Included taxa

Hogg, H. R. (1908). Some Australasian spiders. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 78(2): 335-344. doi:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1908.tb01846.x download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Dolomedes schauinslandi Dolomedidae 340, f. 74 (Dmf) [] Dolomedes huttoni
Dolomedes schauinslandi Dolomedidae 342, f. 75 (Dmf) [] Dolomedes trippi
Hexathele hochstetteri Hexathelidae 337, f. 73 (Df) Hexathele websteri
Hexathele huttoni Hexathelidae 337 (D) Hexathele huttoni
Missulena occatoria Actinopodidae 335, f. 72 (f) Missulena occatoria
No genus found for this reference