Included taxa

Déjean, S. (2022c). Révision des Leptoneta du groupe infuscata (Leptonetidae, Araneae) dans les Pyrénées et sur le versant Sud de la Montagne Noire (Occitanie, France) avec description de Leptoneta albera sp. nov. Revue Arachnologique (2) 9: 13-25. download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Leptoneta albera Leptonetidae 23, f. 11A-B, 12A-B, 14A-B, 15E-F (Dmf) Leptoneta albera
Leptoneta infuscata Leptonetidae 15, f. 2A-C, 3A-B, 15A-B (mf) Leptoneta infuscata
Leptoneta minos Leptonetidae 19, f. 6A-B, 7A-D, 8A-B, 15C-D (mf, removed from S of of Leptoneta infuscata [rejecting Ribera, 1988a: 273], elevated to species level, S of L. infuscata corberensis [removed from S of L. infuscata, rejecting Ribera, 1988a: 273]) Leptoneta minos
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