Included taxa

Okumura, K. I. (2023a). List of the spiders collected from Oki Islands in October 2022. Kishidaia 123: 57-61. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Aeolocoelotes personatus Agelenidae 58, f. 2A (f) Aeolocoelotes personatus
Clubiona mandschurica Clubionidae 59, f. 2C (f) Clubiona mandschurica
Coelotes aritai Agelenidae 58, f. 1C-D (mf) Coelotes aritai
Coelotes notoensis Agelenidae 58, f. 1A-B (m, Df) Coelotes notoensis
Cybaeus kuramotoi Cybaeidae 58, f. 2B (f) Cybaeus kuramotoi
Yaginumanis sexdentatus Salticidae 59, f. 2D (f) Yaginumanis sexdentatus
No genus found for this reference