from S of Gasteracantha cancriformis, rejecting Dahl, 1914: 258, sub G. mammosa) Gasteracantha mediofusca
Gasteracantha pentagona Araneidae 45, f. 97-100 (mf) Gasteracantha pentagona
Gasteracantha quadrispinosa Araneidae 48, f. 107-108 (f) Gasteracantha quadrispinosa
Gasteracantha scintillans Araneidae 45, f. 101-103 (f, S of Gasteracantha scintillans concolor) Gasteracantha scintillans
Gasteracantha signifera Araneidae 49, f. 109-111 (f) Gasteracantha signifera
Gea subarmata Araneidae 18, f. 26-29 (Df) [] Gea brongersmai
Herennia papuana Araneidae 41, f. 85-86 (f, misidentified) Herennia ornatissima
Larinia tabida Araneidae 26, f. 42 (m) Larinia tabida
Neoscona nautica Araneidae 29, f. 48-51 (f) Araneus nauticus
Neoscona theisi Araneidae 31, f. 59-61 (f) Araneus theisi
Nephilengys papuana Araneidae 42, f. 92-93 (m, misidentified) Nephila malabarensis
Orsinome monulfi Tetragnathidae 40, f. 82-84 (Df) Orsinome monulfi
Poecilopachys minutissima Araneidae 36, f. 69-70 (Dm) Poecilopachys minutissima
Thelacantha brevispina Araneidae 47, f. 104 (f) Gasteracantha (T.) brevispina
Trichonephila plumipes Araneidae 42, f. 87-91 (mf) Nephila plumipes
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