Included taxa

Sherwood, D., Gabriel, R., Questel, K., Rollard, C. & Leguin, E.-A. (2024f). A new species of Cyrtopholis Simon, 1892 from Montserrat with notes on some other Caribbean theraphosines (Araneae: Theraphosidae). Arachnology 19(9): 1298-1307. doi:10.13156/arac.2024.19.9.1298 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Cyrtopholis antillana Theraphosidae 1299, f. 1A-F, 2A-G, 3-4, 5A, C-D (mf, removed from S of Cyrtopholis bartholomaei, rejecting Petrunkevitch, 1929a: 519) Cyrtopholis antillana
Cyrtopholis femoralis Theraphosidae 1302, f. 6A-F, 7A-F, 8 (m) Cyrtopholis femoralis
Cyrtopholis innocua Theraphosidae 1305 (type lost, possibly immature, not identifiable, nomen dubium) Cyrtopholis innocua
Cyrtopholis intermedia Theraphosidae 1306 (type lost, not identifiable, nomen dubium) Cyrtopholis intermedia
Cyrtopholis ischnoculiformis Theraphosidae 1306 (not identifiable, possible S of Cyrtopholis unispina, nomen dubium) Cyrtopholis ischnoculiformis
Cyrtopholis montserrat Theraphosidae 1303, f. 9A-F, 10-A-G, 11-13 (Dmf) Cyrtopholis montserrat
Cyrtopholis obsoleta Theraphosidae 1306 (type lost, not identifiable, nomen dubium) Cyrtopholis obsoleta
Cyrtopholis respina Theraphosidae 1306 (nomen nudum confirmed) Cyrtopholis respinus
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