Included taxa

Coşar, İ., Danışman, T. & Marusik, Y. M. (2024). Two new species belonging to Coreodrassus and Poecilochroa (Aranei: Gnaphosidae) from Anatolia with comments on taxonomy of both genera. Arthropoda Selecta 33(1): 112-124. doi:10.15298/arthsel.33.1.11 download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Coreodrassus interlisus Gnaphosidae 116, f. 6D-E (f) Coreodrassus interlisus
Coreodrassus murphyi Gnaphosidae 116 (S of Coreodrassus boldgivi; both species were published at the same date, valid name decided by the first revisor) Coreodrassus murphyi
Coreodrassus recepsahini Gnaphosidae 117, f. 1A-F, 2A-F, 4A-E, 5A-B, 6A-C (Dmf) Coreodrassus recepsahini
Coreodrassus semidesertus Gnaphosidae 117, f. 3A-C (m) Coreodrassus semidesertus
Poecilochroa variana Gnaphosidae 113, f. 9A-F (m) Poecilochroa variana
Trichothyse hamipalpis Gnaphosidae 113, f. 7F, 8E-F (m) Poecilochroa hamipalpis
Trichothyse ilkerakkusi Gnaphosidae 120, f. 5C-F, 7A-E, 8A-D (Dm) Poecilochroa ilkerakkusi
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