Achaearanea trapezoidalis |
Theridiidae |
17, pl. II, f. 1 (m) |
Achaea trapezoidalis |
Anelosimus eximius |
Theridiidae |
22 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Anelosimus eximius |
Anelosimus studiosus |
Theridiidae |
22, pl. II, f. 5-6 (m) |
Anelosimus textrix |
Argyrodes bonadea |
Theridiidae |
28, pl. IV, f. 8 (removed mf from S of A. argentatus) |
Conopistha bonadea |
Argyrodes gracilis |
Theridiidae |
29, pl. IV, f. 7 (m) |
Conopistha gracilis |
Canalidion montanum |
Theridiidae |
19 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion montanum |
Chrysso albomaculata |
Theridiidae |
18, pl. II, f. 3-4 (m) |
Chrysso davisi |
Cryptachaea porteri |
Theridiidae |
15 (T from Theridion) |
Cryptachaea porteri |
Cryptachaea riparia |
Theridiidae |
15 (T from Theridion) |
Cryptachaea saxatilis |
Cryptachaea rupicola |
Theridiidae |
15 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Cryptachaea rupicola |
Cryptachaea serenoae |
Theridiidae |
15 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Cryptachaea serenoae |
Enoplognatha caricis |
Theridiidae |
24, pl. III, f. 7 (m) |
Theridion tectum |
Enoplognatha ovata |
Theridiidae |
23, pl. III, f. 7 (m) |
Theridion ovatum |
Hadrotarsus fulvus |
Theridiidae |
17, pl. I, f. 6 (m) |
Hadrotarsus fulvus |
Hentziectypus globosus |
Theridiidae |
17, pl. I, f. 4 (m) |
Hentziectypus globosus |
Hentziectypus schullei |
Theridiidae |
17 (T from Theridion) |
Hentziectypus credulus |
Kochiura aulica |
Theridiidae |
16, pl. 1, f. 3 (m, T from Theridion) |
Kochiura aulica |
Mimetus nelsoni |
Mimetidae |
31, pl. IV, f. 9-10 (Df) |
Mimetus nelsoni |
Neottiura bimaculata |
Theridiidae |
21, p. III, f. 8 (m) |
Neottiura bimaculata |
Nesticodes rufipes |
Theridiidae |
22, pl. II, f. 7-8 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Nesticodes rufipes |
Ohlertidion ohlerti |
Theridiidae |
14 (T from Theridion) |
Parasteatoda umbraticum |
Paidiscura pallens |
Theridiidae |
27, pl. IV, f. 6 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Paidiscura pallens |
Parasteatoda camura |
Theridiidae |
14, pl. I, f. 5 (m, T from Theridion) |
Parasteatoda camura |
Parasteatoda lunata |
Theridiidae |
14 (T from Theridion) |
Parasteatoda formosum |
Paratheridula perniciosa |
Theridiidae |
20 (T from Theridion) |
Allotheridion arcadicum |
Phoroncidia americana |
Theridiidae |
39, pl. IV, f. 2 (m) |
Ulesanis americana |
Phoroncidia lygeana |
Theridiidae |
39, pl. IV, f. 5 (m) |
Phoroncidia lygeana |
Phoroncidia moyobamba |
Theridiidae |
27, pl. IV, f. 4 (m; misidentified per Levi, 1964d: 70) |
Wibrada longiceps |
Phoroncidia testudo |
Theridiidae |
39, pl. IV, f. 3 (Dm) |
Ulesanis testudo |
Phylloneta impressa |
Theridiidae |
20 (T from Theridion) |
Allotheridion impressum |
Phylloneta pictipes |
Theridiidae |
19 (T from Theridion) |
Allotheridion (Phylloneta) pictipes |
Platnickina adamsoni |
Theridiidae |
13, pl. I, f. 2 (Df) [] |
Chindellum magnificum |
Platnickina punctosparsa |
Theridiidae |
20 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion punctosparsum |
Rugathodes aurantius |
Theridiidae |
24 |
Theridion (R.) aurantium |
Rugathodes bellicosus |
Theridiidae |
24 |
Theridion (R.) bellicosum |
Rugathodes instabilis |
Theridiidae |
24 |
Theridion (Rugathodes) instabile |
Rugathodes sexpunctatus |
Theridiidae |
24, pl. III, f. 7 (m) |
Theridion (R.) sexpunctatum |
Sardinidion blackwalli |
Theridiidae |
20 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion blackwalli |
Spintharus flavidus |
Theridiidae |
25, pl. III, f. 1-2 (m) |
Spintharus flavidus |
Theridion albidum |
Theridiidae |
19, pl. III, f. 4 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion albidum |
Theridion australe |
Theridiidae |
38, pl. III, f. 5 (Tf from Theridion, Dm) |
Allotheridion australe |
Theridion boesenbergi |
Theridiidae |
19 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion bosenbergi |
Theridion californicum |
Theridiidae |
38, pl. III, f. 5 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion californicum |
Theridion cynicum |
Theridiidae |
22 (Tm from Theridion, rejected) |
Anelosimus cynicum |
Theridion differens |
Theridiidae |
20, pl. III, f. 4-5 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion differens |
Theridion dividuum |
Theridiidae |
20 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion dividuum |
Theridion dulcineum |
Theridiidae |
20 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion dulcineum |
Theridion electum |
Theridiidae |
20 (T from Theridion) |
Allotheridion electum |
Theridion evexum |
Theridiidae |
20 (T from Theridion) |
Allotheridion evexum |
Theridion flavonotatum |
Theridiidae |
20 (T from Theridion) |
Allotheridion flavonotatum |
Theridion frondeum |
Theridiidae |
19 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion frondeum |
Theridion incomtum |
Theridiidae |
25, pl. II, f. 9-10 (m) |
Liger incomta |
Theridion longipedatum |
Theridiidae |
20 (Tf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion longipedatum |
Theridion melanurum |
Theridiidae |
19, pl. III, f. 4 (Tf from Theridion, Dm) |
Allotheridion dorsatum |
Theridion murarium |
Theridiidae |
18, pl. III, f. 5 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion murarium |
Theridion orlando |
Theridiidae |
20, pl. III, f. 3 (Df) |
Allotheridion orlando |
Theridion pennsylvanicum |
Theridiidae |
38, pl. III, f. 5 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion pennsylvanicum |
Theridion petraeum |
Theridiidae |
20 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion petraeum |
Theridion pictum |
Theridiidae |
19 (T from Theridion) |
Allotheridion ornatum |
Theridion pictum |
Theridiidae |
19 (T from Theridion) |
Allotheridion zelotypum |
Theridion pictum |
Theridiidae |
20 (T from Theridion) |
Allotheridion pictum |
Theridion pinastri |
Theridiidae |
19 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion pinastri |
Theridion positivum |
Theridiidae |
12 (Tf from Theridion) |
Chindellum detractum |
Theridion varians |
Theridiidae |
19 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Allotheridion varians |
Thymoites expulsus |
Theridiidae |
33, pl. I, f. 7 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Tholocco expulsa |
Thymoites guanicae |
Theridiidae |
16 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Tholocco guanicae |
Thymoites maderae |
Theridiidae |
16 (Tmf from Theridion) |
Tholocco maderae |
Thymoites marxi |
Theridiidae |
26, pl. IV, f. 1 (m) |
Paidisca marxi |
Thymoites pallidus |
Theridiidae |
16 (T from Dipoena, S of Theridion wallacei) |
Tholocco pallida |
Thymoites pallidus |
Theridiidae |
16 (T from Theridion) |
Tholocco edinburgensis |
Thymoites unimaculatus |
Theridiidae |
16 (T from Theridion, S of Theridion nicoleti) |
Tholocco unimaculata |
Tidarren haemorrhoidale |
Theridiidae |
15, pl. II, f. 2 (m) |
Tidarren minor |
Wamba crispulus |
Theridiidae |
12, pl. I, f. 1 (Tm from Theridion) |
Chindellum intervallatum |
Yunohamella lyrica |
Theridiidae |
20 (T from Theridion) |
Allotheridion lyricum |