Included taxa

Strand, E. (1916a). Zehn neue äthiopische Lycosiden nebst Bemerkungen über einige weitere exotische Araneae. Jahrbücher des Nassauischen Vereins für Naturkunde 69: 97-118. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Arctosa brauni Lycosidae 116 (Df) Tarentula brauni
Arctosa nyembeensis Lycosidae 113 (Dj) Tarentula nyembeensis
Geolycosa kijabica Lycosidae 110 (Df) Tarentula kijabica
Hogna swakopmundensis Lycosidae 108 (Df) Tarentula swakopmundensis
Paraplectana thorntoni Araneidae 101 (Df) [] Paraplectana thorntoni occidentalis
Pardosa injucunda Lycosidae 106 (Df) [] Lycosa feldmanni xanthippe
Pardosa messingerae Lycosidae 102 (Df) Lycosa proximella messingerae
Pardosa naevioides Lycosidae 104 (Df) Lycosa naevioides
Pardosa proximella mbogana Lycosidae 104 (new name for f of P. proximella described by Strand, 1913a: 465) Lycosa proximella mbogana
Pardosa proximella wauana Lycosidae 104 (new name for f of P. proximella described by Strand, 1913a: 465) Lycosa proximella wauana
Trochosa bukobae Lycosidae 111 (Df) Tarentula bukobae
Trochosa charmina Lycosidae 108 (Df) Tarentula pseudofurva charmina
Trochosa masumbica Lycosidae 115 (Df) Tarentula masumbica
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