Included taxa

Muma, M. H. (1945). New and interesting spiders from Maryland. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington 58: 91-104. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Annapolis mossi Linyphiidae 93, f. 3-6 (Dmf) Sciastes mossi
Barronopsis jeffersi Agelenidae 94, pl. 9, f. 7-9 (Dmf) Agelenopsis jeffersi
Castianeira alata Corinnidae 97, pl. 10, f. 11-13 (Dmf) Castianeira alata
Euryopis quinquemaculata Theridiidae 96 (T, subsequently rejected) Dipoena quinquemaculata
Neoantistea agilis Hahniidae 101, pl. 10, f. 18-19 (Df) Neoantistea gertschi
Octonoba sinensis Uloboridae 91, pl. 9, f. 1-2 (Dmf) [] Uloborus octonarius
Phrurotimpus certus Phrurolithidae 101 (Df) Phrurotimpus certus
Scotinella banksi Phrurolithidae 100, pl. 10, f. 17 (Df) [] Phrurolithus pipensis
Scotinella goodnighti Phrurolithidae 99, pl. 10, f. 14-16 (Dmf) Phrurolithus goodnighti
Theridion rabuni Theridiidae 96, f. 10 (Df) Theridion reticulateum
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