Included taxa

Archer, A. F. (1946). The Theridiidae or comb-footed spiders of Alabama. Museum Paper, Alabama Museum of Natural History 22: 1-67. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Cryptachaea porteri Theridiidae 36 Theridion (Cryptachaea) catapetraeum
Faiditus globosus Theridiidae 28, pl. I, f. 3, pl. II, f. 6 (m) Conopistha globosa
Hentziectypus globosus Theridiidae 51, pl. II, f. 1-3 (mf, T from Theridion) Hentziectypus globosus
Parasteatoda tepidariorum Theridiidae 38 (T from Theridion) Parasteatoda tepidariorum
Platnickina adamsoni Theridiidae 46 (S of Theridion blatchleyi) Theridion hobbsi
Pocobletus coroniger Linyphiidae 16 (S of Theridion sex-setosum) Graphomoa theridioides
Theridion flavonotatum Theridiidae 42 (S) Theridion flavonotatum
Theridion glaucescens Theridiidae 47 (removed f from S of T. blandum Hentz, 1850, Sm) Theridion glaucescens
Theridula opulenta Theridiidae 52 (removed from S, rejected) Theridula ventillans
Theridula opulenta Theridiidae 52 (removed from S, rejected) Theridula sphaerula
Thymoites expulsus Theridiidae 50, pl. II, f. 4 (f, misidentified) Theridion dividuum
Thymoites unimaculatus Theridiidae 49 (T from Theridion) Tholocco amputata
Yunohamella lyrica Theridiidae 43 (Sm) Theridion lyricum
Genus Family Page
Allotheridion Archer, 1946 Theridiidae 41
Cryptachaea Archer, 1946 Theridiidae 36
Hentziectypus Archer, 1946 Theridiidae 51
Parasteatoda Archer, 1946 Theridiidae 38
Tholocco Archer, 1946 Theridiidae 49