Included taxa

González-Sponga, M. A. (2009b). Arácnidos de Venezuela. Seis nuevas especies del género Micrathena Sundevall, 1833, grupo schreibersi (Araneae: Arachnidae). Boletín de la Sociedad Venezolana de Ciencias Naturales 47(154, for 2006): ?-27-38-?. [see: Foghin, 2009: 192-193 (available here instead of the paper of González-Sponga); was apparently never published; pdf or copy is urgently needed, if it was really published] download pdf


Species Family Page / figures published as
Micrathena caurensis Araneidae 27 (D) Micrathena caurensis
Micrathena grandis Araneidae 29 (D) Micrathena grandis
Micrathena iguanensis Araneidae 31 (D) Micrathena iguanensis
Micrathena suapurensis Araneidae 33 (D) Micrathena suapurensis
Micrathena supamoensis Araneidae 35 (D) Micrathena supamoensis
Micrathena venezuelensis Araneidae 37 (D) Micrathena venezuelensis
No genus found for this reference