Included taxa

Benoit, P. L. G. (1962a). Monographie des Araneidae-Gasteracanthinae africains (Araneae). Annales, Musée Royal de l'Afrique Centrale, Sciences zoologiques 112: 1-70. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Acrosomoides linnaei Araneidae 45, f. 30-31 (Tf from Gasteracantha) Acrosomoides linnaei
Acrosomoides tetraedra Araneidae 48, f. 33-34 (f, T from Gasteracantha) Acrosomoides tetraedra
Aetrocantha falkensteini Araneidae 23, f. 16 (T from Gasteracantha) Isoxya galeata
Aetrocantha falkensteini Araneidae 43, f. 28-29 (f, T from Gasteracantha) Aetrocantha falkensteini
Afracantha camerunensis Araneidae 25, f. 18 (f, T from Gasteracantha, removed from S of Gasteracantha batesi, rejecting Dahl, 1914: 252, S of Gasteracantha batesi) Isoxya camerunensis
Gasteracantha milvoides Araneidae 59 (removed from S of Gasteracantha versicolor [rejecting Dahl, 1914: 279], S of G. macrura [removed from S of G. sanguinolenta, rejecting Dahl, 1914: 278]) Gasteracantha milvoides
Gasteracantha sanguinolenta Araneidae 63, f. 42 (f, S of Gasteracantha importuna, G. impotens [removed from S of G. versicolor, rejecting Dahl, 1914: 279], and G. occidentalis) Gasteracantha sanguinolenta
Gasteracantha versicolor Araneidae 61, f. 40 (f, S of Gasteracantha versicolor nigristerna) Gasteracantha versicolor
Gastroxya krausi Araneidae 11, f. 7-10 (Dmf) Gastroxya krausi
Gastroxya leleupi Araneidae 13, f. 11 (Df) Gastroxya leleupi
Gastroxya schoutedeni Araneidae 9, f. 1-6 (Dmf) Gastroxya schoutedeni
Hypsacantha crucimaculata Araneidae 31 (T from Gasteracantha) Isoxya crucimaculata
Isoxya cicatricosa Araneidae 38, f. 25bis (f, T from Gasteracantha, S of Gasteracantha tubifera) Isoxya cicatricosa
Isoxya kochi Araneidae 20 (T from Gasteracantha) Isoxya penizoides
Isoxya mossamedensis Araneidae 24, f. 17 (Df) Isoxya mossamedensis
Isoxya mucronata Araneidae 27, f. 20 (f, T from Gasteracantha) Isoxya mucronata
Isoxya nigromutica Araneidae 66 (T from Gasteracantha) Isoxya nigromutica
Isoxya semiflava Araneidae 29, f. 22 (f, removed from S of Gasteracantha mucronata [rejecting Dahl, 1914: 255], S of Gasteracantha rogersi [removed from S of G. testudinaria, rejecting Lessert, 1930: 659]; rogersi is the older name, but Benoit chose semiflava as valid without explanation, this was accepted by Platnick) Isoxya semiflava
Isoxya somalica Araneidae 67 (T from Gasteracantha) Isoxya somalica
Isoxya stuhlmanni Araneidae 34, f. 25 (f, T from Gasteracantha) Isoxya stuhlmanni
Isoxya tabulata Araneidae 36 (T from Gasteracantha) Isoxya tabulata
Isoxya testudinaria Araneidae 31, f. 23 (f, T from Gasteracantha, S of Gasteracantha testudinaria benina) Isoxya testudinaria
Togacantha nordviei Araneidae 16, f. 12-13 (f, removed from S of Gasteracantha simoni) Isoxya (Togacantha) nordviei
Trichonephila inaurata madagascariensis Araneidae 231 Nephila madagascariensis
Genus Family Page
Gastroxya Benoit, 1962 Araneidae 8