Included taxa

Yaginuma, T. (1958c). Revision of Japanese spiders of family Argiopidae. II. Genus Cyrtophora. Acta Arachnologica 16(1): 10-17. doi:10.2476/asjaa.16.10 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Chrysso scintillans Theridiidae 37 Argyroaster venusta
Cyrtophora exanthematica Araneidae 14, f. 3I-L (mf, S of Cyclosa bifurcata) Cyrtophora exanthematica
Cyrtophora ikomosanensis Araneidae 13, f. 2A-E (mf, T from Araneus, S of Suzumia orientalis) Cyrtophora ikomosanensis
Cyrtophora moluccensis Araneidae 14, f. 2F-H (mf) Cyrtophora moluccensis
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